Author Topic: It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill  (Read 352 times)

Real American

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It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill
« on: November 14, 2005, 05:38:23 PM »
The Tragedy of the UK Terror Bill 
By Carol Gould | November 10, 2005

It is vitally important for those outside the United Kingdom to understand both the implications and the complexities of the defeat by Tony Blair’s government of the gravely important Anti-Terror Bill in Parliament today. What is crucial for the world to know is that 72 percent of the British public in various polls this week said they wanted the 90 day rule passed.

Shockingly, Parliament – including many opposition Conservatives – defied the British people and voted against the Bill at a time when ordinary citizens are fearful of further Jihadist attacks and of a nationwide Intifada akin to the one unfolding across the Channel in France.

Tony Blair has been defeated in the Commons live on national television on a major Bill for the first time in his Prime Ministership. The Bill provided police and security services 90 days to process and interrogate terror suspects in the UK. Defeat of the bill effectively means that police have only 28 days to process and begin unraveling terror plots and plotters. More significantly, it is a defeat of Tony Blair by a House full of MPs who seem to think they can overrule the wishes of the British public because of their anger at Britain's Iraq commitment.

Even more significantly, those outside Britain will not know how the BBC handled today's tragic vote. The barely-disguised glee amongst television anchors and commentators was breathtaking even by West-bashing BBC standards. After the vote, the BBC wheeled in an endless stream of Muslim leaders, mosque activists, human rights activists and ultra-Left-wing MPs (in the UK, ultra-Left means to the Left of Michael Moore and Noam Chomsky), but not one ordinary Briton was interviewed. Not one MP who voted for the Bill was interviewed.

The dreaded "Sir" Iqbal Sacranie – who was an activist years ago in the Fatwa against Rushdie and publicly refuses to criticize suicide bombers and who wants Holocaust Memorial Day removed – was on air for what seemed an eternity and his joy could barely be contained. The BBC set up a mobile studio outside the main mosque in Bradford and kept repeatedly interviewing two young men who were clearly ecstatic that the anti-Terror Bill had been defeated. On various street corners, microphones were thrust in front of Muslims who were numb with happiness that the Bill – and "Bush's puppy dog Blair" – had been quashed.

Despite my ability to change minds and inform the public as a journalist, I feel powerless and helpless as a British voter. Seventy percent of us – registered British voters – wanted the House of Commons to approve the Bill and lock up suspected terrorists in our midst for a minimum of ninety days, but our elected representatives chose to cave in to the relentless browbeating we receive every day from Islamic radicals who are given endless media exposure, not to mention my fellow journalists who write daily diatribes against the United States, Israel and Blair’s attachment to the American war on terror.

During the debate today in the Commons, a member of the Loyal Opposition shouted at the Prime Minister, "Are we to live in a police state?" Blair was nonplussed and visibly shaken. His anger could barely be controlled. There we were: a member of the House repeating the refrain of every media outlet in Britain that – despite July 7th – Britain risks becoming a ‘police state’ or a ‘fascist state like the USA’ if we crack down on home-grown terrorists. Instead, we must wheel out every permutation of Islamic spokesperson to tell us how evil our culture is and how Britain has become a lapdog to Washington Zionist neocons. We must, they shout, not listen to the police and security services but let terrorists go back out onto the streets after twenty-eight days in custody.

One BBC reporter breathlessly expressed her view that this vote "will be a supreme embarrassment" for Prime Minister Blair. How is it embarrassing, if the majority of British voters, watching a bloody Intifada exploding in the rest of Europe and having seen fifty-two of our own blown up on July 7th, want the 90 day rule adopted? The BBC and the Left-wing media, who now dominate Great Britain, inform us that Blair is ‘embarrassed’ when in fact the general public is dismayed and alarmed that he could be defeated on such a pragmatic position. The fact that every Muslim activist interviewed on television tonight is filled with happiness indicates that the United Kingdom is headed for a sorry future. If anything, Europe needed a Patriot Act long ago.

Imagine if the French Intifada happens here in the UK and the already-overburdened police are saddled with processing hundreds of suspects with a 28-day limit?

It is a dark day for Europe indeed.


Real American

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Re: It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2005, 05:39:14 PM »
Since when does giving the police the tools they need to catch terrorists make a country a "police state"? How exactly do you define a police state?
« Last Edit: November 14, 2005, 06:20:42 PM by Real American »

Birch Barlow

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Re: It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2005, 05:41:48 PM »
I does suck that this didn't pass. It could have made the whole UK safier.
Their needs to be more legislation like this passed.

Real American

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Re: It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2005, 05:44:31 PM »
I does suck that this didn't pass. It could have made the whole UK safier.
Their needs to be more legislation like this passed.

But Britain's left wing media, left wing elite, and Islamic radicals don't want it to pass.

The only people who wanted the terror law to pass are average every day Britons....and obviously no one cares about them.

J Bananas

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Re: It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2005, 05:47:45 PM »
You are not a real American.

Don Rizzle

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Re: It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2005, 06:14:08 PM »
I does suck that this didn't pass. It could have made the whole UK safier.
Their needs to be more legislation like this passed.

But Britain's left wing media, left wing elite, and Islamic radicals don't want it to pass.

The only people who wanted the terror law to pass are average every day Britons....and obviously no one cares about them.
it was the conseratives trying to make political capitol out of making the tony blair look weak which made the bill not pass its sad but true because the conservatives are natural allies of laws like this, if they were in power they'd be advocating exactly the same things, they just want to embarress the governement hence michael howards call for TBs resignation after the 90 day law failed in the house of commons.....even the lib dem lord said it MPs were wrong and the lib dems are so left wing they are virtualy communist

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?


