Author Topic: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?  (Read 4225 times)


Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #105 on: March 14, 2009, 09:06:09 PM »
Unfortunately that's what has kept it unleaked for this long.  Every time it's changed hands, huge sums of money seem to be involved.  No one wants to leak it because they've invested so much of their own money into it.  That's why it's unfortunate things didn't work out with Los Skanless.  I was hoping it was finally go from one person paying a shit load of cash to many people, each paying a small amount.


Yeah.  There were a lot of people disappointed with how it was handled, but playing devil's advocate, there's no way he could have made everyone happy.  Everyone thought he should have handled it a different way.  That's human nature, I suppose.  But there's no way he could have pleased everyone.

Jimmy H.

Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #106 on: March 15, 2009, 12:41:06 AM »
yea honestly we know the guy who sold Losskans the cd didnt sell him the ONLY copy, so i dunno why homies not trying to Capitoline off it now. LIKE I SAID IF YOU GOT THE CROOKED I CD EMAIL ME, PM ME, WHATEVER... I WILL RELEASE IT ALL OVER, PRESS IT Up, STICK IT IN STORES, YOU WILL MAKE  ASHITLOAD OF MONEY

But how does anyone know this? It seems like every project outside of the stuff you put out on your label has been stuff you're selling through your own site. I only know what I've read and heard from certain situations and maybe it's all lies but perception becomes reality in a lot of cases when it comes to business. A lot of things don't add up. Crooked I is supposedly someone that you are in contact with yet you're out here asking for people on the Net to leak his Death Row stuff to you? If he's getting paid and you can find your way around the legalities of releasing this material, why aren't the two of you breaking bread right now? There's money to be made. Why you don't throw the "Block Obama" mixtape he was giving out for all the DJ's to host out there in the stores and make your money? The people want some pressed Crooked and if y'all are tight, he ain't gonna give you crap for releasing it to the stores.

I mean, I asked you about the stores and never really got an answer. I checked Amazon and most of the stuff you were selling before is listed as "discontinued by the manufacturer". E-Bay, which is just one big free market but doesn't allow sales of bootlegs has none of your stuff. Presumably, the only place to buy this shit is through your page which looks like it was taken down.

I'm not trying to be a dick here but outside of buying directly from you, where is one place that I can legally purchase pressed copies of any of that stuff you were selling at your website like the Petey Pablo Death Row album and the "Inside Deathrow" DVD's? Anyone that is potentially give you the Crooked I material would want to know this as it would give some indication of the availability of it. From where I stand, it seems like you sell stuff for a couple of months until someone comes along with a "cease and desist" order and then removes it. If you want someone to hook you up with Crooked's tracks, you should at least disclose something tangible to suggest that you're a legit businessman and not just some con man whose selling pressed bootlegs for profit.


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Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #107 on: March 15, 2009, 04:38:09 AM »
thankls for ya input but its not as it seems sometimes

let me touch on the crooked i cd, 1st and foremost crook is my homie, has been for a few... i brokered a few deals with him (one being the GMG deal they offered him that we turned down). Crook doesnt have allot of his deathrow material. and from what he told me at the time it was something he wasnt interested in getting involved with, of course if i did get it and did make money he wasnt gonna complain about getting checks but he just didnt wanna get involved at the time.

as far as ITB releases, the shit in the bank was selling was strictly on IN THE BANKs website. We didn't press up hundreds of cds to put them in the stores. our main objective was to just sell on ITB website. As for Inside death row vol 1 being in stores we do plan on that. we had it preped for instore sales but we ended up leaving the distributor that we had and got a new 1. thats why the listing on amazon says "Discontinued" trust me when we release it it will be everywhere

I mean we have dozens of cds IN STORES worldwide (Stores like best buy, target, fye, virgin music stores and more) Albums from Cyssero, Omillio Sparks, Roscoe and the Armory Gang.  If the one nation album does well digitally im sure they will press it up and put it in stores as well.The reason every release AINT in stores well.... it costs money for shelf space, retail co-op marketing its not as easy as sending a box of cds and saying "Put this on the floor"


Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #108 on: March 15, 2009, 07:31:46 AM »
thankls for ya input but its not as it seems sometimes

let me touch on the crooked i cd, 1st and foremost crook is my homie, has been for a few... i brokered a few deals with him (one being the GMG deal they offered him that we turned down). Crook doesnt have allot of his deathrow material. and from what he told me at the time it was something he wasnt interested in getting involved with, of course if i did get it and did make money he wasnt gonna complain about getting checks but he just didnt wanna get involved at the time.

