
Should I apologize to QuietTruth?

Yes there's no need to call him names
7 (50%)
Hell to the FUCC NO. You just told the real cuzzin. The nigga's a goddamn idiot and the day he realizes that he might actually begin to smarten up.
4 (28.6%)
You need to diss him where it hurts. Talk about how he murdered that bird of his.
1 (7.1%)
APOLOGIZE!!!! He's a mod and this is russia!!!
2 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 10


Author Topic: Should I apologize to QuietTruth for calling him a stupid idiot countless times?  (Read 1426 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Nature and nurture both mold us a human beings. I don't get stuck on percentages when it comes to that sort of thing.
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  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Nature and nurture both mold us a human beings. I don't get stuck on percentages when it comes to that sort of thing.

Hahaha yeah I forgot about that shit. Nobody knows the percentages but to think it's 99.9% environment is insanely stupid and frankly I'm amazed that someone like Ikke would say that. People should check out all the studies they've done on identical twins that were separated at birth and grew up in two very different places. In almost every single case you got them doing almost the same exact thing. Even if they'd never even met and they'd have the same goddamn job. A religious person may find this fact to be demoralizing, but it's a goddamn fact. I've always had my attitude. I was angry and violent the minute I came out that womb, I was kicking and screaming every day. And then my little sister came, a saint, never cried, never did shit and she's never changed lol. What is that? the environment? get the fucc outta here.


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Nature and nurture both mold us a human beings. I don't get stuck on percentages when it comes to that sort of thing.

Hahaha yeah I forgot about that shit. Nobody knows the percentages but to think it's 99.9% environment is insanely stupid and frankly I'm amazed that someone like Ikke would say that. People should check out all the studies they've done on identical twins that were separated at birth and grew up in two very different places. In almost every single case you got them doing almost the same exact thing. Even if they'd never even met and they'd have the same goddamn job. A religious person may find this fact to be demoralizing, but it's a goddamn fact. I've always had my attitude. I was angry and violent the minute I came out that womb, I was kicking and screaming every day. And then my little sister came, a saint, never cried, never did shit and she's never changed lol. What is that? the environment? get the fucc outta here.
I can trace back the origin of big part of my behaviour that's why I believe that.
And I used to be the complete opposite that I am now.

I should note that I haven't thought about this much.

I do realize now that your bodies hormone production will influence the way you develop in a big way.

Also, shouldn't christfags support that you are born a certain way seeing how they believe that God plans every thing.


Nature and nurture both mold us a human beings. I don't get stuck on percentages when it comes to that sort of thing.

Hahaha yeah I forgot about that shit. Nobody knows the percentages but to think it's 99.9% environment is insanely stupid and frankly I'm amazed that someone like Ikke would say that. People should check out all the studies they've done on identical twins that were separated at birth and grew up in two very different places. In almost every single case you got them doing almost the same exact thing. Even if they'd never even met and they'd have the same goddamn job. A religious person may find this fact to be demoralizing, but it's a goddamn fact. I've always had my attitude. I was angry and violent the minute I came out that womb, I was kicking and screaming every day. And then my little sister came, a saint, never cried, never did shit and she's never changed lol. What is that? the environment? get the fucc outta here.
I can trace back the origin of big part of my behaviour that's why I believe that.
And I used to be the complete opposite that I am now.

I should note that I haven't thought about this much.

I do realize now that your bodies hormone production will influence the way you develop in a big way.

Also, shouldn't christfags support that you are born a certain way seeing how they believe that God plans every thing.
I believe you. I think there are varying influences of nature and nurture. Some people may be 50/50. Some may be 75/25. But all people are influenced by both in some manner. Just my opinion.
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  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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But there's no getting around facts..so I'm told.

At birth, a baby’s brain contains 100 billion neurons, roughly as many nerve cells as there are stars in the Milky Way. Before birth, the brain produces trillions more neurons and “synapses” (connections between the brain cells) than needed. During the first years of life, the brain undergoes a series of extraordinary changes. Then, through a process that resembles Darwinian competition, the brain eliminates connections that are seldom or never used.

Early stimulation sets the stage for how children will learn and interact with others throughout life. A child’s experiences, good or bad, influence the wiring of his brain and the connection in his nervous system. Loving interactions with caring adults strongly stimulate a child’s brain, causing synapses to grow and existing connections to get stronger. Connections that are used become permanent. If a child receives little stimulation early on, the synapses will not develop, and the brain will make fewer connections.

