Author Topic: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...  (Read 1206 times)


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Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2006, 05:54:44 PM »
Venezeula would be a real eye opener, a president who has non scripted telephone phone ins, regularly meets and addresses people without his men searching everyone for guns first. A man who is transforming the country with tremendous courage and integrity. Aside from that, Japan would be an interesting place to live I feel. I should add to that Turkey also

Venezuela is a nice country, but your perceptions of Chaves are off the mark.  I was there once.  The only thing venezuela has going for it are drop dead goregous women that are desperate for any man.  They have no money, no jobs available to them, and president that is sendng them back in time.

When I was in venezuela, Chavez was not well liked.  In fact, Chavez uses Bush, like Bush uses 9/11.  He uses it to manipulate the voters. 

What good does Chaves do his country by bitching about Bush? None.  But it resonates politically with the more ignorant in the country.  This was the views expressed to me by many venezuelans, and by foreign policy magazine.

Chavez targets the largest demographic in Venezuela.  The poor.  But in doing so, he's only working to hold political power.  He wants to become president for life.  He's loved by the poor, so of course he can parade around like a hero.  But what good things has he really done?


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Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #31 on: September 28, 2006, 06:14:55 PM »
Venezeula would be a real eye opener, a president who has non scripted telephone phone ins, regularly meets and addresses people without his men searching everyone for guns first. A man who is transforming the country with tremendous courage and integrity. Aside from that, Japan would be an interesting place to live I feel. I should add to that Turkey also

Venezuela is a nice country, but your perceptions of Chaves are off the mark.  I was there once.  The only thing venezuela has going for it are drop dead goregous women that are desperate for any man.  They have no money, no jobs available to them, and president that is sendng them back in time.

When I was in venezuela, Chavez was not well liked.  In fact, Chavez uses Bush, like Bush uses 9/11.  He uses it to manipulate the voters. 

What good does Chaves do his country by bitching about Bush? None.  But it resonates politically with the more ignorant in the country.  This was the views expressed to me by many venezuelans, and by foreign policy magazine.

Chavez targets the largest demographic in Venezuela.  The poor.  But in doing so, he's only working to hold political power.  He wants to become president for life.  He's loved by the poor, so of course he can parade around like a hero.  But what good things has he really done?

first u say that chavez targets the poor that u admit is the largest demographic. then u say they love him. but then u say he does nothing for them. so are the poor of venezuela brainwashed fucks who just follw their leader for no damn reason (good mornin america!) or perhaps they are actually benefittin from chavez policies?

from an elite business point of view, the economy could be much better run. although some would say the nationalization and social program funding increases are minor hiccups that the country has to deal with.

i agree with you on the women tip. ive been with several venezuelan women...well only 2. but both get 2 blunts up
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll


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Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #32 on: September 28, 2006, 06:26:52 PM »
He meets the public on a face to face basis, regardless of his motives he is ploughing in mass investment into venezeula. literacy rates have improved dramatically. He has raised the slave minimum wage of venezeula, in an oil deal he has with cuba he sends physicians into the poorest neighbourhoods of venezeula. He encourages criticism, he encourages free speech, he is brave, he could have been killed when he was kidnapped. He is a genuine patriot you can tell that by the way he so passionately encourages people to learn the constition to defend their rights.

Compare that to the United States, the medical bills are astronomical, you have a president who was installed into power through election fraud. Neocons have actually used the term insurgents to describes dissenting americans. Look at the way in which the people in new orleans were deliberately abandoned look at fema deliberately blocking supplies from getting through, all documented. Compare and contrast chavez's line with that of Bush who described the constitution as a piece of paper. the laughable and transparents heroic mccains amendments to a legal framework for torture. The blatant violations of the consitution, the police state mentality which is swooping upon europe but particularly America.   

He is hated by the wealthy because the country's wealth has been in the hands of a very small group of people for so long and they can see their wealth under threat from this redistribution, from this man who actually gives a shit about the poorest. They do not like that one bit, they do not like their power and influence being put under threat, before Chavez they were very happy with their relationship with the U.S because the status quo was maintained.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2006, 06:30:03 PM by virtuoso »

Real American

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Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #33 on: September 28, 2006, 06:29:55 PM »
He meets the public on a face to face basis, regardless of his motives he is ploughing in mass investment into venezeula. literacy rates have improved dramatically. He has raised the slave minimum wage of venezeula, in an oil deal he has with cuba he sends physicians into the poorest neighbourhoods of venezeula. He encourages criticism, he encourages free speech, he is brave, he could have been killed when he was kidnapped. He is a genuine patriot you can tell that by the way he so passionately encourages people to learn the constition to defend their rights.

