Author Topic: The Truth of the Jenna 6  (Read 385 times)

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The Truth of the Jenna 6
« on: September 25, 2007, 10:36:32 AM »
Here is the real deal , Ok. Be prepared. A few long posts to follow with nothing but FACTS. Don't believe the wiki page, don't trust the national news. I have a friend who livesonly 30 miles from this fluster cluck.

I will post a chronological time stamp of everything that has led up to this. All information is gleaned from the Jena times after talking to several law authorities including the FBI.

August 30, 2006: During a Wednesday assembly of all males at Jena High School, many items were discussed concerning rules and policies of the school for the new school year. Such items included dress codes, etc. Near the end of the assembly, one black student jokingly asked Assistant Principal Gawen Burgess if black students were permitted to sit underneath the tree in the center of the square located in the center of the campus. The question evoked laughter from everyone at the meeting, including the black students, with Burgess responding, “Don’t even go there. You know you can sit anywhere you want.” Burgess and the rest of the students knew the remark was made to gain laughter as a joke, not as a serious question. A couple more jokes were also made (not about the tree) before the lighthearted assembly was dismissed.

August 31, 2006: On this Thursday morning two “hangman” nooses were found hanging from the lone tree in the center of the area known as the Square, located on the center of Jena High School’s campus. Some students had arrived and saw the nooses, but as soon as they were brought to the attention of school officials, they were removed. Students that arrived after 7:15 a.m. did not even see the nooses, as they had already been removed. The three white students who placed the nooses in the tree were identified by school officials, a school investigation was held, and they were removed from school with a recommendation by Principal Scott Windham for expulsion. A hearing by an expulsion committee ruled against expulsion and instead suspended the three students. The committee’s investigation revealed there were no racial motivation behind the nooses and that the incident was a prank. The overwhelming majority of students at Jena High School did not even know about the nooses until the following week, when it was published in daily newspaper reports and TV programs.

An external, criminal investigation did take place in the days that followed the nooses being found, with police, including an agent with the FBI, interviewing the three students. All agencies concluded the same: The noose incident did not meet the criteria for a federal “hate” crime and although it was a terrible act that should have been punished within the school system, it did not warrant criminal charges from either the state (local district attorney’s office) or the federal government. (It was learned later that the US Attorney’s Office did review the noose incident through its civil rights division and also came to the same conclusions.)

September 1, 2006: Some black students have said they participated in a “protest” at the school this day in response to the noose incident the prior day. They said they met underneath the tree in an act of solidarity; however, this was the only report of such a protest. The school officials note that if such a protest was conducted, it apparently did not disrupt school enough to draw their attention to the incident. For the most part, the majority of students at JHS still did not even know about the nooses being hung.

The following four days, September 2-5: There were no reports of violence or confrontations in the town or at JHS. Students were out of school on Monday, September 4, and on Tuesday, the school did report one fight at school, but it was not linked to the noose incident. However, on Tuesday night, September 5, several black parents and students attended a rally at the L&A Missionary Baptist Church to discuss the noose incident and how to respond. The event was covered by this area’s daily newspaper, which published an article on Wednesday, describing the noose incident as “racial.” Television stations then caught on to the story, and segments were broadcasts that same day, again describing the incident as racially motivated. It should be noted that no law enforcement agency, including the FBI, has determined the noose incident to be racially motivated.

September 6, 2006: The result of the media coverage was a tense atmosphere at the school Wednesday, September 6, where at least two fights occurred between students. One of those altercations was between a white girl and black girl, and another sent a white student to the emergency room for stitches to the back of his head after he was hit from behind while walking to class in a hallway. Because of the media attention, police officers from the Jena Police Department and the LaSalle Parish Sheriff’s Department stayed at the school most of the day, especially during time when students were out of classes. The tension also prompted Principal Scott Windham to call an assembly of all students, where he, LaSalle School Superintendent Roy Breithaupt, and LaSalle Parish District Attorney Reed Walters addressed students. A faculty meeting was also held that afternoon, setting new duty posts for teachers and requiring all male teachers to be on duty at all times.

September 7, 2006: On Thursday, September 7, as the media continued to flame the racial winds, police officers were again at the school as students arrived and stayed throughout the day until they left to go home. There were no reports of any misconduct related to the noose incident. But because of the area-wide media attention, a football game between the Jena Junior High School Giants and the Vidalia Junior High School Vikings, that was to have taken place at JHS, was cancelled.