My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


Don Seer

Re: It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2005, 12:04:39 AM »
this 'article' is full of shit.. left wing media my arse.. you dont watch or read our media.. you only hear what you;'re spoon fed you retard.. the whole of europe is pushing to the right under the pressures of increased immigration/economic migration.

the main reason is the law would violate human rights stuff already agreed.. it would mean possible legal action against the country from those groups.

the other thing not mentioned that majorly fucked this situation up was that the police themselves lobbied MPs.. and that worked against them.. the police force is not a political organisation and their involvement has kicked off a debate in itself.

i dont believe the public were massively for it..
« Last Edit: November 15, 2005, 12:08:19 AM by Overseer »


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Re: It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2005, 12:07:59 AM »
this 'article' is full of shit.. left wing media my arse.. you dont watch or read our media.. you only hear what you;'re spoon fed you retard.. the whole of europe is pushing to the right under the pressures of increased immigration/economic migration.

the main reason is the law would violate human rights stuff already agreed.. it would mean possible legal action against the country from those groups.

the other thing not mentioned that majorly fucked this situation up was that the police themselves lobbied MPs.. and that worked against them..

i dont believe the public were massively for it..

no no no bt those left wingers this and those left wingers that!   ::)

Don Seer

Re: It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2005, 12:11:35 AM »

fact is.. if they arrest someone and after 28 days cant charge..thats charge! then they cant have had a good reason for arrest anyways..

you arrest em... use up the 28 days.. charge em.. and wack em in jail till trial for public safety.. they can do that now..

Don Rizzle

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Re: It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2005, 02:11:09 AM »
this 'article' is full of shit.. left wing media my arse.. you dont watch or read our media.. you only hear what you;'re spoon fed you retard.. the whole of europe is pushing to the right under the pressures of increased immigration/economic migration.

the main reason is the law would violate human rights stuff already agreed.. it would mean possible legal action against the country from those groups.

the other thing not mentioned that majorly fucked this situation up was that the police themselves lobbied MPs.. and that worked against them.. the police force is not a political organisation and their involvement has kicked off a debate in itself.

i dont believe the public were massively for it..
the article was full of shit, but i don't believe it failed because of human right laws or police lobbying and i don't believe it was wrong for them to lobby, they need these powers so parliament shud try and support them. and public opinion was in favour of these laws that has been admitted on all sides. I don't believe the conservatives were rejected it for the reasons they stated, they rejected it to weaken the government, i had been in favour of david davis becoming the next tory leader, but now i don't know....he did raise some good points BUT i believe pros of the 90 day rule outweighed the cons and it would make us safer. its the current human rights laws which make a mockery of our country because we are not allowed to deport dangerous people because they almost always come from dodgy countries and we are not allowed to hold them indefinatly so we let them go free and they are a danger to the public, so we end up paying millions on survalience which isn't fool proof.

edit: i do agree with what the article was saying about the bbc this time they were not putting across a representitive view they just interview loads of people against the bill and hardly anyone in favour of it, they did the same with the comments on their website i'm not happy they have been trying to distort what the nations view is, they are usually very good at being unbiased but in this case i think the editors have done to much selective publishing.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2005, 08:56:15 AM by Don Rizzle »

iraq would just get annexed by iran

That would be a great solution.  If Iran and the majority of Iraqi's are pleased with it, then why shouldn't they do it?

No Compute

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Re: It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2005, 05:59:13 AM »
It would be embarrassing if it was passed.

Real American

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Re: It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2005, 02:26:52 PM »

edit: i do agree with what the article was saying about the bbc this time they were not putting across a representitive view they just interview loads of people against the bill and hardly anyone in favour of it, they did the same with the comments on their website i'm not happy they have been trying to distort what the nations view is, they are usually very good at being unbiased but in this case i think the editors have done to much selective publishing.

Overseer is definitely in denial if he thinks the BBC isn't left wing. It is not his fault though, he just hasn't been exposed to different media sources. I personally read the BBC's website everyday and I am usually disgusted by the blatant anti-American, anti-Israeli, anti-west coverage. Do we even need to mention the scandal from a few years back when the heads of BBC were forced to step down because of biased coverage?

As for the law itself, as an American I cannot possibly fathom the idea of working against their government to prevent them from fighting terror. Grow some fucking balls, Britain, and quit being so damn politically correct. What happened to the bad ass country led by the great Winston Churchill?

No Compute

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Re: It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill
« Reply #13 on: November 15, 2005, 02:33:10 PM »

edit: i do agree with what the article was saying about the bbc this time they were not putting across a representitive view they just interview loads of people against the bill and hardly anyone in favour of it, they did the same with the comments on their website i'm not happy they have been trying to distort what the nations view is, they are usually very good at being unbiased but in this case i think the editors have done to much selective publishing.

Overseer is definitely in denial if he thinks the BBC isn't left wing. It is not his fault though, he just hasn't been exposed to different media sources. I personally read the BBC's website everyday and I am usually disgusted by the blatant anti-American, anti-Israeli, anti-west coverage. Do we even need to mention the scandal from a few years back when the heads of BBC were forced to step down because of biased coverage?

As for the law itself, as an American I cannot possibly fathom the idea of working against their government to prevent them from fighting terror. Grow some fucking balls, Britain, and quit being so damn politically correct. What happened to the bad ass country led by the great Winston Churchill?

It's called democracy.

Real American

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Re: It is an embarassment that Britain didn't pass that terror bill
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2005, 02:35:43 PM »

It's called democracy.

If it was true democracy the people will would have been followed and the law would have passed.