Compare that to the United States, the medical bills are astronomical, you have a president who was installed into power through election fraud. Neocons have actually used the term insurgents to describes dissenting americans. Look at the way in which the people in new orleans were deliberately abandoned look at fema deliberately blocking supplies from getting through, all documents. Compare and contrast chavez's line with that of Bush who described the constitution as a piece of paper. the laughable and transparents heroic mccains amendments to a legal framework for torture. The blatant violations of the consitution, the police state mentality which is swooping upon europe but particularly America.   

What a load of bullshit.


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Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #34 on: September 28, 2006, 06:30:54 PM »
If you are dismissing that as bullshit, then you must really have your head in the clouds.! In fact I didnt really delve particularly deeply into your question and those comments were some of the lighter ones I could have used, there is not one thing within that, that isnt factual,
« Last Edit: September 28, 2006, 06:32:49 PM by virtuoso »

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Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #35 on: September 28, 2006, 06:32:39 PM »
By the way, I wonder what the poor in Venezuela think of Chavez using oil resources to buy influence across the region instead of at home. I am talking about his publicity stunts like giving discounted gas to people in places in Harlem when his own citizens are the ones that really need the relief. He doesn't care about them, he only cares about raising his own status. He also made a fool of himself with his UN speech.

When the economny tanks under all his BS socialist policies maybe the people of Venezuela will wake up.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2006, 06:36:57 PM by Real American »

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Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #36 on: September 28, 2006, 06:35:00 PM »
If you are dismissing that as bullshit, then you must really have your head in the clouds.! In fact I didnt really delve particularly deeply into your question and those comments were some of the lighter ones I could have used, there is not one thing within that, that isnt factual,

When you say a bunch of BS like Chaves encourages free speech and dissent, that their standard of living is improving, that the US elections were stolen, etc I am going to call you on it.


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Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #37 on: September 28, 2006, 06:36:57 PM »

Oh please, there is over 3 trillion unaccounted for in the pentagons finances, america single handedly props up Israel, I wonder how the people of Katrina feel about all of this money being either stolen or given to Israel. I wonder how those who can't afford the medical bills feel about americas policy here. I wonder how the american people feel about the trillions being spent on a war in their name but only to the benefit of the elite few. When you put that alongside what you said your criticism doesnt hold weight at all. As for Chavez encouraging free speech he has said it many times before, the private channels continually and aggressively attack him also there are no restraints put on them. As for the election being stolen it is no great secret that those electronic voting machines can be hacked into quite easily, it is no great revelation that thousands of democrat voters were banned from voting. I could go on about that particular subject but you should watch many of the documentaries that have been done about it. Greg Palast did an excellent one about 2 years I think.

He made a fool out of himself at the U.N? some of these within the Bush administration are evil, they are sick and twisted fucks, one example being neocons urging nuclear strikes on Iran. Nah he didnt make a fool out of himself he said what a lot of people come to realise. These are the idealogies of evil people. John Yoo Alberto Gonzalez, secret torture facilities, kidnapping of people, secret trials, phosphorous weapons being used on a civilian population. He was absolutely right in his assertion that Bush is the devil, he hasnt got brains but obviously he agrees with this idealogy, although clearly Cheney is the main cog in the leadership.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2006, 06:45:59 PM by virtuoso »

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Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #38 on: September 28, 2006, 06:44:54 PM »
Venezeula would be a real eye opener, a president who has non scripted telephone phone ins, regularly meets and addresses people without his men searching everyone for guns first. A man who is transforming the country with tremendous courage and integrity. Aside from that, Japan would be an interesting place to live I feel. I should add to that Turkey also

Venezuela is a nice country, but your perceptions of Chaves are off the mark.  I was there once.  The only thing venezuela has going for it are drop dead goregous women that are desperate for any man.  They have no money, no jobs available to them, and president that is sendng them back in time.

When I was in venezuela, Chavez was not well liked.  In fact, Chavez uses Bush, like Bush uses 9/11.  He uses it to manipulate the voters. 

What good does Chaves do his country by bitching about Bush? None.  But it resonates politically with the more ignorant in the country.  This was the views expressed to me by many venezuelans, and by foreign policy magazine.