as far as ITB releases, the shit in the bank was selling was strictly on IN THE BANKs website. We didn't press up hundreds of cds to put them in the stores. our main objective was to just sell on ITB website. As for Inside death row vol 1 being in stores we do plan on that. we had it preped for instore sales but we ended up leaving the distributor that we had and got a new 1. thats why the listing on amazon says "Discontinued" trust me when we release it it will be everywhere

I mean we have dozens of cds IN STORES worldwide (Stores like best buy, target, fye, virgin music stores and more) Albums from Cyssero, Omillio Sparks, Roscoe and the Armory Gang.  If the one nation album does well digitally im sure they will press it up and put it in stores as well.The reason every release AINT in stores well.... it costs money for shelf space, retail co-op marketing its not as easy as sending a box of cds and saying "Put this on the floor"

Well, I think Los Skanless had mentioned the possiblity fo selling the cd to a single buyer if the project fell through.  I suppose you could make him an offer.  He may still be interested in making his money back...I don't know.  For that matter you could contact the people at FTP I think John Hyland is the person who runs it.  I'm not sure how receptive they'll be because I think if they had just kept their project up for sale, they could've made good money.  They were only charging $10.99, so the price wasn't bad.  But it seems like they may be more interested in net fame than money.  I think Kay aka Que has this album too, but I doubt he'll sell it.  He doesn't seem like he's ever been interested in selling it.  After that, I'd say try contacting the producers who worked on the album.  I doubt that it's always the case, but it seems like a lot of times they keep copies of the songs they worked on.  I don't know how you'd contact them, but if you have inside connections, you might. 
« Last Edit: March 15, 2009, 07:36:16 AM by JohnnyL »


Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #109 on: March 15, 2009, 07:36:05 AM »
How are people going to say "Oh he needs to make his money back it makes no sense to leak it."

What's he doing now? Sitting on it playing it in his bedroom, he tried selling it, couldn't do it, now leak it. That simple. Or sell it and leak it. Simple.


Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #110 on: March 15, 2009, 07:38:49 AM »
BTW, if Crook was your homie, Snonuff, you'd know he has said so many times now that Say Hi To The Bad Guy is NOT coming out until Boss or his official retail album drops. Period. I know this for a fact.

So, if you do sell it before then, I don't see how you are acting on Crook's behalf.


Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #111 on: March 15, 2009, 07:48:31 AM »
How are people going to say "Oh he needs to make his money back it makes no sense to leak it."

What's he doing now? Sitting on it playing it in his bedroom, he tried selling it, couldn't do it, now leak it. That simple. Or sell it and leak it. Simple.

Well, I have no idea what he's doing with it. lol  If it was me, I would want to make my money back.  But that's why I was apprehensive about buying it, to begin with.  We know Deathrow'sFinest was going to put it on ebay for $1300.  So we know, he didn't let it go for any less than that.  If anything Los Skanless probably had to pay more than that to get it.   That's why when everyone on the board was looking for someone to front the money, I had to pass.  I just didn't think I'd be able to get the money back, and I didn't want to potentially have to mess with Crooked I's lawyers lol. Someone on here mentioned that Los Skanless was known for spending a lot of money on Death Row collectibles.  I don't know Los Skanless personally, so I can't vouch for that.  But if it's true, maybe he has a lot of money, and is willing to chalk up that $1300 or whatever the amount was as a loss.  It's difficult for me to speak about his motivations, because I don't really know him.  If I had to speculate, I'd say he's just as pissed as a lot of people about the way things turned out.  I'm not sure trying to resell it would work though.  After refunding everyone's money, I doubt he could get all of those people to reorder.


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Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #112 on: March 15, 2009, 07:54:27 AM »
I emailed Losskan a few times we went back and forthe he wanted me to pay 1300 for the cd and buy it from him i wasnt interested, If im gonna cover the cost to press and promote the album in mot gonna pay 1300 on top of that... thats just asinine. Ive emailed FTP they never responded back.

