Author Topic: Easter?  (Read 4948 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Easter?
« Reply #90 on: April 20, 2006, 12:11:46 AM »
That's one thing about most major religions I don't like: they don't teach tolerance towards other people. This goes for Muslims and Christians. Until Christians and Muslims can understand that they can't change eachother's minds (willingly or forcefully) then things will never change.

the qu'ran teaches tolerance.

sura 42:13-16
He decreed for you the same religion decreed for Noah, and what we inspired to you, and what we decreed for Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: "You shall uphold this one religion, and do not divide it." The idol worshipers will greatly resent what you invite them to do. GOD redeems to Himself whomever He wills; He guides to Himself only those who totally submit.   
Ironically, they broke up into sects only after the knowledge had come to them, due to jealousy and resentment among themselves. If it were not for a predetermined decision from your Lord to respite them for a definite interim, they would have been judged immediately. Indeed, the later generations who inherited the scripture are full of doubts.   
This is what you shall preach, and steadfastly maintain what you are commanded to do, and do not follow their wishes. And proclaim: "I believe in all the scriptures sent down by GOD. I was commanded to judge among you equitably. GOD is our Lord and your Lord. We have our deeds and you have your deeds. There is no argument between us and you. GOD will gather us all together; to Him is the ultimate destiny."
Those who argue about GOD, after receiving His message, their argument is nullified at their Lord. They have incurred condemnation, and have deserved a severe retribution.

that sounds like tolerance.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2006, 12:13:40 AM by nibs »
"a four letter word is going out to every single enemy" - kam

Don Jacob

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Re: Easter?
« Reply #91 on: April 20, 2006, 12:52:18 AM »
i've got to say this is one of those rare times that i agree 100% with what rod's saying

i just want to say a few things in DEFENSE of christianity of my beliefs here and what infinite has said to denigrate them, to make him and his religion look better

first i just want to say infinite you're living a lie. it's like rod said "you think that every muslum is going around acting like perfect angels" ....don't deny this because that is infact what you're thinking. You ALSO think that Christians are just these hypocrits that only go to church on sunday's then go back to being "evil devils" through out the week.  Again i'm going to site  Rod here....YOU DO RELIZE THAT A TRUE CHRISTIAN CAN FLIP IT AROUND ON MUSLUMS RIGHT? like rod i've travled around . i havn't LIVED in any other country but i've seen what i've seen and it's enough to make an educated statement.....not every muslum who claims to follow the muslum faith is as devoted to the teaching of the quaran. Many muslums around the world are as commited to the muslum beliefs as these "Evil Christian Americans" you speak and slander want to hear the stories of some real christians

my mom (probably the most religious person i know, hell all my friends call her pastor Pam, and my friend chris even joked that if jesus is going to be seated at the right hand of the father, my mom would be seated at the left hand side)
My mom is the ONLY person i've ever known, who has gone into debt because she gave too much. my mom runs her own business , her own day care center and literally takes people (strangers) into our home from this daycare who are struggling help them out with bills , pays their rent, car payment, buy grocieries for them , ect. and expect NOTHING in return.....and every time when she is asked "why do you do this " she always tells them, "beacause it's waht god would have me do" .  My mom was actually even given the monthly award her in Bakersfield for Person of the Month....and declined to accept it because she said "I do what i do to please God and to help people, i don't do it for myself, accepting this award would send the wrong message" ......then she said the same thing when she was nominated for person of the year.....