Chavez targets the largest demographic in Venezuela.  The poor.  But in doing so, he's only working to hold political power.  He wants to become president for life.  He's loved by the poor, so of course he can parade around like a hero.  But what good things has he really done?

what you are saying is contrasting with a documentary i saw about the country 1 year ago i which they were saying that the people in venezuela never had so much money in they pockets (thanks to the petro dollars). Sure they are still poor compared to american obese people but it's getting better there

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Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #39 on: September 28, 2006, 06:46:31 PM »
Hey Virtuoso, about your beloved Hugo Chavez and his love for the consitituion of his country. Check out the following news article.....Chavez has announced that he wants to change their constitution to end term limits on the presidency and allow him to run more than Venezuelan law allows. This is the man you are glorifying for his love of democracy?,2933,194557,00.html

Chavez Proposes Referendum to Stay President Until 2031
Sunday, May 07, 2006

CARACAS, Venezuela —  President Hugo Chavez said that if opposition parties boycott December's presidential election he would call a referendum asking voters to decide whether he should govern Venezuela for the next 25 years.

Speaking Saturday at a stadium packed with supporters in central Lara state, Chavez rejected allegations he was a power-hungry tyrant but said he might seek to extend his rule beyond current term limits if the opposition pulls out of the presidential vote, as it did last year's congressional election.

"I am going to call a referendum," Chavez said. "I am going to ask you, all the people, if you agree with Chavez being president until 2031."

The Venezuelan Constitution allows a president to be re-elected only once in immediate succession. Chavez is eligible for re-election to another six-year term in December, but if he wins he wouldn't be able to run again in 2012.

It wasn't clear if Chavez, 51, was talking about holding a legally binding vote to eliminate limits on re-election or proposing a plebiscite. Before Chavez took the stage, thousands of his supporters chanted: "Oh, no! Chavez won't go!"

Opposition leaders accuse Chavez, a former paratroop commander first elected in 1998, of becoming increasingly authoritarian and opening dangerous divisions along class lines in Venezuela — the world's fifth largest oil exporter.

Chavez supporters won all 167 seats in the National Assembly on Dec. 4 after major opposition parties boycotted the election, saying they did not trust Venezuela's electoral system or the country's elections council. The opposition has raised doubts about the nation's electoral registry, an electronic voting system and electoral audits conducted by the council.

Chavez on Saturday slammed political foes for suggesting that the elections council, which was appointed recently by pro-government lawmakers, is biased in his favor.

"They already started saying the recently appointed elections council is subordinate to Chavez, that fraud is being prepared," he said.

Polls indicate Chavez is likely to win the Dec. 3 election, and international observers have signed off on recent votes as fair.

Four government opponents have announced plans to run against Chavez, although not all of them have agreed to participate in primaries to choose a single opposition candidate.

The opposition candidates include Teodoro Petkoff, a newspaper editor fiercely critical of Chavez; William Ojeda, a journalist and former Chavez ally; Julio Borges, a conservative attorney; and Roberto Smith, an ex-infrastructure minister.


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Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #40 on: September 28, 2006, 06:51:56 PM »

I am not even going to comment on that one single article, its very dangerous to do so as its from fox news. This could be another false story like the one they brought out about Iran forcing the Jews to wear unique clothing identifying themselves. However I am not going to be a fake about it, I will research into that and private message you my response when I know more about it.


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Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #41 on: September 28, 2006, 06:53:00 PM »
Me personally, I would commit suicide before living in a non white country. Non whites don't even want to live in them, so I know that I definitely wouldn't want to!

Don't worry, you'll be living in a non-white country sooner than you know it. :laugh:

I don't like living in a mostly-white country.  Especially in the South with all these fucking hicks...some days I want to put the 100-round drum in my AK and go shoot up a trailer park.


Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #42 on: September 28, 2006, 07:01:04 PM »
Me personally, I would commit suicide before living in a non white country. Non whites don't even want to live in them, so I know that I definitely wouldn't want to!
Yeah, that's why they're having their babies in Namibia.
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Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #43 on: September 28, 2006, 07:02:08 PM »

I just found this Ant its in response to your above article

By Justin Delacour
Latin America News Review
May 8, 2006

A little scrutiny of a recent Associated Press report about Venezuela provides a lesson in how the English-language press often gets the story wrong. Take the first sentence: "President Hugo Chavez said Saturday that Venezuelan voters should have the chance to decide whether he should govern the country for the next 25 years."