September 8, 2006: Shortly after students arrived to school on Friday, the school went into “lock-down” mode after a report was received that a student had brought a gun to school.

For approximately three hours, students stayed inside classrooms as police officers searched the school grounds and students for weapons. No such weapons were found, but a large number of cell phones were confiscated. It is against state-law to bring cell phones on campus.

Because of the large array of rumors that circulated during the week, culminated with all types of reasons why the school went into lock-down mode Friday morning, parents began arriving at the school by 11:15 a.m. to check their children out of school.

Some 150 students did not even show up to start school Friday, and by the time over 160 more students checked out (in about 30 minutes) following the lock-down, well over half of the student body at JHS was not even in school by Friday afternoon.

Classes had been reduced in size drastically, with some classes with 26 students enrolled having only four or five in attendance. The massive exodus from JHS prompted Superintendent Breithaupt to make a radio statement on KJNA shortly after lunch Friday. In his radio broadcast with Owner-Disc Jockey Larry Evans, Breithaupt said:

“The LaSalle Parish School System has a history of providing inclusive and safe schools and we’re committed to this tradition. “It’s very unfortunate that we cannot control everyone’s behavior and we cannot control what people say sometimes, but we’re very confident in the fact that we have very safe schools. “Jena High School is a safe school and we have confidence in the administration and the teachers because we know these are individuals whose primary concern is to protect students and provide for their needs and provide them a quality education. And I can tell you that at Jena High School you will find a safe school today. We have local law enforcement on duty just to make sure things are going right. The school was inspected by our local law enforcement and found to be safe. There have been no major incidents over the last few days, so there is really no justification for any alarm on the part of any parent or anyone caring for a child. We’re closely monitoring the situation at Jena High School. I just returned from JHS myself – had lunch there – and I found everyone to be very calm and looking forward to the ballgame tonight. And I can tell you that JHS, at this present time, is a very safe learning environment. As a matter of fact, the most protected place children can be today is at school. I’ve seen teenagers driving vehicles up and down roads, driving at high rates of speed, and I know that if those children would not have been checked out of school, they would be in the classroom where they would be learning and taking advantage of the opportunities we have for them.” The superintendent further stated that parents need not fear for their students and their reaction by pulling them out of school simply had no justification. “It’s unfortunate that things like this happen. I understand that parents want to protect their children but sometimes, due to the fact that we cannot control rumors and we cannot control information that is false, people are given information that is not necessarily correct. In this particular case, I think there is much concern on the part of many people that really has no justification. They (parents) can be confident in the fact that we’re going to provide a quality education to the students of LaSalle Parish and our primary concern is that we have good, safe schools that provide students everything they would have need of,” Breithaupt concluded.

That night, the week ended with a strong police presence at the Jena-Buckeye football game, but nothing out of the ordinary occurred at the game.

On the sidelines during the game, one Jena player stated that all of the things being said about the school in the media and around the parish is simply not true.

“Sure, there may be some whites that don’t like blacks, and there may be some blacks that don’t like whites, but that is a very small minority here,” the player said. “At JHS, we’re neither black or white…we’re black and gold!”

eptember 18, 2006: Black parent Tracey Bowen addressed the LaSalle Parish School Board at their regular monthly meeting concerning the noose incident. Bowen said that she was there on behalf of all parents, defending her and several other black parents’ recent cries of racism following an incident at JHS where two hangman’s nooses were discovered at the school.

“Everyone says that we went overboard but I don’t believe we went overboard with this,” she said. “Right is right – no matter what color you are.”

Three white JHS students were suspended following the incident after it was discovered their motivation was not racism but rather a prank taken from a movie.

Bowen contended that even if it was a prank, the punishment warranted much more, given the history of American racism against blacks.

“We’re all equal and we only want what is right,” she continued. “What goes for one goes for all.”

Bowen read from a prepared statement and that took less than five minutes to read. Approximately ten other black supporters were there with her.

Following her statements, the board thanked Bowen for her comments and moved to the next item on the agenda. Because the issue involved students of a school, board members are prohibited from discussing them or information about the incident in public due to confidentiality reasons.