Recent research on one of the body’s “stress-sensitive” systems shows how very stressful experiences also shape a child’s developing brain. When children are faced with physical or emotional stress or trauma, one of these systems “turns on” by releasing the hormone cortisol.High levels of cortisol can cause brain cells to die and reduces the connections between the cells in certain areas of the brain.

Research studies consistently find that the first three years of life are critical to the emotional and intellectual development of a child. During these early years, 75 percent of brain growth is completed.

Even before your child is born, all the nerve cells he will ever possess have been formed. These nerve cells are like a mass of unconnected electrical wires. From the time your child is born, his brain will constantly strive to connect the wires.

The wiring for sight, for example, is developed during the third and fourth month of life. If the visual system is not stimulated during this time, the ability to form the connections for sight are lost. The same concept is true of intellectual connections in the developing brain.

Until about 8 months of age, many things a child can do will be initiated by his own interest. First, he becomes looker. He shows his curiosity in many ways-interest in your face, in his hands, in feeling his clothing and blankets.

During the period after 8 months and until the age of 2 , every one of the four educational foundations-language, curiosity, intelligence and sociability-is developing.

Mice and rats raised in enriched environments, with toys and playmates, have billions more connections between brain cells and are better learners than mice and rats raised alone in empty cages.

Exposure to violence can hinder a child's ability to learn. Constant exposure to an unpredictable, threatening environment causes the brain to repeatedly activate the brain systems that respond to threat or stress.

Research has shown that infants, since they are perceptive to emotional displays even when only days old, may be affected by the stresses in their environment to such an extent that they are more likely to develop psychiatric conditions and even degenerative mental illnesses. In fact, being subjected to external stress factors has been shown to kill brain cells!

But what about the mental and emotional effects of stress on a baby before it's even born? Before birth, a pregnant mother is her child's total environment. Any stress experienced by the mother is more than likely experienced as an environmental stress by her child.

A pregnant woman’s thoughts have a physical connection to her unborn child. “Everything the pregnant mother feels and thinks is communicated through neurohormones to her unborn child, just as surely as are alcohol and nicotine,” states Dr. Thomas Verny whose books, professional publications, and founding of the Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health (APPPAH) and Journal of Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health, have established him as one of the world’s leading authorities on the effects of prenatal environment on personality development.

A pregnant woman’s thoughts are the precursor for her emotions. And her emotions are the precursor for the neurohormones that Thomas Verny refers to.


People, you are born to LEARN. Experience makes you who you are! Damn come on. What the FUCK you think INFLUENCES the type of girl you like? You think you're born to like a certain woman? Come on, listen to how that sounds. There ain't no fuckin' gene, it's environmental!! Any normal person can sit back and ask theyself why they do certain thangs, act certain ways, and WE ALL KNOW, the experience we had to makes us that way. If you say no, than I say sit wit yourself for a while and think about it.

Maybe cuz ya moms went thru shit C-Blue. My moms was going to get an abortion wit me, Tell me how the fuck that can't have an affect on her baby? How? A woman with a life growing in her, and she feels she may not even went it. THAT'S YOU INSIDE HER, HOW CAN SHE NOT AFFECT YOU? How? It only makes sense her emotions play a part in your development inside her womb. It's only common sense that if the woman is ecstatic bout bringin life into the world, the baby is going to be born very happy baby. Rubbing the stomach, how the woman feels, her happy emotions, talking to the child. IT'S LIFE INSIDE THERE. Don't sit there and tell a child's personality does not develop inside a womb. Don't.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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There's no getting around facts QT? That's funny coming from you. I believe I'm gonna make you eat them words, but sadly you're still so closed minded it really doesn't matter what people say to you anymore. You know I've had a lot of time in my life to read, a lot of time to think and everything you said here I agree with up to a point. The problem is you're only interested in one factor and seeing how religious you are it doesn't surprise me. The environment is a funny thing and nobody's disputing it's power. They've even shown how music can affect babies that are still in the womb by following their heart rate. I've read all this shit. Nobody's disputing any of this or how the environment can shape a person. If I take you and put you in a certain situation, I could probably make a killer out of you and seeing how weak minded you are and how religion has managed to brainwash your funky ass, I could probably MYSELF mold you like fucking clay. You can control a person's mind through ways by breaking a person's will and this has been done many times. There's ways to do all kinds of things to you. Ways you probably don't wanna know about, ways that simple minded niggas could never comprehend. Put you on the street like a Manchurian fucking candidate. I BELIEVE in the power of the environment because I‘ve seen it at work, growing up around broke ass niggas all my life and being one myself, I know what it is to be a product of the environment. The only difference between me and them is I'm conscious of this fact. This fact that we're still slaves, almost robotic. You're a beautiful case yourself. SO YEAH I believe in this factor, but your personality does not ride on one single factor son. Shit ain't black and white and the older you get that's one thing that becomes clear to you. I guess it depends though because I wasn't brainwashed by the local church. So sadly for you and your bitch ass religion, there's just much more to it than the environment. Yes there's no getting around facts and there's certainly no getting around all those studies they've done on identical twins. All the cases where you got overwhelming similarities, again and again, same jobs, same temperament, same hobbies, same taste in music, clothes, music and very often same type of spouse. Not to say there aren't differences (differences you can easily blame on the environment!), but you can't close your eyes to these other facts. Just like you can't close your eyes and pretend Everest isn't in Nepal. It's there! Ain't a science bitch? lol. And you can't get around this because this is so well documented now. This is a fact and a clear fact that shows that nature plays a HUGE role in molding us. Nobody knows the percentages, but after all the shit I've read about this and having a close friend who's an identical twin I wouldn't be surprised if it's more than 50%. Another thing people need to keep in mind is how these two factors work together. When nature produces a weak minded person with a low IQ, the environment is gonna have a field day and make him even weaker. I know many people who hear this that lose all hope, or they feel threatened, it don't fit in with what they were taught and they refuse to give it any thought. They say they find it demoralizing, but nobody said you can't change nigga. We're THE ONLY ANIMAL on this planet that has the brain to do it. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and when you become conscious of these facts I just stated, you can grow and then you can change. That's what gives me hope. I'll be more than happy to find these studies for you, since you probably don't know how to use google. You should also read Lawrence Wright's book Twins, one of the best books I've ever read on the subject.