People dont understand theres a huge genre outside of this board, japan, cali, florida, australia, all over the world where people have no clue what dubcnn is..... its the reality of it. These guys are selling in they "backyards" on here.... They put it on itunes and instores opens the sales floor to the entire world

some people just hustle backwards


Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #113 on: March 15, 2009, 07:59:56 AM »
BTW, if Crook was your homie, Snonuff, you'd know he has said so many times now that Say Hi To The Bad Guy is NOT coming out until Boss or his official retail album drops. Period. I know this for a fact.

So, if you do sell it before then, I don't see how you are acting on Crook's behalf.

I know Crooked I said that, but I never understood why.  It didn't really make sense to me then and it epecially doesn't now.  Considering that he's now planning on putting BOSS out as a free download, staggered over a series of weeks, I don't see how a bootleg or a leak of "Say Hi to the Bad Guy" would undermine the release.  Once he decided to give BOSS away for free, it ceased to be a retail release. If anything allowing "Say Hi to the Bad Guy" would only promote his later releases.  It would be like when he allowed that bootleg version of "Young Boss volume 2" to come out before the official Dj Skee Version.  As far as his upcoming retail album, we no longer have any concrete info on when it's coming out.  If he did decide to wait to put out his Death Row material after his first official album hits retail, we'll be waiting several more years before we hear it.  With all due respect to Crooked, I can't  understand what he's thinking here.  If he has all this material that he wants to get paid for doing, then don't sit on it anymore.  Put it out and get paid.  I don't expect him to give us any of those tracks for free.  He's already given out a ton of free music.  Just put it on itunes or and people would buy it.


Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #114 on: March 15, 2009, 08:01:42 AM »
I emailed Losskan a few times we went back and forthe he wanted me to pay 1300 for the cd and buy it from him i wasnt interested, If im gonna cover the cost to press and promote the album in mot gonna pay 1300 on top of that... thats just asinine. Ive emailed FTP they never responded back.

People dont understand theres a huge genre outside of this board, japan, cali, florida, australia, all over the world where people have no clue what dubcnn is..... its the reality of it. These guys are selling in they "backyards" on here.... They put it on itunes and instores opens the sales floor to the entire world

some people just hustle backwards

Well, I can understand you not wanting to put $1300 down on a cd.  I didn't want to either.  But I can also understand Los Skanless not wanting to sell it at a loss. 


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Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #115 on: March 15, 2009, 08:59:03 AM »
With all due respect to Crooked, I can't  understand what he's thinking here.  If he has all this material that he wants to get paid for doing, then don't sit on it anymore.  Put it out and get paid.
I know what Crooked is thinking....the skye is gonna fall down and there is gonna be some magic 10 million dollar contract handed to him by Mc Hammer for his B.O.S.S album and he is gonna be the biggest superstar after Lil Wayne.
C'mon now, Crooked is just stupid and thinks he is gonna get some 100 times better distribution contract than what  he has been offered. He could've easily put out 3 albums with good quality & got some good independent money for it but NO, he has to wait for the big opportunity that is never coming.


Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #116 on: March 15, 2009, 09:25:23 AM »
With all due respect to Crooked, I can't  understand what he's thinking here.  If he has all this material that he wants to get paid for doing, then don't sit on it anymore.  Put it out and get paid.
I know what Crooked is thinking....the skye is gonna fall down and there is gonna be some magic 10 million dollar contract handed to him by Mc Hammer for his B.O.S.S album and he is gonna be the biggest superstar after Lil Wayne.
C'mon now, Crooked is just stupid and thinks he is gonna get some 100 times better distribution contract than what  he has been offered. He could've easily put out 3 albums with good quality & got some good independent money for it but NO, he has to wait for the big opportunity that is never coming.

LMAO....I just don't get it.  As many songs as he's recorded for BOSS, he probably could put out 3 volumes of "BOSS" music.  I mean, I think it's great if he wants to give it away for free.  But after spending this much time on it, I'm not sure why does't want to just follow through and put it out in the stores.  In today's digital age, hardly any hip hop artists go platinum.  It's even difficult for well-established artists.

o g s u e s o n e

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Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #117 on: March 15, 2009, 10:37:29 AM »
With all due respect to Crooked, I can't  understand what he's thinking here.  If he has all this material that he wants to get paid for doing, then don't sit on it anymore.  Put it out and get paid.
I know what Crooked is thinking....the skye is gonna fall down and there is gonna be some magic 10 million dollar contract handed to him by Mc Hammer for his B.O.S.S album and he is gonna be the biggest superstar after Lil Wayne.
C'mon now, Crooked is just stupid and thinks he is gonna get some 100 times better distribution contract than what  he has been offered. He could've easily put out 3 albums with good quality & got some good independent money for it but NO, he has to wait for the big opportunity that is never coming.