September 9-November 30, 2006: Despite the media promoting racial tension, there were no such reports of any violence or destruction during this time period. Disruptions at school were only those of typical disruptions, nothing related to any racial divide, thus, putting to rest any speculation that there were true racial tensions in town.

November 30, 2006: Around 4 a.m., Thursday, November 30, the Jena Fire Department received an alarm that the main, two-story academic building of Jena High School was on fire. They arrived to find the building nearly engulfed in flames and soon called for every fire department in the parish to respond for assistance.

Within 20 minutes, departments from across the parish converged on the scene to assist with the fire.

At total of 98 firefighters from 15 different departments and 32 other assistant personnel fought the blaze until it was finally extinguished around 11 a.m. Officials from the Louisiana State Fire Marshal’s Office were also at the scene, and quickly determined the cause of the fire – arson.

According to sources, one fire was started in the main office complex of the building, specifically in Principal Scott Windham’s office. There were also multiple fires set on the second floor in various classrooms. The result was a fire that firefighters in the parish have only read about or watched training films on.

There still have been no arrests made in connection with the arson fire and officials do not believe it is related to the noose incident.

November 30th also marked the changing of command at Jena High School, as Principal Scott Windham was promoted to a position at the school system’s central office and was replaced by new JHS Principal Slick Joiner.

December 1, 2006: The first time law enforcement officials used the term “racial tensions” was in describing the events of the weekend and subsequent Monday, in which several black-white altercations occurred. LaSalle Parish Sheriff’ Department Investigator Paul Smith said the unusual racial unrest throughout the community started Friday night, December 1, at a private party held at the Jena Fair Barn.

Although the party was private and held mostly white attendees, there were some black participants at the event. However, when a group of other black men showed up and wanted to be admitted, the result was a fight in front of the building.

Justin Sloan, 22, of Jena, a white participant of the party, was arrested by the sheriff’s office in connection with the fair barn fight, and this event led to other attacks throughout the area.

“Sometime later that night, there was another incident near the fair grounds but there were no arrests made in connection with that,” Smith said.

Robert Bailey, Jr. and at least one other member of the now famous “Jena Six,” were members of the group that raided the fair barn party.

December 2, 2006: On Saturday night, December 2, another altercation occurred at the Gotta-Go Grocery, a convenience store near the Jena Airport, that resulted in three Jena High School students arrested on several charges and the victim having to be treated at the hospital for injuries.

The victim, Matt Windham, alleges that three black males attacked and robbed him while the three accused are claiming self-defense.

Both the victim and those arrested offered different statements to police, however, eye witnesses to the event unrelated to the victim or those arrested, gave a report of the incident that corresponded with the victim.

Those arrested include: Robert Bailey, 17, of Jena; Ryan Simmons, 17, of Jena, and Theodare Shaw, 17, of Jena. All three are students at Jena High School and each were charged with second-degree robbery, theft of a firearm, and conspiracy to commit second-degree robbery.

No reports of any fights or attacks were noted for the following day, Sunday, December 3.

December 4, 2006: On Monday, December 4, one of the most violent attacks in Jena High School’s history was orchestrated by six black students on a lone white student, according to authorities.

The attack came less than four hours after students were allowed back on campus following the arson fire of JHS. According to witness statements, at the end of the lunch period, the six students jumped a white male student, beating him unconscious with him having to be carried from the school by ambulance to the emergency room. Trial testimony later identified Mychal Bell as the first of the group to strike Justin Barker, hitting him so hard from behind that it knocked him immediately unconscious. Other participants in the attack then joined Bell in kicking and stomping Barker as he lay defenseless and unconscious on the ground. Although Barker was released later that day from the hospital, it was reported that he continues to suffer pain from the attack. He did attend a senior class ring ceremony that same night, but had to leave early because of pain.

Shortly after the incident, sheriff’s detectives arrested Robert Bailey and Theodare Shaw again in connection with the attack, along with JHS standout football player Carwin Jones, 18, of Jena, Bryant R. Purvis, and two juveniles.

The six were originally arrested for second-degree battery related charges, however, LaSalle Parish District Attorney J. Reed Walters made the decision to up the charges to more serious offenses.

All six were arraigned on charges of conspiracy to commit second-degree murder and attempted second-degree murder.

Walters said that his office is charging one of the juveniles as an adult while the other will remain in juvenile court.

