
Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?

0 (0%)
3 (33.3%)
Real american doesn't like pussy
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Not sure, but I still think Real American is a douche
4 (44.4%)

Total Members Voted: 4


Author Topic: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?  (Read 951 times)

Outlaw Immortal

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Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« on: February 04, 2008, 10:59:59 PM »
Now guys, the purpose of this advanced form of polling, is to determine the way he analyzes politics.

Real American I would love to hear your views on this.


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Re: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2008, 11:09:33 PM »
A few cats on here I heard sayin [say] they like I.T's music but not necessarily his message. The dude is a beast of a writer regardless of his politics or philosophy, although I enjoy it all, I gets off.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 12:32:22 AM by RETURN OF THE OVERFIEND »


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Re: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2008, 02:00:44 AM »
Yeah, I like (some of) the music of dead prez, regardless of the depraved nature of their message. Besides, next time you make a poll, don't stuff in two funny options you know people are going to vote for :P I had to control myself to answer in a serious manner.

In no way Real American will approve of what Immortal Technique is saying, if that's your question. At least, his character surely won't.

*Z* - The Queen of Dubcc

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Re: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2008, 03:45:00 AM »
yea word^^ i dont think real american is capable of liking IT's music, he must really have too hard times keeping and preserving his take on politics, cuz the immorality of that is ways too immense. so i dont think he could cope with such music, if he seriously listened to it, itd make him doubt, but for a patriot its ways too risky
so my answers NO

I myself like dead prez music even if its racist as hell, its very nice lyrically and musicwise, and for me thats what music is all about.
"I grew up on the chill-side, the no-big-deal-side, staying alive was no problem"



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Re: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2008, 03:52:20 AM »
They're preaching socialism, which is probably even worse than racism to me :D

*Z* - The Queen of Dubcc

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Re: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2008, 04:00:03 AM »
They're preaching socialism, which is probably even worse than racism to me :D

are you for real?  :laugh:
"I grew up on the chill-side, the no-big-deal-side, staying alive was no problem"



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Re: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2008, 04:37:48 AM »
They're preaching socialism, which is probably even worse than racism to me :D

are you for real?  :laugh:

Yes, my dear. To glorify theft and denounce achievement is far worse than to discriminate and express hatred through stereotypes. At least the latter is based on some perception of truth.

*Z* - The Queen of Dubcc

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Re: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2008, 04:50:08 AM »
stop reciting cold war propaganda and distinguish socialism and stalinism/post-stalinism

1. in socialism theft is opposed
and 2.in socialism the achievemnt is not denounced. They try to make achievements available to a greater number of people as opposed to a small chosen few like it is nowadays
"I grew up on the chill-side, the no-big-deal-side, staying alive was no problem"



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Re: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2008, 05:53:04 AM »
^ The difference is only in nuance. A horse and a pony may not be the same breed, but they're still animals and part of the very same horse family. Just because modern day socialists don't tend to kill the way Stalin did, doesn't make their philosophy any less poisonous.

Socialism aims for total equality for every man. Whether he is the greatest, most virtuous person alive, or the lowest possible thug; socialism preaches how they are all equal and should be treated equally. There is no expression of value and no judgment passed. Now, it is a common fact that not every man is born with the same potential. In a way, life was never 'fair' to begin with. Some people have physiological or psychological advantages, some have a wealthy heritage (either in posessions or in achievements and position) which has been achieved before they were born. Humans are not equal, even though they may have great potential by their very nature. Not everyone develops his potentials so well; not everyone is willing enough to do so. Yet there are numerous stories of poor children who started reading and grew out to be something fabulous. Some developed their physical skills and became sportsmen. I didn't have the potential to do the latter, but do you hear me bitching about it?

In trying to create so called equal opportunities, socialism takes care for everyone, regardless of who or what they are. Every human being gets a heated home, he gets food on his plate and some funds to buy a tv from. But do you believe houses and tv's grow on trees, where the government can just distribute the harvest as it pleases? No. To build a house, you need carpenters, masons, people expert at furniture and so on. There's a butcher, a farmer and a baker who have to produce food. These are their products, they are created through their efforts. They are virtuous in their own way, through producing. These are people who take care of themselves, and then the state comes and tells them to pay taxes, so that the people who do not produce can eat the food they worked hard for. Socialism is theft by its nature. Robin Hood is the most depraved fairy tale character in human history.

Now, I am absolutely not against equal opportunities. The thing is, the leeching nature of socialism creates a backward atmosphere which oppresses the advancement of humanity. Thugs are looked at as if their behavior is a result of a bad environment. The environment did wrong; the thug must be helped. That's acting as if thugs have no free will; as if they can't control their behavior; as if their behavior is the only way to survive. So we treat them well in our penitentiaries - we give them cable tv with extra porn channels. We try to rehabilitate them through saying "What you did was wrong. Don't do it again". Yet they'll remember the porn channels they had on tv in their cell blocks. They've basically been rewarded for their attitude, and since they weren't considered fully responsible for their own actions, it isn't likely they'll learn much from it. Depravity is being rewarded. How's that?

And then there's an poor single lady who says she doesn't get enough from the state. She doesn't work, and she doesn't have enough money to keep her children satisfied. She demands more.
Well hello? The state's keeping you alive, and you dare demanding more money to satisfy the needs of you and the children you couldn't afford in the first place? She's being fed through the virtues and achievements of great men and women, and she thinks she's being treated UNFAIRLY? She's a fucking leech. In today's society, anyone with half a brain can think of some invention to make money off. It's called free enterprise, and we don't need socialism to establish that. Be creative and do it. Or develop some skills and use them to earn your living. Write a book; knit some socks; be an inventer; lift up your skirt for the mayor (if you're in a depraved state of mind anyway, what difference would that make?). ANYONE can earn a living. And if you can't, on what grounds do you plea society should owe you anything?

