Author Topic: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?  (Read 1045 times)


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Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« on: January 26, 2014, 05:32:30 AM »
my older cousin, lost it a couple years ago.

i dont know if it was drugs, or what not. but dude lost it, he was valvictorian in high school, went to and graduated from berkley. he was always a shy guy, but nice.

i dont know what happened but he just started acting weird. i thought it was nothing, but it continued and he started doing crazy shit, like spending money on all types of shit and getting himself into debt, saying he's going to be the worlds best DJ, or saying he's going to make a lot of money.

saying he's gonna be the next big thing.  making a bunch of food in the middle of the night, and eating some and leaving the rest to waste. running around the house naked happened once, disrespecting everyone and the house. cursing at people, saying family members are enemies and such.

talking nonsense all the time, saying he's a 33rd tier mason, saying the cops are on him or saying some gangbangers are looking for him.

smoking bud inside the house disrespecting the family and such. and basically just going crazy. he talks nonsense, he says he's going to make a lot of money, if you dont agree with him he says fuck you or threatens you or some shit.

he wants everything but doesnt work, acts like he deserves shit, and he put my family though a lot of shit, not just his family, by my pops and grandma as well.

hes manic or bi-polar, with mental illnesses how can you be sure?

has anyone had any experience with this stuff? and what worked to help him or her get better?

like he was cool for about a year, but he was just really depressed and just didnt want to do anything. but he wasn't talking crazy, but every time around december/janurary it spikes up or its his "up" time and he goes crazy again, but he didnt take medicine for a while because he thought he was ok.

but when he's "down" he literally has no spark for life. he doesnt want to go drink, or do anything. but its much better than him being crazy.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


Re: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2014, 06:22:57 AM »
yup but full on crazy compared to what you're describing (paranoid schizophrenic).

most of these people are never getting better, but your cousin doesn't sound far gone at all. i think with counselling and/or more shamanistic healing using psychedelic substances you can work to reverse most mental illness. isn't really much research into the latter but i think that's where it's really at. of course 'drugs' can be what got people to a weird state in the first place, so it's a tough one. or there's the pharma route where people take drugs forever to lessen some of the symptons, while fucking the body up in the long term.


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Re: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2014, 06:40:08 AM »
 I've experienced this with several people that i know.
  Combination of drugs or just madness, throw in magic/the occult or religion, schizophrenia, extreme paranoia, etc
 One of my mates used to be fairly crazy but he seemed to have come good. I think him having a daughter saved him?
 One mate just ended up drug fucked so bad to the point that he is no longer the same person and just became a scab.
 One of my mates who is the strangest and craziest person that i know has sort of come good. I mean dude never really did any drugs back in the day so its strange that he turned out how he did. he was always a bit on the strange side and into some out there shit and really out of touch with reality and lacks social skills pretty bad in some areas.
 Anyhow, he got to the point where he had seemingly gone completely mad.
 Extreme paranoia, always thinking that everyone was against him or purposely not including him in things or fucking him over. Thinking that people were following him and monitoring and out to get him and to kill him.
 I cant even really go into all of it but he been into magic and the occult.
 Convinced that he has powers. He lost it and started firing his guns through the front door and ended up locked up in a place where crazies go.
 he ended up so drugged up that he became a bit like my other mate, was almost not himself.
 Drugged up and dopey, prescription drugs and anti syke injections.
 He is still pretty bad and out of touch with reality and have bad habits, he got badly into the meth and ice and gambling and is always in debt and always borrowing money off people and pawing in his shit, kinda junkie style.
 Things that have helped, friends being there(but some abandoned him and i almost did myself), he found god, stopped doing all that occult shit, reduced the amount of prescription drugs he was taking, stopped smoking ice, hes doing taekwondo abd about to go back to school. he dosent drink much.

