Author Topic: When did Rosie Odonnel become so damn cool.... clip of her exposing 911 conspira  (Read 925 times)

Real American

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A liberal doesn't hold this view of 9/11, this is the view of a radical. 


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This country needs a radical change.


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Ron Paul for president if the bastard media would stop shunning him  :)

white Boy

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shes a dumb bitch. for her to say Bush took down the twin towers is just rediculous. also for her to say that the british marines who were taken hostege by iran was also set up so that we can go to war there and comparing it to gulf of tonkin. for abc to support her is un-american, and her retarded radical liberal views make me sick.


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Erm if you actually stopped behaving like the fox children and actually listened to what she said, she was simply tempering people to not automatically trust what is being said and this is the point in which she brought up historically documented events to prove the government can not automatically be trusted. Secondly she did not say Bush knocked down the towers, in fact she said she did not believe that the u.s government did it but she wanted to point out that the notion of a fire bringing down building 7 is bs. Thirdly no it is un american to villify someone that questions, if you actually stood by the values which wewre instilled into you as kids, then america would not be going down the toilet. Finally, the biggest 911 victims family group also questions the official story, are they un american to? seeing as how the government and it's mouth pieces like to always use that particular emotional blackmail tool.

Furthermore I heard Joe Scarborough sounding off about this, the same Joe Scarborough whose his mistress was found dead in his apartment which led to him having to leave congress. It's so comforting to know that the moral upstanding citizens who will not tolerate this type of "hatred" do not have horrifying skeletons.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2007, 02:10:04 PM by virtuoso »


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I like Ron Paul. I like his ideas about the federal reserve and strengthening the dollar so it will not fail like its bound to. Abolishing the federal reserve is almost an impossible task since those are the truly powerful people. Ron Paul will mysteriously die before that happens.


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I agree with you...Kennedy was set to sign a piece of legislation which would effectively abolish the federal reserve but well....that never happened. However they are seeking to pull out all of the stops to not even give him the opportunity through the media blackout and of course the character attacks on neocon radio.

Samoan Enforcer

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im not even really surprised bryguy thinks rosie odonnel is cool


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She's jewish? I never heard that.

Anyway she gets away with it (if she'll get away with it) because she is seen as a loud annoying idiot and it doesn't help the conspiracy theory itself if someone like Rosie is backing it up. Every news show that mentioned it since then started the story by first showing all the other stupid things she's said.

I have no trouble believing wars can be set up by governments by trying to gain public support. They don't want to risk public revolution by not explaining anything and just going to war so they give the people reasons. I'll take it one step further and say I have no trouble believing that both sides of these conflicts orchestrate the events. There have been reports as early as ancient Greek historical writings of conquering Greek generals ordering the safe evacuation the enemy's elite before going in and destroying the cities they conquered. I wouldn't come out and say it like it's fact because I don't have any evidence, but I'll always have the feeling that the very elite take care of each other.

for abc to support her is un-american

Actually to not support her would be un-american.

white Boy

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im not  saying she is not allowed to say her opinions, but for abc to support her opinions of america killing 3000 people to start a war or that uk set up their own people to get captured is irresponsible.also abc booted mahr for his opinion, and his was just controversial and not unamerican.


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im not  saying she is not allowed to say her opinions, but for abc to support her opinions of america killing 3000 people to start a war or that uk set up their own people to get captured is irresponsible.also abc booted mahr for his opinion, and his was just controversial and not unamerican.

I don't think she ever came right out and said that America set up 9/11. She was questioning the trade centre 7's collapse and whether it was possible. She could very well be wrong about that. The fact remains that even if she did express opinion that the whole thing was orchestrated by the government to start a war, it's her opinion and her right to state it. If ABC wanted to be resposible they wouldn't fire her, they would just order that the next episode of the view feature experts on the topic explaining to Rosie why what she said was wrong and or stupid.

The Maher thing was different in a couple ways. The comment resulted in a fall out which made his firing a logical business move. The American people at that time were a lot more naive about the war as a whole. These days most people see it as the joke it has become while back then it was more of a touchy issue. And of course the view is more of a staple ABC show than Politically Incorrect was and is run by powerhouse Walters. If Walters wants Rosie to stay and the ratings don't plummit then Rosie will probably stay. ABC spent a lot of time and money promoting Rosie all summer, and promoting her as a far left woman that speaks her mind and pulls no punches. It doesn't seem to even be that big a deal in the media like the Maher thing was.

And you want to talk irresponsible, then look no further than the current administration (or any administration for that matter). If irresponsible to the american people is un-american then every president in history should be brought up for treason. Politicians and the social elite in general are dirty evil demons who feed off the masses. It's nothing new.


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Definitely well put! but you see shallow this is indicative of how people will allow the media to spin things in any shape or form, I bet most of the people "outraged" did not even listen to what she said. Plus for mr skeletons scarborough to open his trap just makes this all the sicker.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2007, 04:59:20 AM by virtuoso »

Da Bloodz

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Rosie O'Donnell is a mental midget, along with more than half of the people posting on this thread.

Let me tell you about reality.

When someone has a slight piece of intelligence (which every human has), their mind runs away and they question.  When someone hears something stated a certain way, the first instinct of an intelligent mind is to question whether they are being fooled, or whether they are being told the truth.

Now, a half-ass intellectual can go half way and when somebody tells him people landed on the moon, he can look for evidence that maybe that didn't happen.  If he finds 1 little piece that may support that theory, a half-ass intellectual will stop right there and believe he has discovered something enlightened, or that he's more 'in the know' than others, or that he has done himself a favor by missing an attempt to manipulate him.

A true intellectual looks at that evidence, decides whether it has merit, then weighs it all out.  Someone truly using their intelligence doesn't side with Rosie O'Donnell when she doesn't know a god damn thing about physics but yet is trying to describe to me how a building reacts in a fire.  She's a fucking idiot.

It takes a really brave, enlightened person to stand beside an authority figure, and the story they're pushing.... and not feel threatened, not feel manipulated, not fill tricked because their mind is strong enough to know alternative evidence, and still believe what's being told to them.

It'd be a horrible life if I had to reject everything anybody with any authority told me. 

Lieutenant Abdul-Shakur

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^ if i was in prison you'd be my first pick for prison bitch