Author Topic: Another (2) Suicide Bombing(s) In Israel!! 20 DEAD, over 100 CRITICALLY INJURED!  (Read 570 times)


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So what's new in the world? This shit happens everyday...

TEL AVIV, Israel (CNN) -- Two suicide bombings rocked central Tel Aviv on Sunday, killing at least 19 people and wounding more than 100 others, Israeli police said.

"We have two serious terror attacks in Tel Aviv, the downtown area of Tel Aviv, which has seen a number of terror attacks," Israeli police spokesman Gil Kleiman said.

Police said 103 wounded were taken from the scene of the terror attacks.

The militant group Palestinian Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attacks in a statement issued from Beirut, Lebanon. But the group's military wing has not officially confirmed the claim.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad is dedicated to the creation of an Islamic Palestinian state and the destruction of Israel. The U.S. State Department has designated the group as a terrorist organization.

After the attack, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called an emergency meeting of his top Cabinet ministers -- Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz and Finance Minister Silvan Shalom. The meeting was set to begin at 11:30 p.m. (4:30 p.m. EST).

The explosions occurred about 6:30 p.m. (11:30 a.m. EST) near a now-closed bus station in central Tel Aviv, witness Eudi Friedman said. The neighborhood is home to a large number of immigrant workers and was the scene of another suicide attack in July that left five people dead.

Kleiman said the explosions went off about 150 meters (165 yards) apart and were timed "very close." Ra'anan Gissin, a top aide to Sharon, said "all indications" point to the work of suicide bombers.

"I heard the explosion, I felt the shock wave. I realized there would be many casualties," eyewitness Alon Oz told Israel Army Radio, according to the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz. "We looked for people who were breathing. I called over to them. I counted quite a few seriously wounded. People were lying there."

Yitzhak Teva, a barber who was slightly injured, told Ha'aretz he was busy cutting hair when the blast went off.

"Half the wall fell on me, and I was covered in broken glass," Teva said. "I shut the shop, and then there was the next explosion."

A bystander who only gave his first name, Tomer, told Israel's Channel Two that he ran to help the wounded, Ha'aretz reported.

"I saw a man without a leg. I saw horrible things, people without legs, without arms. I saw fingers," he said.

Gissin was swift to hold the Palestinian Authority responsible for the bombings, saying it "instigated and supported" attacks on Israeli civilians.

But chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erakat condemned the attacks and called Gissin's assertions a "broken record, assigning blame and finger-pointing at us." He called on the United States to step in to bring both sides back to the negotiating table.

"We need the help of a third party," Erakat said. "We need the help of an American administration because the trust level between us and Mr. Sharon is below zero."

Gissin suggested the attacks may have been intended to influence Israel's January 28 election in which Sharon faces a challenge from Labor Party leader Amram Mitzna, a dovish former general.

President Bush denounced the bombings, White House spokesman Adam Levine said.

"He condemns these brutal acts of terror in the strongest possible terms," Levine said. "For those who want to derail the peace process, we are not deterred. People have a right to live in peace and security."

Bush learned of the bombings en route from his Crawford, Texas, ranch to Washington aboard Air Force One, Levine said.


« Last Edit: January 05, 2003, 12:40:47 PM by Now_I_Know »


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Oh wow...and if this was about 2 Palastinien kids getting shot up by Israeli soldiers, there would be 800 replies by now...


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Oh wow...and if this was about 2 Palastinien kids getting shot up by Israeli soldiers, there would be 800 replies by now...

All death is bad...

There is a strange morality regarding this whole issue however...

If the Isreali Soldiers dipped their bullets in rat posion to make the Palastinien kids bleed more, there would be war crimes charges brought aginst the Isreali's, but it's ok for the Palestinian's to do it with their bombs...

If the Isreali's celebrated in the streets when a Palestinian was killed, there would be outrage across the world,  but it's ok for the Palestinian's to do it...

When an Isreali Jet fighter bombs the wrong target, you don't see Isreali mothers on the television praising the actions, but it's ok for Palestinian's to do it...