ha thats how it is but people shttbg isnt even that good how yall think. some cuts are pretty good some are bananas. i gave it a few listens in my ride and now its sittin in cardboard box with other cds. the reason why crooked i isnt leakin or sellin it is what i said above. its not a hit record. yea crook should do it indi and not talkin bullshit how boss he is with his shitty ghostwritin shit. he is no boss he is nuthin until today, just for his hardcore fanatics he bangin. go indi like e and release a fuckin best of crook lol. damn to much hype about a semitight record.


Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #118 on: March 15, 2009, 10:40:34 AM »
It's my understanding that Crook is going to release his Death Row material for free in the future, but wants his newer material put out first. He doesn't want the Death Row thing being his first release. He worked hard to step out of their shadows and doesn't want to premier that first... That's just what I've heard. We can only speculate about what will really end up happening.

By the way, as far as the LSN thing goes, this is my take on it. When DRF said he was selling it, LSN hit me up and asked if I wanted to go half or at least find a third party to split it up with him. He stated that we would purchase it and leak it for the fans because he claimed to be a big fan himself. However, I was skeptical, because I didn't know DRF or LSN and didn't really know if it was possible to trust a forum member that I didn't know with that much money. Additionally, I was really short on cash when all that was going on and had a lot of stuff to work through. So it wasn't possible for me and I backed out. However, to make a long story short, LSN's story changed up A LOT during the whole process where it finally turned out he was trying to sell copies for $27 a pop, $35 (w/ shipping and handling) which is unnecessarily high. So, let's see... 500 copies X $35 = $17,000. No way, I wasn't going to support someone caking like that off another man's work. That's why I'm kind of negative about the whole thing. It started out as a way to get the fans music they been wanting to hear for YEARS to a business venture. I wasn't down with that.

So, for those reasons and others that aren't listed, I don't think people should be putting the blame on those who simply questioned or hated on dude...


Re: Crooked I Say Hi Album.....Digital Download?
« Reply #119 on: March 15, 2009, 10:58:36 AM »
It's my understanding that Crook is going to release his Death Row material for free in the future, but wants his newer material put out first. He doesn't want the Death Row thing being his first release. He worked hard to step out of their shadows and doesn't want to premier that first... That's just what I've heard. We can only speculate about what will really end up happening.

By the way, as far as the LSN thing goes, this is my take on it. When DRF said he was selling it, LSN hit me up and asked if I wanted to go half or at least find a third party to split it up with him. He stated that we would purchase it and leak it for the fans because he claimed to be a big fan himself. However, I was skeptical, because I didn't know DRF or LSN and didn't really know if it was possible to trust a forum member that I didn't know with that much money. Additionally, I was really short on cash when all that was going on and had a lot of stuff to work through. So it wasn't possible for me and I backed out. However, to make a long story short, LSN's story changed up A LOT during the whole process where it finally turned out he was trying to sell copies for $27 a pop, $35 (w/ shipping and handling) which is unnecessarily high. So, let's see... 500 copies X $35 = $17,000. No way, I wasn't going to support someone caking like that off another man's work. That's why I'm kind of negative about the whole thing. It started out as a way to get the fans music they been wanting to hear for YEARS to a business venture. I wasn't down with that.

So, for those reasons and others that aren't listed, I don't think people should be putting the blame on those who simply questioned or hated on dude...

I don't blame you for not wanting to put up half or even a third of the money for something that expensive when you weren't going to be the one handling the actual transaction.  Even half or a third of that much money is still a lot to trust with someone you don't actually know.  I would have been aprehensive too.  As far as the LSN thing man, I understand where you're coming from.  There were people with actual concerns.  I know you were one of them. My take on it though, since this person has the material for sale and no one else seems willing to sell it, we the buyers are in the precarious position of either meeting whatever price he asks to finally get what we want or passing on it.  Everyone seemed to want the material, going in.  It did seem a little on the high side, but compared to one person having to pony up $1300 it didn't seem too bad.  Now I know there were several people going back and forth with Los over the price and a timeline for shipping, but every time we did get him to make a concession, there were still some people posting, that were just trying to stir the pot. To me the situation pretty much ended up lose-lose.  We didn't get the songs and he didn't get his money.