You do know what an identical twin is right? They got identical genes and that's why these studies are so important. You think it‘s a coincidence they all show the same results. I‘m gonna absolutely love hearing your reply and read more bullshit from you. I can't wait to respond and tear you to pieces again. Go ahead. Make my day lil nigga.

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articles you should read and PLEASE read them all


Let's roll with what QT i saying though. If experiences and environmental factors mold who you are as a person, then say you were raised in Iran and your earliest memories as a kid was going to the mosque and praying toward Mecca 5 times a day. I bet you would believe just as strongly in Allah being God and Mohammad being his prophet just as strongly as you believe Jesus is the Son of God and died for our sins. I know I just went completely off topic, but I guess you can say I agree with you on the importance of an environment's effect on an individual TO A CERTAIN EXTENT.

Now back on topic about the whole sexuality thing, I always ask people who feel gays choose to be gay this: did you choose to like women? I know there is nothing in this world that could make my pee pee grow with the desire for another man. My life could depend on it and that shit ain't gonna happen. I didn't choose shit, I am just biologically attracted to women. That shit is ingrained in my fucking being.
My Chihuahuas Are Eternal



There's no getting around facts QT? That's funny coming from you. I believe I'm gonna make you eat them words, but sadly you're still so closed minded it really doesn't matter what people say to you anymore. You know I've had a lot of time in my life to read, a lot of time to think and everything you said here I agree with up to a point. The problem is you're only interested in one factor and seeing how religious you are it doesn't surprise me. The environment is a funny thing and nobody's disputing it's power. They've even shown how music can affect babies that are still in the womb by following their heart rate. I've read all this shit. Nobody's disputing any of this or how the environment can shape a person. If I take you and put you in a certain situation, I could probably make a killer out of you and seeing how weak minded you are and how religion has managed to brainwash your funky ass, I could probably MYSELF mold you like fucking clay. You can control a person's mind through ways by breaking a person's will and this has been done many times. There's ways to do all kinds of things to you. Ways you probably don't wanna know about, ways that simple minded niggas could never comprehend. Put you on the street like a Manchurian fucking candidate. I BELIEVE in the power of the environment because I‘ve seen it at work, growing up around broke ass niggas all my life and being one myself, I know what it is to be a product of the environment. The only difference between me and them is I'm conscious of this fact. This fact that we're still slaves, almost robotic. You're a beautiful case yourself. SO YEAH I believe in this factor, but your personality does not ride on one single factor son. Shit ain't black and white and the older you get that's one thing that becomes clear to you. I guess it depends though because I wasn't brainwashed by the local church. So sadly for you and your bitch ass religion, there's just much more to it than the environment. Yes there's no getting around facts and there's certainly no getting around all those studies they've done on identical twins. All the cases where you got overwhelming similarities, again and again, same jobs, same temperament, same hobbies, same taste in music, clothes, music and very often same type of spouse. Not to say there aren't differences (differences you can easily blame on the environment!), but you can't close your eyes to these other facts. Just like you can't close your eyes and pretend Everest isn't in Nepal. It's there! Ain't a science bitch? lol. And you can't get around this because this is so well documented now. This is a fact and a clear fact that shows that nature plays a HUGE role in molding us. Nobody knows the percentages, but after all the shit I've read about this and having a close friend who's an identical twin I wouldn't be surprised if it's more than 50%. Another thing people need to keep in mind is how these two factors work together. When nature produces a weak minded person with a low IQ, the environment is gonna have a field day and make him even weaker. I know many people who hear this that lose all hope, or they feel threatened, it don't fit in with what they were taught and they refuse to give it any thought. They say they find it demoralizing, but nobody said you can't change nigga. We're THE ONLY ANIMAL on this planet that has the brain to do it. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER and when you become conscious of these facts I just stated, you can grow and then you can change. That's what gives me hope. I'll be more than happy to find these studies for you, since you probably don't know how to use google. You should also read Lawrence Wright's book Twins, one of the best books I've ever read on the subject.