You've never seen an Isreali child with faux bomb strapped to his chest, but it's ok for the  Palestinian's to do it...

Opression is bad, but it dosen't give anybody the right act like an animal...



Hey, i agree with you engel-rock. Opression is bad as you said, i feel sorry for those families and victims of israel and palestine too. May god show mercy on them both.

"Tha Immortality of my Fame is the measure of others torture..."--GZA


Jay ay Beee

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This shit happens everyday...

First one in six weeks....

In that time however, 50 Palestinian civilians have been killed by the Israeli army

But I'm sure they were all terrorists

Can you guys not see, that by blowing up their homes and killing them daily, you are giving them no option but to resort to despicable tactics


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This white dude from my floor told me the only solution is to bomb all the muslim countries in the middle east completely :-\


This shit happens everyday...

First one in six weeks....

In that time however, 50 Palestinian civilians have been killed by the Israeli army

But I'm sure they were all terrorists

Can you guys not see, that by blowing up their homes and killing them daily, you are giving them no option but to resort to despicable tactics

Just because it's the first time in 6 weeks makes it OK?

come on, You know it's fucking wrong.

The thing is, when a civilian gets killed by the isreali army, there is an inverstigation, there is no joy on the streets of Isreal, and I'm sure there are repremands. When a Palestinian kills an isreali civilian, there is celebration on the streets, his mother comes on the television and praises the attack...

Do the Isreali's specifically target civilians? No. They are at war, but in war sometimes civilians are killed. Do the Palestinians target civilians? We all know the answer to this.

If you are going to hold Isreal to the Moral high ground, why don't you do the same for the Palestinian's?

King Tech Quadafi

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  • i think you betta recognize...
Because Israel is the aggresor, the Palestinians are the victims

Example, when the Palestinians attack, its in defense of their land...etc (im not sayin suicide bombings will help defend claims to land, but thats their justification)

when Israel attacks, its to maintain its supremacy
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll


  • Master Chief
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Fuckin A....this shit is gettin old...

Still fightin over the same goddamn thing they been fightin over for hundreds of years...that shit is sorry...

PS: Palestine is some bitches for these suicide bombings....straight bitches!


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This shit happens everyday...

First one in six weeks....

In that time however, 50 Palestinian civilians have been killed by the Israeli army

But I'm sure they were all terrorists

Can you guys not see, that by blowing up their homes and killing them daily, you are giving them no option but to resort to despicable tactics

wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait...

Who's killing first muthafucka?! Israel is doing it in retaliation, Not Palastine...

Jay ay Beee

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Just because it's the first time in 6 weeks makes it OK?

When did I say that?  I hate it when you put words in my mouth.

come on, You know it's fucking wrong.

When a Palestinian kills an isreali civilian, there is celebration on the streets, his mother comes on the television and praises the attack..
You're making stuff up now aren't you Engel - did this happen in this case?  Engel - did it happen in this case?  Engel STOP LYING.  What's the difference between a Palestinian saying they're happy, and Ariel Sharon saying "It is a great victory for Israel" after 11 babies were killed in their sleep?

Jay ay Beee

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Who's killing first muthafucka?! Israel is doing it in retaliation, Not Palastine...

You're tangling with the heavyweights now kid, read up, come with the knowledge, and you may get somewhere.  At the moment you arguments are weak.


  • Master Chief
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Why the fuck are ya'll arguing about thi shit?

Its not like ya'll live in Israel or Palestine...

Them two countries hate each other, and are fighting over the same damn thing that they were hundreds of years ago...

That war is going on thousands and thousands of miles away from here...stop fussing about it...

PS: I hope the US don't get involved in this would be pointless and stupid...let em kill each other off...


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Who's killing first muthafucka?! Israel is doing it in retaliation, Not Palastine...

You're tangling with the heavyweights now kid, read up, come with the knowledge, and you may get somewhere.  At the moment you arguments are weak.

Get ure facts straight buddy...PeACe