 There was definitely some tough love involved. Pretty much had to tell him to his face how out of line he was and really have a go at him and drill it into his head and explain to him like, almost act like i was a fucking parent or something.
 This dude is not very self reliant though,  not as bad as he was when he got real bad on the ice but he constantly borrows money of people and is always in debt, always buying shit he cant afford and trying to live beyond his means, buying shit he dont need, no budgeting, no prioritizing or realizing that sometimes you need to be a man and make sacrifices and go without,  always bites off way more than he can chew yet not prepared to work for it.
 he also acts a bit scarey and at times almost creepy and stalker like. In serious need of things to occupy his time and need a fucking hobby or a missus or something as he can want to talk on the phone like every day an want to hang out all the time and almost act like a woman like he wants to know everything like what you are doing or who you are with n shit lol...
 He can be very bad in public too like not giving a fuck about acting inappropriately n shit..

 At the end of the day i think when mates go through this type of shit that you really need to be up front with them, tell them to their face and do not lend them money because then they just expect it and take it for granted and dont learn how to get through life as an adult on their own and not only that you actually contribute to feeding their bad habits and addictions.

 I've resorted to avoiding and not answering my phone also lol...

 I think prescription medication can help but i also think it can make a person much worse. Its almost like they just want to drug people up as to make them almost zombie like and keep them out of their hair.

Oh and like your mate my mate always talks about doing this and that and how hes going to be rich n shit also. Always been more talk than action and a bit delusional.

 hard to say if you can help. Some people will never change or change for the worse..

 EDIT: my mate dose sound like yours in alot of ways but he definitely dosent go all anti social or anything.  hes the opposite, he wants to hang out and talk with everyone far TOO much. Lacks hobbies.
 One thing i will say thats good about him, he dose seem to appreciate his friends and isn't a thief or a liar. he can be stubborn and persuasive and selfish and persistent though!..

 Oh and he started to just spend most his life in his bed for a while there. but he snapped out of that.
 And would hang out with the wrong sort of people almost just so he hand someone to hang out with.
 And me having a go at him wasn't just me having a go at him, there was also advice and encouragement. But there's been plenty of times where we really had to complain or have a go at him. usually dosent sink in though. In one ear and out the other.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 06:51:08 AM by KrazySumwhat »


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Re: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2014, 07:15:35 AM »
wow man, but the thing is while he was in the US he'd just smoke weed all day, and it made the symptoms worse. and he did start selling shit and stealing when he was, because he had no money for weed. especially after he fucked himself over debt buying useless shit.

but the things is he hasn't been smoking, he's been in china for a year (my aunt didnt want him in their house anymore), and now he's acting up, and now they're moving him to a korea to send him to a mental hospital.

its just sad man, and the creeper shit he does as well, like he says he's going to marry this one chick (a former homegirl of his) and he kept posting on her face book and such, or talking shit to another homegirl calling her a slut and saying he's going to ruin her life, oh and he did the same to a lot of his guy friends too. saying he's an enemy and he's gonna do all his power to make their lives a living hell.

does that tough love shit really help? i mean that was my intention, you know let  him know that everyone is bending their backs trying to get him help and making everyone go through hell. letting him know what he's doing isn't right

my pops, i really hate his method, he just goes a long with it, with his crazy talk and acting like its kinda ok. its common sense that its not a good method to go along with, because your just basically supporting that behavior, makes him think that its ok or he's actually right. i dont think thats helping anyone. i told him a million times, but my pops got a big fucking ego, so he doesnt really listen to anyone.

i think thats the best way, just let him realize that he's seriously fucking shit up for everyone. did it help?

also and Matt, do you think he's coherent at all? i mean he does try to trick people in the lowest form like a kid, you know acting nice when you want something or wanting to get out the hospital, but completely start bitching and whining when you tell him no to something.

if he's coherent in all this i would really want to punch this guy in the face, but i know that cant be the case can it? i mean he talks nonsense saying that he got 100,000 k a year job offering from google and yahoo, all the while when he's inside a mental hospital in china with no internet access or phone time only once a day.

i dont know man, shamanistic? what approach is that?

if he's in the US, he's going to constantly smoke weed, which actually strengthen all that mental illness shit, but where is he to go? i mean shit, because in china he just trashed the place he was living in, he threw out a HD TV, bicycles, and a monitor because he thought it was "bugged". i mean shit his own mother doesnt want him around. when he was back in the US, he'd constantly steal shit and sell it, he'd want to fight my other uncle (not his father, nor mine), fight with my grandma, fight with everyone and talk shit, and at one point my little cousin was scared (when he was running naked tha tone time) because he was like come here when he was nude.

but then it got triggered this time because of alcohol i think, he drank 2 bottles of this chinese crap, which is really strong.