Mychal Bell, 16, of Jena, another standout JHS football player, was charged as an adult and had his bond set at $90,000.

Total bonds on each of the students from the Gotta-Go fight and the JHS attack were set at: Jones - $90,000; Bailey - $138,000; Shaw - $130,000; Purvis - $70,000; and Simmons - $60,000. (It should be noted that portions of some of the students’ bond were from the event at Gotta-Go Grocery, making them higher than others.) No information was available concerning bond on the other juvenile.

Investigator Smith noted that since the JHS attack on December 4, there have been no other reports of violence in the Jena area connected with the incidents.

From all evidence gathered by law enforcement detectives, the violent attack of Barker by six black students at Jena High School December 4 is not linked to the arson fire that destroyed the main academic building four days prior or the hanging of a noose at JHS in August.

Investigator Paul Smith of the LaSalle Parish Sheriff’s Department said the investigation so far has revealed no link between the fire or noose incidents and several fights throughout Jena over the previous weekend involving white and black students of JHS.

December 7, 2006: Approximately 35 ministers and lay-leaders from many Jena-area black and white churches met for over an hour last Thursday night, uniting in their efforts to promote peace among all citizens.

The ministers met at Trout Creek Baptist Church to start a new ministerial alliance group for Jena churches of all denominations and racial-ethnic groups. The meeting occurred just days following racial unrest throughout Jena, specifically involving students at Jena High School.

“We’re not here to talk about what has happened, but rather what we can do to address those issues from a spiritual basis,” Jena First Baptist Church Pastor Dominick DiCarlo told the group. “This is a spiritual problem and there is no other institution appointed by God to deal with the heart problem of man other than His church.”

DiCarlo said he believes all area ministers must unite to combat the spiritual forces that are attacking area young people and there must be a unified front for the sake of the entire community.

“We want to implement Biblical solutions and stress the value of powerful prayer among all believers, white and black,” he said.

By the end of the meeting, the group agreed in wording for a resolution to be printed in the newspaper (see resolution inside this issue) with all ministers’ signatures attached.

The clergy also agreed to address the situation from their individual pulpits during Sunday services, encouraging their members to pray and to seek peace among students and adults.

They also organized a prayer time last Sunday, December 10, at the four different schools in Jena – Jena High, Jena Junior High, Jena Elementary, and Good Pine Middle School.

At JHS alone, over 200 people from all denominations and racial groups met to pray for the school, its students, teachers, and administrators. Joiner even opened the doors of classrooms so people could walk inside each room and pray. The end of the event had all participants joining hands in the school square for a time of corporate prayer.

On Monday of this week, administrators invited all area ministers to have lunch at Jena High with the students and teachers.

December 13, 2006: Approximately 600 Jena residents filled the Guy Campbell Memorial Football Stadium Wednesday night, December 13, for a community-wide prayer and unity service sponsored by local ministers.

The new ministerial alliance, consisting of Jena area pastors of various denominations and ethnic memberships, organized the event during a special meeting of some 35 pastors and lay-leaders December 7.

The purpose of the new alliance and the prayer meeting last week was to unite all Christians in light of recent racial tensions surrounding Jena High School.

Jena has been plagued in recent weeks with a series of events containing racial overtones, culminating December 4 with a violent attack on the campus of Jena High School involving black and white students. Other events included fights throughout the Jena area involving blacks and whites, including JHS students, and the recent arson fire at the school November 30, although so far investigators have not linked the fire to racial motivations.

“Our purpose here tonight is not to talk about what has happened, but rather to pray for healing and unity for our community,” Midway Baptist Church Pastor Rick Feazell said in opening the service. “This is not a social problem, but a spiritual problem that can only be solved by God.”

SCHOOL OFFICIALS, POLICE OFFICIALS, AND OTHER GOVERNING OFFICIALS have all noted that there have been no racial incidents since the December 4, 2006, attack and subsequent arrests. However, some time at the beginning of 2007, black ministers pulled out of the LaSalle Ministerial Alliance and are no longer participating in the joint ministry.

March 7, 2007: A special meeting was held at Antioch Baptist Church near Jena for the formation of a LaSalle Branch of the NAACP. According to president Caseptla Bailey, who is also the mother of accused student Robert Bailey, Jr., over 100 people, including adults and youth, paid membership fees to join the organization. The committee known as the “Jena Six Defense Committee,” was also formed this night.