You do know what an identical twin is right? They got identical genes and that's why these studies are so important. You think it‘s a coincidence they all show the same results. I‘m gonna absolutely love hearing your reply and read more bullshit from you. I can't wait to respond and tear you to pieces again. Go ahead. Make my day lil nigga.

shit you should buy

articles you should read and PLEASE read them all
That's real shit right there. More proof that environment is not the end-all-be-all is how someone can come form the worst of environments and overcome it to do great things in their lives. Likewise, you can have an individual born with a silver spoon in his mouth and ass and some how some way that individual will fuck up their entire life even though they've had every resource available to them to be successful. There's something ingrained within people that either makes them more successful than others or complete failures. Some call it "drive", some call it DNA. Survival of the fittest is alive and well in human beings just like it is in animals.
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  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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There's no getting around facts QT?

First I said that shit purposely.

Second, this has nuttin to do with FUCKIN' RELIGION. Can I tell you somethang? I was not even 'religious' like u keep sayin' I am, UNTIL I came onto this board. I was raised around God but never thought of it, like I do know. Sooo sayin' I'm brainwashed is retarded. ALSO, these beliefs I got just happen to coincide WIT The Bible, I doubt you'll believe me but it's the truth and that's all I can tell you. These beliefs I have, I have them becuz I FEEL they are common sense. Perfect example is abortion. That has nuttin to do wit religion. NOTHING! Just becuz religious leaders have their beliefs and base it off scripture don't mean shit. Well, it means they are USING and stretching scripture to emphasis THEIR viewpoint. It's murder, that's COMMON SENSE. It has NOTHING to do with GOD. But becuz I 'believe' in God, my view is tainted? That's not fair. I'm not fuckin' brainwashed nigga. I clearly took it upon myself to read and form my OWN opinions. It has nuttin to do wit God, that I believe that behaviors and personalities develop thru experience and how ur raised. Becuz to me it's COMMON SENSE. I don't believe in sex addiction neither, is that somehow Biblical too? I mean fuck, my nigga, come on. It's COMMON SENSE. There's no such THANG AS SEXUAL ORIENTATION, NO SUCH THANG YET YA'LL BELIEVE THAT SHIT, NOW WHO'S WEAK MINDED? HAH? The media shoves TONS UPON TONS of ridiculous shit at you, demoralizing pathetic shit, ya'll buy it, NOW WHO'S WEAK MINDED? Sex, come on SEX, NOW WHO'S WEAK MINDED? Hollywood exploited that shit so fuckin' terribly, and all ya'll bought into it, NOW WHO'S WEAK MINDED? From criminal profilers and shrinks, who believes that shit? You? That's weak minded. To believe all these psychologists, and their stupid labelments. If you see a dying man on the street, and you don't help him, that is called IGNORANCE. But some retard wit a PHD says it's a type of an 'effect'...and everybody buys that shit, NOW WHO'S WEAK MINDED? Drug addicts, drinkers, NOW WHO'S WEAK MINDED??!!?!?! People who use prescription medication, NOW WHO'S WEAK MINDED??!!?!?! Pop a pill for a FUCKIN HEADACHE??? NOW WHO'S WEAK MINDED??!!?!?! You don't have control over YOUR OWN DAMN BODY, NOW WHO'S WEAK MINDED??!!?!?! Being sad is a mood, not an ailment, but depression has become a fuckin' diagnosis, the fuck, now who's weak minded? Believing homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, all born-that-way causes, who's weak minded again? I believe in God, becuz I don't believe in fuckin', like the word Rapsodie used, BROAD, ass coincidences. Simple. I bet half this board, either 1 does, or 2 believes half of the shit I mentioned, so my nigga, homie, who's weak minded again?