now lets talk about prayer and church. My mom beleives that Church is for fellowship and it should be reserved for sundays and holidays and that it should be something that you should be apart of daily...and by church she's not talking about some building you go to sit and kneel and read out of a prayer book some prayer you don't know what you're talking about and sing and listen to some dude church my mom means having fellowship with other TRUE BELIEVERS on a daily basis. Discussing god , what he's done, what he would have us do in a certain cituation ect. basically a mom quotes this from the bible all the time "darkness corrupts good light" meaning that the secular world around us corrupts us from being the good god obeying followers we are and her thing is Light should engage with light to make it stronger to get rid of the darkness, and that's my mom's philosophy on church.  now as far praying i don't know many people that do this ...but my mom gets up EVERY day at 2;00 am to pray until her first day care child arives some where around seven, then during nap time she has a bible study for an hour and half then when the kids leave around 6 pm her and my cousin Karen pray for another 2 to 3 to 4 or until they feel they're all prayerd out (lol)  and this is just monday through friday in essence my mom spends a total of 9 hours a day praying or talking to god or doing something that involves her beliefs. and i'm sure if she didn't have to work or do daily chores and shit she'd pray all day which she basically does all week end. and my mom has friends that do this too so it's not like my mom is just some special case . I've met christians who are more in depth than this and i've met christians that is swear must be half angel or something cuz they're just PERFECT....they follow the bibles to the tee.

so infiinite not every christian is what you have in your mind from what your mom and dad are....or what you say rod is ......there are christians who ARE what they preach and then some. not every one of them is apart of this Secular systm that is America,many reject the secularism of it aswell..... I'm suprised you havn't encountered them. There's these tapes my mom always tries to get me to watch called "hells bells the dangers of rock n roll"  and it's basically this christian company that makes documentaries about how morally wrong secular (mostly pop music) is wrong and derives people away from god  the one my mom has tried....well actually made me watch was made in the 80's  and yeah there are some groups in there that are Obvious Like Venom , Coven , and Slayer  and Merciful Fate that are obviously satanic but then they launch into even artists that say they are christian and expose how they're not true to chritianity. and these are tapes that have are in circulation in the tens of millions in america , so again this isn't a small portion of america who is actually practicing what's in the bible there's alot more than what you see with your eyes

i'm not going to sit here and banter off about how christianity is the way (it's what I personally believe is the right way )  but i'm not going to sit here and denigrate Islam, or Buddism , or Judaism , just cuz some wolves in sheeps clothing from those religions go around saying they're of these faiths and committ hypocracies

i'm not going to judge Islam because 9 out of 1 billion muslums killed 3,000 innocent people because "allah" told them they were going to fuck some virgins in heaven if they did that

i'm not going to judge Islam because of the rapes, beatings, and killings that go on to this DAY in the name of Allah

because like you'll say "those only represent a perecentage of so called muslums" "they're not really muslums because they're not following alllah's word" .....and i'll agree with that

so brian......the next time you come into a thread or make one trying to generalize christians from a percentage of misguided wolves in sheeps clothing.....think of how easily it can be reciprocated back to your faith. Also you need to think to what your god has said about doing the things in which you are doing..... paraphrase a teaching in the bible .....broad is the road to destruction and narrow is the road to salvation , many who believe and who are perceived  to be servers of the one god, shall fall down this road of destruction, only a few who truley serve the one god will live in eternity with him.


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Re: Easter?
« Reply #92 on: April 20, 2006, 12:53:08 AM »
That's one thing about most major religions I don't like: they don't teach tolerance towards other people. This goes for Muslims and Christians. Until Christians and Muslims can understand that they can't change eachother's minds (willingly or forcefully) then things will never change.

the qu'ran teaches tolerance.
Of course it does, so does almost any other religon. The problem is that it is never fully practiced. People say that their religon is one of tolerance, and it is easy to provide evidence/proof of that. But then to got religious people on all ends killing, destroying, etc for their religon/beliefs. Is taking over a forgien counrty tolerance? Is killing that 7 year old kid by hijacking a plane tolerance?