March 8, 2007: The first “Free the Jena Six” rally was held at the LaSalle Parish Courthouse in Jena with about 30 people in attendance. Along with some of the family members of the black students accused, members from the national ACLU and state NAACP were in attendance.

May 2, 2007: Approximately 40 people attended a rally on the steps of the LaSalle Parish Courthouse Wednesday afternoon, calling for the release and charges dropped on six former Jena High School students.

Some of the parents and family of the six accused students were at the rally, however, a large portion of those attending were from outside of LaSalle Parish.

Groups represented included the NAACP, ACLU, and the National Action Network.

June 25-28, 2007: The trial of Mychal Bell, the first of the Jena Six to go to trial from the December 4, 2006, attack, was held during this week. An all-white jury was selected, however, it should be noted that no potential black jurors showed up for jury duty, although several were summoned. Bell’s charges were reduced from attempted murder to aggravated second-degree battery and conspiracy to commit aggravated second-degree battery. He was convicted of both counts.

July 26, 2007: A community education forum was held at Good Pine Middle School led by US Attorney Donald Washington and FBI Assistant Special Agent in Charge Lewis Chapman. At this forum, Washington said his office’s civil rights division has investigated all of the events in Jena during 2006, including the noose incident, the fights throughout town, and the December 4, 2006 attack. He said there were no civil right violations in any of the incidents…making specific reference to the noose incident. He also said the FBI has investigated the school system, police departments, sheriff’s department, district attorney’s office, and the 28th Judicial District Court system and found no violations of civil rights in any area.

July 31, 2007: An estimated crowd of 300 people descended upon the lawn of the LaSalle Parish Courthouse Tuesday, July 31, demonstrating their support for the black Jena High School students charged in connection with an attack at the school last December.

The protesters came to Jena from all over the country, including California and Washington, D.C., although only around 10 residents of LaSalle Parish were present. Most of those were family members of the students accused in the attack.

The protest was called for a day when Mychal Bell was originally set to be sentenced following his conviction of aggravated second-degree battery and conspiracy to commit aggravated second-degree battery during a jury trial in late June.

August 5, 2007: Rev. Al Sharpton made his first official visit to Jena, preaching in a service at Trout Creek Baptist Church during their Sunday morning service.

August 14, 2007: Rev. Al Sharpton made his second visit to Jena bringing with him Martin Lurther King, III, during a town hall meeting at Antioch Baptist Church on this Tuesday night.

August 24, 2007: Mychal Bell was back in court on a series of motions from his new pro-bono attorneys. They were successful in getting on the conviction counts thrown out, the conspiracy to commit aggravated second-degree battery, but Bell still faces sentenced on the aggravated second-degree battery count on September 20. He faces a maximum jail time of 15 years. It was also revealed during the hearing that Bell has a violent past as a juvenile, with at least four different violent arrests. He was also on juvenile probation during some of those arrests, and was on probation when the December 4, 2006 attack occurred.

September 12, 2007: Rev. Jesse Jackson made his first appearance in Jena during a meeting with some 300 people at Good Pine Middle School Sunday afternoon. The next day, he held a press conference/rally at the LaSalle Parish Courthouse with family members of the Jena Six.

September 14, 2007: LaSalle Parish District Attorney J. Reed Walters issues his first public statement on the events of this past year, noting the noose incident did not constitute a federal or state offense, and the attack at JHS on December 4, 2006, was exactly that…and not a “school-yard fight” that has been repeatedly reported in the news media.

The Third Circuit Court of Appeals announced today they have overturned Mychal Bell’s conviction and have thrown it out. They ruled the matter should have been handled in juvenile court and sent it to that jurisdiction for prosecution. Walters said he would appeal the decision to the Louisiana Supreme Court.

September 20, 2007: Anywhere from 8-20,000 people from across the nation and world are expected to be in Jena for a large demonstration/rally in support of the “Jena Six.”

LaSalle Parish District Attorney J. Reed Walters Issues Statement to the Press

For the first time since last year, LaSalle Parish District Attorney J. Reed Walters issued a statement to the media concerning the situation involving the “Jena Six.” Below is his entire statement, delivered to The Jena Times newspaper office Friday afternoon around 3:30 p.m. for distribution world wide. (It should be noted that this statement was issued prior to the decision of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals that threw out the conviction of Mychal Bell in June.)