I'm just looking for some answers, anywhere. dude had so much potential and had such  high ceiling for success. now he's like a child.

honestly my family keeps spoiling him, they dont scold him, i know they probably already tried, but like they bought him an iPad (in the beginning when he first started which i thought was fucking retarded, like that shit is gonna make him better)

bought him an iMac computer (which he totally isn't appreciative about, acts like its his, when my pops and my grandpa when half and half on it for him)

or if he asks for burgers for him and his crazy buddies, they comply, i mean WHY? i mean I'm not saying not love the dude, but complying to his wishes and spoiling him isn't going to get him anywhere, and i knew that from day one, except well of course my pops doesnt listen to me since of his ego and all.

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.

Hack Wilson - real

Re: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2014, 07:44:46 AM »
i know a kid who went to a phish concert out in california and got sprayed with a supersoaker with acid in it and he was NEVER the same personality wise

still a cool kid but he used to be very energetic, upbeat etc. and now is all mellow, laid back, doesn't get very emotional etc.

sad shit


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Re: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2014, 08:14:26 AM »
i know a kid who went to a phish concert out in california and got sprayed with a supersoaker with acid in it and he was NEVER the same personality wise

still a cool kid but he used to be very energetic, upbeat etc. and now is all mellow, laid back, doesn't get very emotional etc.

sad shit

like acid that burns skin?

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.


Re: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2014, 08:15:46 AM »
yo it sounds like dude has serious issues, but an alarming of people out there do. i think the amount of people with mental issues is pretty fucking high based on how many people you meet out there with some deeply weird shit going on. i mean the crash and burn outcome is how it would eventually balance out in nature, but that could be death too. it takes something and maybe rock bottom can snap people out of some shit. but the stuff krazy and you both described has addictive behaviours and drugs linked to it. drugs can be a big problem cause if people are unstable in the first place, they'll easily fall into craving certain states. and abusing them then does its own damage. i don't think weed is that harmful or addictive but the mental addiction to that state can be really powerful. i love it personally and feel addicted on some level, but you get really troubled people on it often it's just gonna amplify everything. make them feel good and in the moment about doing mad stuff.

i would of thought reversing any drug addictions would be one of the first steps to try and treat people. i don't like the idea of chemical altering chemicals (pharma drugs) because they do do damage over the long term and are not a solution. but there isn't really a solution in most situations, so that stuff has its place. the shit i was on about is more the psychedelics that are shown to be able to snap people out of addictions, namely psyclobin, DMT, ibogaine. no synthetics. i can't talk about the others but shrooms at least are capable out snapping you out of deep addictions and doing serious mental rewiring, which is what these people need when they aren't far too gone. problem is thats with the right experience/context and with these people you don't know where the hell they'll go. would have to be counselled and need a lot of guidance, deeply loving experiences. but i think you can rewire people pretty dramatically with that shit.

just my 2cents, not a doctor just a crazy motherfucker. don't think we're living in a time where a lot of higher level medicine has been figured out by science yet. i think weed is the one to cure nearly any physical illness in high enough doses, the CBD. there just isn't the research as it's been sat on for decades. plenty on the internet about people being treated for addictions and metal disorder with plant experiences though. same for the cannabis treatment for cancer etc, it's starting to bubble up on the web and in certain more open countries as legit and working.

this thread should probably go in ToT.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 09:26:04 AM by Matty »


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Re: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2014, 10:45:37 AM »
sounds like some symptoms of schizophrenia.


