Author Topic: Why doesn't Lebron ever post up? (Also, he dunked from the foul line last night)  (Read 865 times)


Wade at his best had very complete stats ... this year he's very impressive aswell and he's way more clutch than Lebron ... he's been a lil forgotten because of injuries and his shitty team record... but Lebron-Wade is very debatable ... no way Melo should be up in the discussion , he's a very good player but not great ... I'd take Pierce over Melo anyday of the week .. when it comes to rank SG and SF :

1. Kobe
2. LBJ and Wade
4. Pierce
5. Melo

then you have a bunch of very good players as Gino, Allen , Artest; VC , ect ..

I would have to agree. But on my list Wade is 2nd and Lebron is 3rd.

I can't stand Nik's shit anymore... I'll leave it at that

that's cuz you're too sensitive to handle people opinions if they're different than yours...bad look, Mavs fan.

Not at all, I never had a problem with niggas like Antonio and them. Baby G can piss a nigga off as he tends to get belligerent. But overall I never have problems with a niggas opinion here. You're something else, though.

Thanks...I think
"House shoes & coffee: I know the paper gone come"



Going back to the original topic, the more i watch the Cavs,the more I see LBJ playing the post.  About fucking time.
Great article about the Cavs on, where it looks at their vastly improved offense.

A quote from the article:

"He’s been off-the-charts effective when put at the four, where he spends about half as much time as he does at the three–his per-48 minute stats at the four-spot are (this is not a typo) 50/11/9 on 60 percent shooting"   

 Lebron should be a four man- he;s massive, would be a great passer from the block or high post, can board well, etc.  He could truly be an amazing post player......its nice that Cleveland has some real guard talent now (Williams) to allow him to do so for 10 or so mins a game.


  • Guest
So you're dissing niggas with that last line, yet we are also the sensitive niggas who can't handle a different opinion, huh?

that last line is part of my opinion...LOL.


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In my opinion, saying Kobe is better than Jordan is NOT overhyping Kobe, cuz I truly do believe he is the more skilled's a valid claim that the coach of both players has made himself in the past. None of my claims are absurd, I watch the games and come up with my own opinions and conclusions...I don't let the media run my mind like you muuufuckaz who read box scores and watch ESPN, but couldn't play a game of organized basketball if your life depended on it.

NIK, you actually played on a team? Didn't realize that.  And what makes you so sure that the rest of us don't ball or never have.  Played college ball in Canada (not the greatest ball but we beat a few DIV 3 teams in exhibitions) and I coach about you?  I'm not saying I am great or anything, but I've BEEN involved in bball forever. 

Yes...I've been playing organized ball my whole life. I'm not 100% sure that the rest of you haven't, but the criteria some of you guys use to judge basketball shows me that some of ya'll don't know a lot about the game. "AMARE SCORES MORE THAN BYNUM, HES WAYYYYY BETTER!" Just stupid shit like that...PeACe


In my opinion, saying Kobe is better than Jordan is NOT overhyping Kobe, cuz I truly do believe he is the more skilled's a valid claim that the coach of both players has made himself in the past. None of my claims are absurd, I watch the games and come up with my own opinions and conclusions...I don't let the media run my mind like you muuufuckaz who read box scores and watch ESPN, but couldn't play a game of organized basketball if your life depended on it.

NIK, you actually played on a team? Didn't realize that.  And what makes you so sure that the rest of us don't ball or never have.  Played college ball in Canada (not the greatest ball but we beat a few DIV 3 teams in exhibitions) and I coach about you?  I'm not saying I am great or anything, but I've BEEN involved in bball forever. 

Yes...I've been playing organized ball my whole life. I'm not 100% sure that the rest of you haven't, but the criteria some of you guys use to judge basketball shows me that some of ya'll don't know a lot about the game. "AMARE SCORES MORE THAN BYNUM, HES WAYYYYY BETTER!" Just stupid shit like that...PeACe

NIK, i think, in general, most people view sports, and LIFE, with regards to RESULTS.  So far, Bynum hasn't played even a complete season at an adequate level, let alone a  good level (which Amare and Howard have), hence the shock when you say Bynum is better.  Potentially Bynum could be very good, we will have to wait and see. As of now, there are at least 5 post players that bring more to their respective teams then him.  I do have to say that is a perfect fit for the Lakers now, as they dont need him scoring, they just need his defense.  But could you really see him being the MAIN offensive weapon on a team?


  • Guest
In my opinion, saying Kobe is better than Jordan is NOT overhyping Kobe, cuz I truly do believe he is the more skilled's a valid claim that the coach of both players has made himself in the past. None of my claims are absurd, I watch the games and come up with my own opinions and conclusions...I don't let the media run my mind like you muuufuckaz who read box scores and watch ESPN, but couldn't play a game of organized basketball if your life depended on it.

NIK, you actually played on a team? Didn't realize that.  And what makes you so sure that the rest of us don't ball or never have.  Played college ball in Canada (not the greatest ball but we beat a few DIV 3 teams in exhibitions) and I coach about you?  I'm not saying I am great or anything, but I've BEEN involved in bball forever. 

Yes...I've been playing organized ball my whole life. I'm not 100% sure that the rest of you haven't, but the criteria some of you guys use to judge basketball shows me that some of ya'll don't know a lot about the game. "AMARE SCORES MORE THAN BYNUM, HES WAYYYYY BETTER!" Just stupid shit like that...PeACe

NIK, i think, in general, most people view sports, and LIFE, with regards to RESULTS.  So far, Bynum hasn't played even a complete season at an adequate level, let alone a  good level (which Amare and Howard have), hence the shock when you say Bynum is better.  Potentially Bynum could be very good, we will have to wait and see. As of now, there are at least 5 post players that bring more to their respective teams then him.  I do have to say that is a perfect fit for the Lakers now, as they dont need him scoring, they just need his defense.  But could you really see him being the MAIN offensive weapon on a team?

have you ever thought that some people judge a player based on how good he actually performs and not how much he's accomplished? Bynum, playing his best basketball (which he hasn't been able to do this season), looks better on the court than Dwight playing his best basketball. They're not in the same situation, so we can't compare them by numbers. WATCH them playing against eachother and tell me if you see a huge disparity. I saw it last year when Bynum faced them head-to-head, and we'll see again this year. And to answer your question, I could EASILY see Bynum being the main offensive weapon on a team. Bynum is a BEAST. He has everything...a soft touch around the basket, but still dunks with authotirity, mad boosties, back-to-the basket game, defensive anchor. B-E-A-S-T...PeACe