“I begin this statement by saying that it has been my longstanding policy to not make statements about pending cases. I am further restrained by ethical considerations that are designed to protect defendants from prejudice as a result of public remarks made by a prosecutor. However, because of the massive amount of misinformation that has been reported concerning the recent conviction obtained in the so‑called "Jena Six" matter, and for my concern for the residents of LaSalle Parish, I have decided to issue the following statement. This statement is designed to correct the major misrepresentations of fact and is carefully designed to comply with the rules of professional conduct.

At this time, I cannot address every factual misrepresentation made concerning this matter. The following statement will address those that I consider to be major inaccuracies. Because of the ongoing nature of these matters and the ethical restraints of Rule 3.6 of the Louisiana Rules of Professional Conduct, I will not be able to make any further statement at this time.

# 1. Noose Incident at Jena High School

The noose incident at Jena High School occurred in August, 2006. This incident was very thoroughly investigated by the United States Attorney for the Western District of Louisiana who concluded that the facts did not constitute an offense that should be prosecuted under federal law. I researched state law and came to the conclusion that there is no state criminal statute prohibiting the conduct. I could not prosecute the perpetrators without an applicable statute. This is an issue that may be appropriate for Legislative consideration.

The incident which led to the charges resulting in the conviction of Mr. Mychal Bell took place in December, 2006. At no time during the investigation of the incident or at the trial was any evidence presented connecting the two events. There has been no evidence presented to me that the victim in this case had any connection to the perpetrators of the noose incident.

#2. An Attack‑‑Not a schoolyard fight

It has been repeatedly reported that this incident was just a schoolyard fight. The evidence showed that the victim was "sucker‑punched" and knocked immediately unconscious before being stomped and kicked. There was no credible evidence before or during the trial that the victim had provoked the attack by word or gesture. The evidence showed that this was an attack, not a fight. It was prosecuted as such. At no time during the consideration to prosecute or the prosecution of this matter did anyone's race enter into any decision that was made. It would be a fruitless waste of time considering something that would have no effect on the presentation of evidence or be admissible in a court of law.

I realize that there have been numerous requests of me to give more details and a more thorough statement delving into this matter. However, because of the ethical considerations that I must abide by, I cannot make any further statement at this time.”

J. Reed Walters

LaSalle Parish District Attorney

In short. The "Six" are in jail for assault. The attempted murder charges have already been dropped. Al Sharpton and his lackeys need to STFU go back home and let justice be served. The kid that got jumped didn't even have anything to do with the original noose incident. But 6 guys with criminal priors decided to stomp the ever loving crap outta the first white person that day after attempting to stir trouble for a few weeks prior.



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Re: The Truth of the Jenna 6
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2007, 11:27:10 PM »
what it all boils down to is the justice system has various levels of fucked-up-ness depending on the crime that is commited, against whom, and what part of the country it goes down.




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Re: The Truth of the Jenna 6
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2007, 12:15:32 AM »
This whole jena 6 thing is soo tired which it would get done, already.

Hey Ma

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Re: The Truth of the Jenna 6
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2007, 12:20:34 AM »
the authorities didn't find it as a "hate crime" but it was still an act of old school racist hate and that deserves an ass beating. i think both sides (sensitive blacks/ redneck crackers) are flawed in this whole bitch fit....the kids deserved to woop those whiteboys asses but hey if u cant do the time dont do the crime


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Re: The Truth of the Jenna 6
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2007, 12:36:46 AM »
^^ yup basically especially if u cant do the time don't do the crime. BUt they must have a fuck up system over there to get punishments like that for jumping people. Seen plenty of fights in highschools turn out to people getting jumped, couple of days of suspension at most kick out and sometimes no school officials even find out.


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Re: The Truth of the Jenna 6
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2007, 07:42:05 AM »
^^ yup basically especially if u cant do the time don't do the crime. BUt they must have a fuck up system over there to get punishments like that for jumping people. Seen plenty of fights in highschools turn out to people getting jumped, couple of days of suspension at most kick out and sometimes no school officials even find out.