Re: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2014, 02:25:48 PM »
I don't but I've always felt that prescription drugs were not the long term solution for such troubles, it just maes the person a living vegetable but it doesn't help him/her with coping with imbalances. usually one brain region is hyperactive and it's the same one for food/sex and addictions / dependencies. In my opinion, things could be worked out from a brain perspective and i also read that NLP can help as well. of course i'm not well versed in the subject so I might be saying complete shit, and in general those alternatives are used by people who want to make a change, but that's just a suggestion. what you're describing seems pretty serious. but yeah your telling him he needs to get himself together seems the right thing to do instead of encouraging his behavior and being lenient and understanding. from my own, modest perspective, I've been at times self indulging which led to inconvenient situations like not meeting deadlines, not showing up to work and faking being ill or always postponing important stuff and it was the people who made me understand how fucked up it was who got me out of it.


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Re: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2014, 03:17:59 PM »
 It really is a hard call. I mean some people seem to need alot of support. I think advise and opinions and encouragement can help but i was often left feeling like i had said and done all that i can do.
 The tough love? well, its hard to say. Sometimes it seemed like i got through to him and opened his eyes at least somewhat but other times it was clearly in one ear and out the other or he would make excuses or he tries to justify his decisions and actions or play the blame game, etc.
 Dunno man i mean lots of people ignore their phone when he calls and don't reply to texts and he is not welcome at alot of peoples houses.
 I think this has mixed results. It dose seem that he realizes and dose not want to end up with no friends but yet then there's the fuck it attitude and like your mate(cousin) there's the crazy shit he says he will do to people and talk of revenge and etc.

 He used to be shocking man, like he is the sort of dude that will hold a grudge big time. He would stew over little things and just seemed to be so full of hatred and crazy thoughts.
 Thankfully he has gotten alot better.
 He was always a bit out there but he was more just a bit strange and funny and like wtf? but then he became quite hateful and violent and he was the same with thinking he was being bugged and phone tapped and followed and being hacked, etc.
 Whilst he was like a doped up zombie almost bed ridden. I will say all the prescription medication really did clam him down.
 He's still a bit of a crazy fucker but hes no longer insainly paranoid and not so hateful and not on such a short fuse. Like when we go out hes not looking for trouble or a reason to start something like he seemingly was for a while there.

 A bit like your cousin too, he has always been intelligent. Always read books, always been good at taking things apart and putting them back together and fixing shit and making shit. Good with computers and chemistry and etc.
 But always been a lazy cunt. barely worked a day in his life so wasted potential. And it dose seem that intelligence and insanity are a thin line.

 He is def child like. Irresponsible, horrible with money. Not at all shy to ask for money and almost demands shit from his brother whom he lives with.
 Not at all good of taking care of himself really.
 I think his lack of working and lack of moving out of home plus having people lend him money his whole life has made him lack in being independent and learning to go with out.

 He has an addictive personality also. He takes alot of prescription drugs and takes way over the dosage. Everything from Valium to what ever else and then there's the vitamins and weight loss and muscle gain and all sorts of pills. he only recently got into weed.
 But eh hard to say i mean iam a bit crazy myself, but at least iam am independent and don't rely on others.  

 My mate has other mates that have issues with weird shit they believe in and are into and drugs.

 I got a mate whos nice as sober but mad when he drinks, lost his wife over it.
 Another mate who is cool but also dose not work, hes all caught up in the conspiracy theory shit and ufos and all sorts of shit.
 Got guys at work that are like hard core gamers but not nerds by any stretch. One of them only games and lives at home no friends but he works out and is in shape and tough an not a pussy at all. the other had a wife, has kids but grew up in Russia and is a pretty crazy fucker that i wouldn't fuck with lol lost his wife because of video games..

 I dunno, going to the mental place made my mate calmer so it probably did help but he dose still have some of the crazy in him. Finding god seems to have helped him. I think some of the tough love Ive given him has helped at least a little.