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Re: Easter?
« Reply #93 on: April 20, 2006, 05:36:02 AM »
Of course it does, so does almost any other religon. The problem is that it is never fully practiced. People say that their religon is one of tolerance, and it is easy to provide evidence/proof of that. But then to got religious people on all ends killing, destroying, etc for their religon/beliefs. Is taking over a forgien counrty tolerance? Is killing that 7 year old kid by hijacking a plane tolerance?

you, shallow and rod are saying the same thing, this very point has been touched on throughout this thread; and i am not disagreeing.  the only disagreement is that some people use the faults and hypocrisy of those that associate themselves with a religion as a condemnation of that religion.  i myself had the wrong idea about christianity because i only saw the hypocrisy and deception, and not the truth.

also, the logical conclusion here is that if people sincerely appreciated religion the world would be a better place.

the only thing i am challenging is this notion that is fair to dismiss religion as some have corrupted it.  religion is what you make it; and not necessarily what others tell you it needs to be.
"a four letter word is going out to every single enemy" - kam


Re: Easter?
« Reply #94 on: April 20, 2006, 08:10:24 AM »
Evil Heathen PAGANS
Sun God Followers.

TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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Re: Easter?
« Reply #95 on: April 20, 2006, 08:53:26 AM »

I wasn't speaking on behalf of Muslims. You just love pointing out how I'm not a Muslim even though I'm Middle Eastern, like it matters to me. It's true, I don't practice Islam, so why should I label myself a Muslim since I'm Middle Eastern? All you see is extreme Muslims in your lil mosque and actually believe they represent majority of "Muslims". Well, here's the big secret....Most Muslims don't practice Islam. "Muslim" is just what they grew up as and usually they stay that way. When they say there are 1 billion Muslims in the world, they are measuring who is born into what. You act like Muslims are these superior non-sinning angels which they are not.

Nibs made many excellent points in his response to Rod, it made me want to add something to my previous response...   Rod, I want to ask you, what would be the point of worship if it were only a matter of being born in a particular region? 

The truth is that Islam is the religion of submission to the Creator, it is not attatched to any person, place, or thing in the creation.  Being born in Mekkah does not gaurantee you will be a submitter.  There were people who lived next to the Prophets, Muhammad, Jesus, Moses, etc.(pbut), and they still chose to go astray.  Every individual from a human perspective is given freedom of choice, but ultimately Allah knows what desicion we are going to make.

That's why it was so impressive to me (back when I was living in that ignorant mindstate) to meet a young Muslim at work, who came from West Africa to America all by himself at age 23, without any family influence, and inspite of the environment around him and all the oppurtunities to go astray in this country; he was still righteously maintaining his Islam everyday.  It had a profound effect on me, and penetrated so deep into my own little world that I found myself changed and liberated from frustrating grasps of phychological and spiritual bondage that had previously been afflicting me.

This life is a testing ground, we will be tested regardless of where we are born.  Allah did not create Earth as a paradise, this is not the place for trying live as long as we can and fullfill all of our desires; rather, we have a very short period in this life to worship Allah and achieve a righteous state of being (submission).
« Last Edit: April 20, 2006, 09:37:00 AM by Islamic Khalifah Sultan Abdul Hamid- 1908- »
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)


Re: Easter?
« Reply #96 on: April 20, 2006, 12:52:52 PM »
That's one thing about most major religions I don't like: they don't teach tolerance towards other people. This goes for Muslims and Christians. Until Christians and Muslims can understand that they can't change eachother's minds (willingly or forcefully) then things will never change.

the qu'ran teaches tolerance.
Of course it does, so does almost any other religon. The problem is that it is never fully practiced. People say that their religon is one of tolerance, and it is easy to provide evidence/proof of that. But then to got religious people on all ends killing, destroying, etc for their religon/beliefs. Is taking over a forgien counrty tolerance? Is killing that 7 year old kid by hijacking a plane tolerance?

Exactly. It's tolerance to an extent. No religions says anything along the lines of "respect another's beliefs" or "live and let live". That's why everythings fucked up.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



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Re: Easter?
« Reply #97 on: April 20, 2006, 03:29:23 PM »
Exactly. It's tolerance to an extent. No religions says anything along the lines of "respect another's beliefs" or "live and let live". That's why everythings fucked up.

actually sikhism says exactly that, and hinduism also strongly suggests that as well.
"a four letter word is going out to every single enemy" - kam


Re: Easter?
« Reply #98 on: April 20, 2006, 04:32:43 PM »
Exactly. It's tolerance to an extent. No religions says anything along the lines of "respect another's beliefs" or "live and let live". That's why everythings fucked up.

actually sikhism says exactly that, and hinduism also strongly suggests that as well.