We have a very soft system in Canada, but even here if you send someone to the hospital it's an automatic expulsion, charges get pressed and if the case was about kicking someone while unconscious it'd be a pretty strong set of charges. But you wouldn't get tried as an adult though. But like I said it's soft here. A 15 year old could rape, torture, and murder a girl and still be out on the street in 4 to 6 years.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: The Truth of the Jenna 6
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2007, 08:01:27 AM »
^^ yup basically especially if u cant do the time don't do the crime. BUt they must have a fuck up system over there to get punishments like that for jumping people. Seen plenty of fights in highschools turn out to people getting jumped, couple of days of suspension at most kick out and sometimes no school officials even find out.

We have a very soft system in Canada, but even here if you send someone to the hospital it's an automatic expulsion, charges get pressed and if the case was about kicking someone while unconscious it'd be a pretty strong set of charges. But you wouldn't get tried as an adult though. But like I said it's soft here. A 15 year old could rape, torture, and murder a girl and still be out on the street in 4 to 6 years.
damn. I like Canada pretty chill up there I  got family in Toronto and Montreal.


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Re: The Truth of the Jenna 6
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2007, 10:09:54 AM »
^^ yup basically especially if u cant do the time don't do the crime. BUt they must have a fuck up system over there to get punishments like that for jumping people. Seen plenty of fights in highschools turn out to people getting jumped, couple of days of suspension at most kick out and sometimes no school officials even find out.

We have a very soft system in Canada, but even here if you send someone to the hospital it's an automatic expulsion, charges get pressed and if the case was about kicking someone while unconscious it'd be a pretty strong set of charges. But you wouldn't get tried as an adult though. But like I said it's soft here. A 15 year old could rape, torture, and murder a girl and still be out on the street in 4 to 6 years.
damn. I like Canada pretty chill up there I  got family in Toronto and Montreal.

I think the absolute maximum sentence for a minor if 12 years, and in Canada you never do a full term. I'm sure in extreme cases that are highly publicized, like if a 17 year old kidnappened raped and murdered 40 babies the judges would be forced to act hard. But in most cases judges greatly undersentence. A 15 yesar old in my heighborhood attacked and stabbed a complete stranger in the neck because the guy didn't want to give him any money. It literally went "hey you got any money?", "no", then he stabbed him. The guy was a delivery man bringing in a shipment of chips and shit to the corner store. He didn't die or anything but the kid that did it was out in a matter of months, despite his prior charges of beating up young kids, getting kicked out of school for smashing bottles over a kid's head, and in one case threatening a woman's toddler with violence. After he got out he developed a drug problem and killed himself,or jumped off a building high on shrooms thinking he could fly. This kid needed a lot more than 8 months in a house with other stupid kids playing video games and lifting weights. Our justice system is a joke up here.


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Re: The Truth of the Jenna 6
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2007, 02:15:26 PM »
^^ yup basically especially if u cant do the time don't do the crime. BUt they must have a fuck up system over there to get punishments like that for jumping people. Seen plenty of fights in highschools turn out to people getting jumped, couple of days of suspension at most kick out and sometimes no school officials even find out.

We have a very soft system in Canada, but even here if you send someone to the hospital it's an automatic expulsion, charges get pressed and if the case was about kicking someone while unconscious it'd be a pretty strong set of charges. But you wouldn't get tried as an adult though. But like I said it's soft here. A 15 year old could rape, torture, and murder a girl and still be out on the street in 4 to 6 years.
damn. I like Canada pretty chill up there I  got family in Toronto and Montreal.

I think the absolute maximum sentence for a minor if 12 years, and in Canada you never do a full term. I'm sure in extreme cases that are highly publicized, like if a 17 year old kidnappened raped and murdered 40 babies the judges would be forced to act hard. But in most cases judges greatly undersentence. A 15 yesar old in my heighborhood attacked and stabbed a complete stranger in the neck because the guy didn't want to give him any money. It literally went "hey you got any money?", "no", then he stabbed him. The guy was a delivery man bringing in a shipment of chips and shit to the corner store. He didn't die or anything but the kid that did it was out in a matter of months, despite his prior charges of beating up young kids, getting kicked out of school for smashing bottles over a kid's head, and in one case threatening a woman's toddler with violence. After he got out he developed a drug problem and killed himself,or jumped off a building high on shrooms thinking he could fly. This kid needed a lot more than 8 months in a house with other stupid kids playing video games and lifting weights. Our justice system is a joke up here.
yea thats way to soft