Author Topic: The white race is killing itself  (Read 2671 times)


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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The white race is killing itself
« on: May 31, 2014, 03:31:10 AM »

Okay people it's been a long time since I posted anything on here but firstly let me just address this moderator issue. Months have elapsed since I have been able to delete or modify posts so i threw in the towel as my patience just snapped with it so if people are litterig this section with nonsensical garbage or just with blatant spam, then apologies but there really is nothing i can do abut it.

i however did not wantt to address the central topic today and that is through observation, attitude and trends, the deliberate, and self inflicted genocide of white people. Let me give me just one example, i work in an office comprised of some 15 people, out of those 15, 11 are below 30 and one is having a child. She is having a child to a bi racial guy who himself is half white, half pakistani.

As further evidence of this trend, look no further than Germany where 1 in 4 women say they have no intention of having a child. I used to hear liberal self hating whites suggest that the way to eradicate racism was for all white people to have brown babies.

Now on the one hand you can say that this is the decision of the individual but it's a damning indictment of how we have become so utterly selfish and poisoned by bullshit. Why it matters is simple of course literally millions lost their lives to preserve what they thought was the freedom of future white generations. We, collectively are spitting on their graves.

The genocidal decline is in full swing now, indeed in Ukraine the most heart breaking statistic is that the birth rate is less than 1.2 per 2 adults. Thanks largely of course to the Chernobyl disaster which has massively depleted sperm count.

Such is the depth of self hatred and weird fucked up weird white guilt that supposed academics will point to the historical genocide of the American indians as this being some kind of retribution. What kind of sick sentiment expresses that historical crimes committed by ancestory for which you and i have no control over is therefore a worthy justfication for history repeating itself.

Some of this has been done by design no doubt, but plenty of this is self inflicted, it really is heart breaking to see what the west will look like in 20 years time.

Let me give you a little bit of a snapshot though.....

Large city areas are largely becoming populated by Bangladeshis, Pakistani's, Afghani's, well, i am going to make a prediction here that hardliner muslim sentiment will spread quickly and the wickedness preached by hardliners will become more prevalent.

In the West Midlands HIV rates are UP 10000% in 10 years, yes, that's the here and now figure attributed to disease ridden poor black people whose culture does not permit them to wear condoms.

Or perhaps we should focus in on the Asian football league, or the Asian cricket league, for wonderful example of segregation.

Perhaps we should focus on dumb white people who decry farmers for abattoir practices whilst ignoring the deliberate throat cutting of a non stunned animal to adhere to the jewish and islam religion. After all, we can only go after white western practices, but we need to respect other religions despite the horrific cruelty.

Perhaps we should contast the draconian crackdown on western people's right to demonstrate, with thousands of muslims walking through a city with banners held aloft with signs like "Death to unbelievers2, or "those who insult Islam to be beheaded".

Or indeed let's look at the steady unrelenting flow of illegal and refugees who are not vetted before being permitted to move to the west. That's right, we in the west are allowing in the type of devils who have perpetrated such evil in Syria.

I don't want to go with more examples because the nightmare is unfolding and a lot of this is down to pathetic, selfish, apathetic, self hating oblivious white people.

As I have said before, relative speaking, the 60's to the here and now will be viewed as the golden era compared to what is around the corner.


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Re: The white race is killing itself
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2014, 03:55:29 AM »
 Your absolutely right. Too much immigration, being out bred, white guilt causes many to be more considerate and compassionate to everyone else but other white people, Jobs disappearing over seas, everything being privatized and sold off to over seas, land being bought up from China and the like, manufacturing all moving to Asian so western nations become no longer self sufficient(in Australia we send alot of our energy resources over seas, our high quality fruity n veg n seafood, beef, etc over seas and import crap from elsewhere(free trade agreement), etc.
 basically being invaded with no war, putting out a welcoming mat in fact.

 Your also right that for the most part white people do not breed very much(in comparison to non whites), except the Japanese of course, they also face extinction.
 I cant speak for the whole world but down here it pretty much spot the white person half the time(unless you go to the afl games).

 I wont go on and on but its happening clear as day. I have little doubt the world will eventually be run by Asians. Weather its the Muslims or the communists i do not yet know.
 Its no one else s fault that white people are not as family orientated or breeding as much as others. But whites cant really stand together because if they do its racist.