In conclusion, yes, achievement is denounced in socialism in its absolute form. It basically states how any personal achievement, is an attempt to overcome the mediocrity of society. Society will make its claim; it will demand your achievement and make it its own. Every man is equal, and your efforts will be another drop in the ocean that ultimately won't benefit you. But why should you care, because personal benefit is not to be strived for anyway? Down goes the spiral of human development, until we've all turned into leechers, trying to drain something that's already been drained. Yeah, viva la revolución.


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Re: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2008, 07:08:10 AM »
You seem to be outraged at leechers. You seem to hate the idea of people's hard work turned into something others use for their benefit without any regard for the producers. You seem to resent theft. So far so good, I think anyone would agree that all these things are bad. But how much of this can be attributed to social- or socialist inspired- policies pursued by governments and how much of these undoubtedly destructive trends can be attributed to the most powerful elements in western industrial societies, namely the corporate entities and the giant state subsidies THEY receive. If you look at the evidence, you'll see that all the things that you're rightly concerned with are predominantly caused by the greatest beneficiary of the most anti-social policies. And this is not to suggest there isn't such a thing as social leeching...yes there is, it would be stupid to deny that, but the proportion of this phenomenon is so meager in comparison to corporate leeching, theft and exploitation that it faints in comparison. And here's the question, if this is so, and this is a mere truism, why do you pay so much attention to such a flimsy determinant and don't look at the much bigger factors- namely, the MNC.
We are all human beings isn't that a good enough reason for peace?


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Re: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2008, 09:08:35 AM »
They're preaching socialism, which is probably even worse than racism to me :D

Well, then you're obviously not going to like it when my revolution begins and a sovereign socialist Pan-African Republic of America replaces the United States.  Furthermore, my form of socialism is race-based rather than class-based, which means that I take wealth from the crackers and Jews and put it back into the hands of blacks (and MAYBE the spics,  provided they stop acting like retards in L.A.)

Also, you have totally fucked-up ideas, dude.  "A horse and a pony may not be the same breed, but they're still animals and part of the very same horse family", LOL at you for being so retarded.  What are you, a fucking McCarthyist?

King Tech Quadafi

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Re: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2008, 09:28:46 AM »
immortal technique has no swagger, neither does the white boy
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll


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Re: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2008, 04:07:18 PM »
stop reciting cold war propaganda and distinguish socialism and stalinism/post-stalinism

1. in socialism theft is opposed
and 2.in socialism the achievemnt is not denounced. They try to make achievements available to a greater number of people as opposed to a small chosen few like it is nowadays


I bet most of you on here live in liberal democracies with UNIONS, food stamps, unemployment assistance, community colleges and soup kitchens! Yet yall say you don't believe in socialism, the West IS SOCIALIST you fools, its why we leading the world you idiots (that and nationalist safeguards like tariffs, import/export controls)! You want REAL capitalism? Go to to ASIA, AFRICA, go to Ethiopa or the PHILIPPINES and get shot up or starve because you simply don't have money, where you REALLYain't shit when you ain't got scrilla. You fucks COULDN't HANDLE living in the REAL FREE MARKET CAPITALIST WORLD.  You have the luxury to say "fuck socialism" because your country has benefited from socialist inspired governance for so long. Now its all gonna get shittier for us in the WEST because the IMF, WORLD BANK, want us all on a level playing field and have forced us over the decades to destroy our nationalist economic safeguards in the name of your naive belief in one world free market economics and opposition to nationalist thought and inspired governance. Of course for the elite, its OK to have everybody on a level playing field because they are always going to be the exception, its the middle class who will need to struggle. Ahh well, New World Order, still the same World.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 04:43:43 PM by RETURN OF THE OVERFIEND »


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Re: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2008, 04:31:39 PM »
^^^^^ Dude, having some government programs intended to give us benefits for our taxes is hardly socialism.

Also, if Eleven 2 Three thinks that kind of shit is theft, I will gladly rob his bitch ass any day.  There's nothing I love more than rolling through a neighborhood of middle-class Republican pricks and putting my Glock .40 (which I can buy in this country thanks to their retarded pro-2nd Amendment asses) to their domes and taking their shit.


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Re: Does 'Real American' like Immortal Technique?
« Reply #14 on: February 05, 2008, 05:00:48 PM »
^^^^^ Dude, having some government programs intended to give us benefits for our taxes is hardly socialism.

Your taxes go towards giving other people food, they go towards a road or a highway you may never use. They are in the grain of socialist philosophy, its just that people have this view of socialism as an extreme (maybe as a result of Cold War sterotyping), when it actually encompasses the very basic of human needs, whether provided by the state or private groups or individuals.

Peace, Bread and Land.

-Bolshevik slogan.

Whether you call such programs socialist or not dosn't actually matter anyway alot of politicians have givin up using the term 'socialism' because of the stigmata attached, although the programs they promote could be argued to be within the grain of socialist philosophy. Today, the socialist tradition in the West is more about responding to the excesses and inequalities of capitalism, along way away from traditional Marxism.

« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 06:14:49 PM by RETURN OF THE OVERFIEND »