Author Topic: Aspects - Off The Lip - Full Music Video Download!  (Read 100 times)

Don Seer

Aspects - Off The Lip - Full Music Video Download!
« on: September 19, 2005, 04:26:29 AM »

download links here..

WMV is about 10 meg..   MOV is about 80 meg..

its quite slow..

Artist: Aspects
Title: Off The Lip feat. The Bees
Format(s): CD single, 10”, 7”
Released: 2004
Cat no: ANTXD012, ANTTE012, ANTSI012

It's time to loosen up that tie, grab your surfboard and fire up the camper van as Aspects and The Bees invite you on an excursion to Fistral Beach.
Aspects are vocalists El Eye (Ian Merchant) and Mantis (Ben Weaver), producer Specify (Ryan Jarrett) and beat-boxer Monkey Moo (Rory Donnelly). "With 'Off The Lip' we wanted to create the ultimate anti-work anthem," explains Mantis. "It's about living out your dreams as opposed to being stuck in a mundane job that you hate. The classic 'The Endless Summer' movies directed by Bruce Brown were a big inspiration, they're about these guys who travel the globe surfing, outrunning winter."

Musically the track comes on like vintage 'Off The Wall' era Quincy Jones; the sweeping strings, lush keys and disco drums combine The Bees vocal harmonics and Mantis' heartfelt raps to make a soundtrack perfect for a beach barbeque or cruising in your Beetle. Included on the 10" and CD single is a DJ Format remix of 'Soul Sister' which turns the original into an up tempo blues work out.

Incidentally Aspects' Mantis is an authentic beach bum in the Point Break style, having honed his surfing chops during his misspent youth in Cornwall. You can check out his technique in the 'Off The Lip' video which sees Mantis taking to Bristol's streets to indulge in a spot of pavement surfing! The video also includes pro-skateboarding action from legend Danny Wainwright and chums and 'hilarious' cameos from DJ Yoda, Nobsta Nuts and Slicer Man of the Headcase Ladz.

Aspects critically acclaimed new album 'Mystery Theatre' is an album unhindered by trends, drawing inspiration from the past to create new musical forms. Beatmeister Specify explains, “To understand our music you've got to imagine Hip-Hop existed in the 60’s. We use analogue production values and psychedelic song writing to create our own type of sound; 60’s rap!” El Eye adds; “We make pirate music. We’re pirates, sailing along plundering genres for their soul, assimilating their funk then we’re moving on to the next port.”

'Mystery Theatre' has all the ingredients required to be a future classic. So, in the meantime, grab your board and let's hit the surf!


1. Off The Lip (Original)
2. Soul Sister (DJ Format Remix)
3. Off The Lip (Version)
Also includes 'Off The Lip' video
1. Off The Lip
2. Work In Progress

Off The Lip (Original)
Soul Sister (DJ Format Remix)
Off The Lip (Dub)

« Last Edit: September 19, 2005, 11:08:40 AM by Overseer »

Don Seer

Re: Aspects - Off The Lip - Full Music Video Download!
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2005, 06:40:37 AM »
finally got it now.. download went a bit slow!

the guy who does that verse that seems kinda spliced in where the TV static is my mate ian

weird that i recognise a lot of those spots around bristol :)