 It wont happen over night but its happening. I honestly feel that it is too late to do anything about it.

« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 03:57:11 AM by KrazySumwhat »


Re: The white race is killing itself
« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2014, 09:42:35 AM »
how is exactly bi-racialism (or multi-racialism) a bad thing ? I agree that wanted to have mixed babies just for the sake of it is retarded and that there are some people who brag about it. however if you're in love with someone from a different ethnicity what do you suggest ? that we split up with him/her and mate with someone from our own ethnicity just to preserve some hypothetical genetic heterogeneity ?

my gf is asian and I don't love her because she's asian but because that's how it is. one of my cousin is married to an asian girl and has two babies, what's wrong with it ? love should be the deciding factor, not the other people's race, in one way or the other.

your gross exaggeration is killing me and is extremely inaccurate, if we were to take your post at face value, it would mean that ALL white people all around the world are declining, and that they're ALL doing it out of so-called "white guilt" and that if they were to fade in numbers, they would be replaced by backwards jewish and muslim zealots, yet you only backed up your post by citing Germany and Ukraine as it was a faithful representation of all whites in the world. you draw large scale conclusions out of observations you made at your workplace (wtf ?) and some random facts thrown together. there are issues with today's society, there is a lot of permissiveness and leniency towards outrageous and intolerable things (i'm a teacher and i deal with them everyday) but I don't think the white "race" is killing itself, and especially not by design. this white guilt concept is bogus although (why feel guilty for the doings of someone else) there are observations which are undeniable and true. some of the observations you made are relevant but the way you use them to prove your point are not really convincing imo.

birth rates are not as dismal everwyhere else as they are in Ukraine, Russia and Germany. France has a solid birthrate for that matter, and as some will predictably say, it's not only due to non-whites. my cousin has three kids, my other cousin has two.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: The white race is killing itself
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2014, 12:28:29 PM »
Who you choose to have a child with is your own business, when did i explicitly say it was a bad thing?

All I remarked about bi racial babies was in total 15 women are present in the office, only one under the age of 30 was having a baby and that was not going to be a white baby.

What i do know from conversations and talking points though is that the world would be a better place if there were just simply interracial babies and that is pushing a siick agenda, a racist attack.

Please cite to me a country in which the birth rate of whites is above 2, if you can't do that, then there is no exaggeration at all, you simply do the math.

2 adults have 1.5 babies, so there is a differential of 0.5 for every 2 adults, now take all white adult adults of between 18--45 and minus 0.5 for every 2 of them.

That there is your replacement number, advance that a few decades down the line and you end up with the North of England which will be largely dominated by asians muslims and the likes of London which in many areas whites are already the distinct minority.

If you are going to retort my post, please be intellectually honest and do not cite the numbe of whites in Europe as that does not account for said age groups.

« Last Edit: May 31, 2014, 04:42:06 PM by virtuoso »


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Re: The white race is killing itself
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2014, 04:18:41 PM »
 I still think that overall most people stick to their own kind as far as partners, marriage and babies. People do mix but i still think the overall percentage people breed with their own?
 But its reasonably common to see white guys with Asian girls. Apparently alot of Asian girls like/prefer white guys and of course some men have an Asian girl fetish. And then theres the fact that its becoming more and more common for older white men to get Asian brides from over seas.
 That is becoming increasingly common actually. I have a mate that did it and one of my uncles, i work with at least a couple of guys that have done it also.
 White/western women are too stuck up, too demanding and fussy and picky and greedy(have too many rights and too much power) and Asian women want to get out of their shitty countries and move somewhere to have a better life, etc.
 I do know a couple of Asian guys with non Asian partners though. So goes both ways i guess.
 Some cultures are very strict and not allowed to interbreed with anyone other than their own, they just have so many more kids than white people do.
 But agreed, there's nothing wrong with mixing, not at all. if we are all going to live amongst each other then so we should mix. You have to admit though, no one really likes seeing a really attractive girl of their own race with a guy from another race lol.