No, such a referendum would not be about "whether he should govern the country for the next 25 years." A referendum would be about whether Chavez would be permitted to run every six years and --in the event that he were to continue winning elections-- serve multiple presidential terms. The AP report's opening sentence makes it sound as if such a referendum would do away with elections in Venezuela, as if its intent would be to grant Chavez a new 25-year term in office! The website of The Calgary Sun even titles the wire report "Chavez seeking 25-year term"!!

This is obviously an extremely poor piece of reporting. Chavez made it clear that, if the opposition committed to participating in the upcoming presidential election, he would not convoke a referendum to end presidential term limits. He explained that the intent of his threat to convoke such a referendum was not to perpetuate himself in power but rather to defend the Bolivarian Revolution.

Fortunately, Agence France Press (AFP) got the story right. The opening sentence of AFP's Spanish-language report reads, "Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez claimed Saturday that, if the opposition decides not to run candidates in the December presidential election, he could decree a referendum to permit his reelection for multiple terms until 2031."

So the choice for the opposition is simple. If they don't want a referendum that would end presidential term limits, they shouldn't pull out of the upcoming presidential election. As far as I'm concerned, the threat of a referendum is a perfectly reasonable (and democratic) way to dissuade the opposition from trying to delegitimize Venezuela's electoral process.

When Venezuela's opposition knows it's going to lose an election, it has a tendency to try to delegitimize the electoral process. Instead of facing up to the fact that it is unpopular, the business-led opposition tries to shift the blame for its electoral misfortunes to the National Electoral Council (CNE). The opposition claims that the CNE could commit "fraud" and that the vote might not be secret. Opposition conspiracy theories of this nature are legion. Never mind that there have been international observers on hand that have testified to the fairness of Venezuela's elections. Never mind that even the opposition's own polls show that Chavez is much more popular than they are.

In other words, many members of the opposition aren't really interested in trying to win elections because they know that they lack popular support. Many in the opposition prefer, instead, to try to create the impression internationally that Venezuela's electoral process is illegitimate.

One has to understand that, given the combination of the opposition's economic interests and political incompetence, it is very desperate. Since it is unable to attract popular support domestically, the opposition resorts to attempts to draw more U.S. hostility toward Chavez in hopes that such hostility might somehow weaken or destroy his presidency. Electoral boycotts are part and parcel of this strategy. The opposition wants to create the (false) impression internationally that Venezuela is another Ukraine and that Chavez wins elections by "fraud," etc. etc. That's what Chavez is up against.

OAS General Secretary Jose Miguel Insulza effectively summed up the problem that Chavez faces when he said the following about the opposition's boycott of legislative elections last December:

"We had a problem with the Venezuelan opposition, which assured us that they would not withdraw from the [electoral] process if certain conditions were met. These were met and, despite this, they withdrew."

Insulza continued, "if the path of abstention is chosen, then one cannot complain that the entire parliament is in the hands of one's political adversary."] END OF QUOTE

The blog also covered this quite well. One poster there made this quite accurate observation:

"The direct context of these statements should be kept in mind. ... [Chavez] is proposing this if the opposition boycotts the election. Given the opposition's demonization of Chavez, I think he is trying to irritate them while driving home the point that he is extremely popular in Venezuela and COULD win such an election. That's an important point - because the tactic of a boycott is meant to imply that he is not popular but somehow rigging the elections (not true, of course, as the Carter Center and others have said)."

In fact, Chavez is in no way, shape or form proposing a 25-year term, that is not what he said or has ever said. Of course those who've already made up their minds that he's someone to hate and fear won't listen to reality. They live in their own petty little universe of terror of foreign brown guys. I find it amazing how the western press, pundits, and the general public (like American rightwing dittoheads) time after time after time after time (decade after decade after decade) are driven to a hysterical frenzy over imagined threats of a perpetual series of nasty (usually brown) foreign leaders who are elevated to devils and demons, lunatics, something out of a Hammer horror film.

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Re: If you had to live in one NON WHITE country in the world...
« Reply #44 on: September 28, 2006, 07:23:30 PM »
That article doesn't mean anything. Chavez is still trying to change Vanaezuela's constitution to do away with term limits and allow him to run as many times as he wants. This is your champion of democracy?