Also it's funny how you won't call this twin shit coincidental. Of the the coincidences you believe too. Right?

Like you never met twins wit complete opposite personalitys? I know I have.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Now back on topic about the whole sexuality thing, I always ask people who feel gays choose to be gay this: did you choose to like women? I know there is nothing in this world that could make my pee pee grow with the desire for another man. My life could depend on it and that shit ain't gonna happen. I didn't choose shit, I am just biologically attracted to women. That shit is ingrained in my fucking being.

Becuz the connections in your brain was wired correctly. That's why you ain't a weirdo. You say homosexuals is born homosexual than you gotta say so is pedophiles, so is bestialitists, so is your taste in a woman.. etc. But you got these homos themselves and straight supporters of homosexuals, that will tell you, pedophiles are not born that way, they are just 'wired' wrong. That's a fuckin' JOKE AND A HALF and hypocrisy at its finest. Becuz the term 'wired' is not just some saying. Everythang is taught, to holding a spoon, to walking, speaking, how to tie shoes and yes sex. There's no such thang as 'straight', people. So of course, you learn SEX. Remember in elementary, our health classes? Sexual perversion is picked up thru experience, just as a boy being taught crushing girls.

A healthy baby has a healthy environment. A mother and father, with a loving surrounding, and proper education.

If you got a boy, living with a mother 2 sisters and an aunt, tell how is he gonna turn out? You better sure as hell have some woman in there to teach him how to be a man. And that is impossible. There's a male and female role for a REASON. You don't grow up to be a rapist if you had a healthy environment. And a healthy environment shouldn't have to be explained, becuz we all know what it is.

Like I said, sit back and ask yourself why you do certain thangs, act certain ways. We know why.

It's nature, man + woman = child. The strongest bond on this Earth! You ain't born to it. You LEARN it like everythang else. And I hope, I would say to God, but it's the wrong time, so I say I hope, for the sake of humankind, this generation or at least, the ones we are going to raise, will improve the sick circumcises we are in. Accepting sex wit animals, and pedophiles, along with these sick perverted homosexuals, I'm terrified, I hope ya'll open your eyes. NOT FOR FUCKIN BIBLICAL REASONS, just for the sake of the damn world itself. Ya'll accept this shit.. faggots hanging out in restrooms, how could a man in his right mind, ACCEPT THAT?!?!?!?! Think of your kids man.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Yeah don't be weak minded Atheists just to disagree with religion. FUCK THAT SHIT! Think of mortality! Think of what's right and wrong, and to jump down on a Bible. Ya'll being blind sided!!! NOT US.


See, I don't know about the homosexuals you have come to know in your life, but I know the ones I have dealt with are not "weirdos". They are no different than you and I, except when it comes to their sexual attraction (which has nothing to do with me nor does mine have anything to do with them).

Now pedophiles and people who take part in bestiality are harming children and animals. Homos are willing participants. I know you can see that difference, man. When it comes to the "wiring" as you call it, I can't argue you on that point. From a scientific standpoint, the jury is still out on that shit. Regardless though, I am a firm believer that if nobody is being unfairly treated or victimized, then that behavior should be allowed. Two dudes who wanna fuck each other in the ass in the privacy of their own home doesn't affect me one way or another. And since I am not bound by religious beliefs that tell me how to feel about certain things--out of sight, out of mind in my book. It really isn't fair that you compare homosexuality with pedophilia and bestiality for those reasons.

And you are completely wrong about being taught to be a man. My father didn't grow up with very many male influences in his life. His father, my grandpa, died before he was born. He lived with his mother and four sisters. Nobody taught him to be a man, he just manned up at an early age and became one. LOL funny thing is, I was watching a documentary the other night about these men in Iran who go through a whole bunch of shit to live their lives as women and even get sex change operations. They are risking their lives to do this shit. Keep in mind, many of the men in the documentary have fathers, brothers, uncles and other male figures. My dad spent a great deal of his youth in that country surrounded by women and there is nothing feminine about him. No disrespect to you, because although we disagree on a bunch of shit, I still like ya, but I think you are really talking out of your ass on this one, homie. There is definitely something more to homosexuality than just the environment. Like I said, the jury is still out as to what that may be, but the evidence against what you're saying is overwhelming.

As for Athiests who are that just for the sake of saying "Fuck religion"........fuck them too. They don't even realize they are no better than any religion. They have become what they hate. Personally, I relate more with the Agnostic belief system, but fuck that group because they aren't any better than any group who considers themselves Athiest just to get at religion.
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