You're right. I only had Christianity and Islam on my mind when I wrote that. My bad.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal


TraceOneInfinite Flat Earther 96'

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Re: Easter?
« Reply #99 on: April 20, 2006, 04:48:53 PM »

Exactly. It's tolerance to an extent. No religions says anything along the lines of "respect another's beliefs" or "live and let live". That's why everythings fucked up.

Qu'ran- Chapter 109: "Disbelievers"  (English Translation of whole chapter is as follows)

"Say O disbelievers
I do not worship what you worship
Nor do you worship whom I worship
I shall never worship what you worship
Neither will you worship whom I worship.
You have your path and I have mine."
« Last Edit: April 20, 2006, 04:50:58 PM by Islamic Khalifah Sultan Abdul Hamid- 1908- »
Givin' respect to 2pac September 7th-13th The Day Hip-Hop Died

(btw, Earth 🌎 is not a spinning water ball)

J Bananas

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Re: Easter?
« Reply #100 on: April 20, 2006, 04:57:47 PM »
but we also have a higher purpose and that purpose is to worship our Creator. 

dude how is that a higher purpose, thats like the man that stays home with his mom till he's 30 because he loves her so much, it sounds sweet, but its retarded and a little  :camp: if there's a higher purpose then creating successful offspring in your mind, fine, but dont shove your stunted emotional development bullshit down our throats and tell us were evil.


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Re: Easter?
« Reply #101 on: April 21, 2006, 07:44:37 AM »
LM :cow:AO! ^^^



Re: Easter?
« Reply #102 on: April 22, 2006, 10:28:19 AM »
LM :cow:AO! ^^^

Stop wasting your time.


Re: Easter?
« Reply #103 on: April 22, 2006, 11:15:10 AM »
lol wtf??


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: Easter?
« Reply #104 on: April 23, 2006, 07:05:38 AM »
but we also have a higher purpose and that purpose is to worship our Creator. 

dude how is that a higher purpose, thats like the man that stays home with his mom till he's 30 because he loves her so much, it sounds sweet, but its retarded and a little  :camp: if there's a higher purpose then creating successful offspring in your mind, fine, but dont shove your stunted emotional development bullshit down our throats and tell us were evil.

the qu'ran states specifically "do not become a hermit".  the qu'ran encourages people to have families, enjoy this world; but to also pray regularly, worship regularly and prepare for the afterlife as well.

you suggest an idea of imbalance, solely focusing on worship alone 24/7.  the qu'ran focuses on balance; states that the world was created for a purpose and not to be ignored, thus people should engage and enjoy anything that is not specifically prohibited to them.  living in accordance with god's order is a form of worship, and showing appreciation for life.

you and the qu'ran agree 100% on this issue.

sura 57:27
Subsequent to them, we sent our messengers. We sent Jesus the son of Mary, and we gave him the Injeel (Gospel), and we placed in the hearts of his followers kindness and mercy. But they invented hermitism which we never decreed for them. All we asked them to do was to uphold the commandments approved by GOD. But they did not uphold the message as they should have. Consequently, we gave those who believed among them their recompense, while many of them were wicked.

other translations say "monasticism" as in living as monks: separate, celibate...etc.

sura 5:87
O ye who believe! make not unlawful the good things which God hath made lawful for you, but commit no excess: for God loveth not those given to excess.

sura 7:32-33
Say, "Who prohibited the nice things GOD has created for His creatures, and the good provisions?" Say, "Such provisions are to be enjoyed in this life by those who believe. Moreover, the good provisions will be exclusively theirs on the Day of Resurrection." We thus explain the revelations for people who know.
Say, "My Lord prohibits only evil deeds, be they obvious or hidden, and sins, and unjustifiable aggression, and to set up beside GOD powerless idols, and to say about GOD what you do not know."

the qu'ran promotes the balance you suggest.
"a four letter word is going out to every single enemy" - kam