 Hard to say though he is in shit loads of debt and Ive always worried that for the rest of my life iam gonna have this mate who is always going to be hounding me and borrowing and stalking lol. But he is about to inherit some land and will be very well off. Good opportunity for him but i\f he dosent change his ways he will blow it.

 I don't think he will ever steal from anyone but he will blow his money then have no money for food or bills so hes pretty fucked up.

 Crazies everywhere.


« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 03:23:07 PM by KrazySumwhat »

O.G A.Geesta'z

Re: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2014, 01:11:53 AM »
man i got stories for days about my crazy ass family and friends...
when i get a chance ill post some good ones soon, cus most of them wont be short lol
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Re: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2014, 05:09:14 AM »
man i got stories for days about my crazy ass family and friends...
when i get a chance ill post some good ones soon, cus most of them wont be short lol

 Ey! look at them sky scrapers above! ^^;

 My mate wanted to catch up today but he wanted to borrow money so there you go. Its just never ending. didn't seem to get the hint when i wasn't answering the phone or replying to texts either.
 One day its going to be an emergency but i wont answer cos iam used to it just being him calling me because hes bored or wants to borrow money.
  Its a shame cos i did kinda feel like doing something but it almost always comes attached with money lending. *over it*.


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Re: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2014, 08:00:40 AM »
man i got stories for days about my crazy ass family and friends...
when i get a chance ill post some good ones soon, cus most of them wont be short lol

Do you got any advice? Man I feel for my uncle, he's like 60 and he's back in the old country In Korea and just got a job just to support him while he's in the hospital.

And yeah krazy I know a gang of them niggas too, just a bunch of washed up gangsters that got no money and no job that's basically asking to smoke them out or drink them out, I mean they ain't rude or outta line but come on your older than me and still you basically begging? I have trouble myself, but it ain't like these mother fuckers would do the same in my position, shit I wouldn't even ask, but who knows I. Ever been that desperate , my cousin hasn't been doin it since he isn't accessAble to weed.

I don't know, I just want to help my fam, and I want to indulge I'm any advice I can get

Tha Reella - Slap A Nigga Up Like Wyatt Earp / Sig downsized, too big.

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Re: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2014, 09:15:16 AM »
man i got stories for days about my crazy ass family and friends...
when i get a chance ill post some good ones soon, cus most of them wont be short lol

Do you got any advice? Man I feel for my uncle, he's like 60 and he's back in the old country In Korea and just got a job just to support him while he's in the hospital.

And yeah krazy I know a gang of them niggas too, just a bunch of washed up gangsters that got no money and no job that's basically asking to smoke them out or drink them out, I mean they ain't rude or outta line but come on your older than me and still you basically begging? I have trouble myself, but it ain't like these mother fuckers would do the same in my position, shit I wouldn't even ask, but who knows I. Ever been that desperate , my cousin hasn't been doin it since he isn't accessAble to weed.

I don't know, I just want to help my fam, and I want to indulge I'm any advice I can get

Get him out of Korea.  Their mental health facilities are no good.  Too much of a proud culture to admit "mental weakness".  You need to make sure he is medicated, and that he takes his medication.  Too often, folks start to feel better so they stop taking the pills and have issues again.  Needs some inpatient work here in the US.


Re: Anyone Have An Insane Family Member/Friend?
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2014, 12:06:58 PM »
i have an aunt who is a bad paranoid schizophrenic and lived with my family for a year when i was about 14, that shit was terrible. also one of my best friends growing up completely lost his mind. in high school he flipped his shit and got sent away for 3 years, i didnt hear from him or anything, he finally moved back and we started kicking it again. hed be fine for the most part but have these crazy psychotic episodes every once in a while. it eventually led to him accusing me of some completey delusional crazy shit and threatening to kill me, he has guns and shit so for a while i was pretty paranoid cuz hes so out of it who knows what hes gonna do. that was about a year and a half ago and last i heard he went to jail for beating up his mom

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