  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: The white race is killing itself
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2014, 05:03:12 AM »
I am lamenting the death of the white race and with the death of European values.
If you don't give a shit about that then fine, it's not something I am looking to debate, it's too late for things to change now anyway.
This is just a cathartic exercise for me


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Re: The white race is killing itself
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2014, 12:53:00 AM »
 In time whities will be the minority, no doubt. But eh, what do ya do?


Re: The white race is killing itself
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2014, 02:10:17 AM »
The "human" race is killing itself.

People who fear that their complexion is dying out, are borderline racists
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  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: The white race is killing itself
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2014, 03:11:32 AM »
I knew that as soon as no one could refute the facts, the only thing left to do was imply racism.
Hey buddy, I am white and proud, deal with it.
Just like black people can be proud to be who they are.
Does that mean I don't have compassion for my fellow human being? Gee I don't know, I think in the thousands of posts I have written on here it is obvious I do.
Therefore what you have written is entirely predictable and quite frankly pathetic.


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Re: The white race is killing itself
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2014, 04:28:21 AM »
Who isn't "borderline racist"?
 I have non white friends, iam still allowed to be proud of my kind and defend them. Being non closed minded as to what is happening is not racist.


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: The white race is killing itself
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2014, 04:46:57 AM »

Oh if this thread had been about black slavery, or white people being evil, you know there would be no problems, or if someone was decrying who easy white people have it there would be no problem, but as soon as a white person identifies by their race and acknowledges that white people are in terminal decline, well, that would be okay providing i had not rematked that it was an horrific thing, well, that is when it's racist.

Underlining the deep seated racism that you truly hold towards white people, what kind of twisted racism is it to say that the dying out of an entire race is something that no one should speak about or care about?


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Re: The white race is killing itself
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2014, 05:53:45 AM »
White people...  ::)

Jack Trippa 3z company ho

Re: The white race is killing itself
« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2014, 02:01:01 PM »
The "human" race is killing itself.

People who fear that their complexion is dying out, are borderline racists

Lmao, clearly you've drank the "diversity" cool aid. Celebrating ones history and culture and trying to preserve it is not
racist at all. It's celebrated everywhere, but when whites try to, people like u cry "racist" lol.

I'm sure you think it's pure coincidence that the US and Europe are "browning up". This is a deliberate agenda to kill culture and sense of history and family.

J. B A N A N A S

Re: The white race is killing itself
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2014, 05:11:46 PM »
The white race and their traditions will be secure forever in states like Maine, Wyoming or North Dakota. If you've ever visited those states you will witness 95% Caucasian population that hasn't succumbed to liberalism and are proud of who they are. Beyond states there are regions within every state that are predominately white are happy to stay that way.

"The tanning of America" as it's known isn't something to be feared as it isn't prevalent throughout the entire country, probably not even a majority of it. The only areas you see rapidly dwindling white populations are in left leaning urban areas, and despite what the media focuses, those areas are not accurate portrayals of America at large.

There were predictions decades ago of the depletion of the white race by 2010 and obviously that didn't pan out. It's junk science that incites a strong reaction with people, therefore it gets brought up every now and then. I wouldn't worry about it.   


Re: The white race is killing itself
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2014, 02:40:56 AM »
All of us living beings are one race - The Human race.

We were once spiritual beings, respectful of all living things, including plants & trees. Electromagnetic fields in a forest when a tree is cut down. They are definitely Sentience. Even those which are not perennial (such as tree's) but we have lost that over the centuries thanks to religion, greed, etc.

The point is, that we are all the same. There's nothing wrong with celebrating an historic achievement that just so happened to be around the area that you currently reside in, but when it becomes an achievement that is held more precious over 'life' itself, then it is not worth celebrating. I see hypocrisy a lot on this board, from those with a skewed version of history at it's most basic level. You want to preach about "traditions" like it is your right to preserve, yet as it is said 'immigration is not a new problem, the native Americans used to call it White People'.

Funny, that 99% of Americans wave the flags on Columbus day but have never even heard of Amerigo Vespucci. It's not the fault of the people, but rather the indoctrinated education system that teaches lies as truth.

They allow a combination of 'immigration' peddled with propaganda such as low employment, struggling education, housing and health care systems to create divide between fellow human beings. Once people get a deeper understanding, they will find that there really is no such thing as "immigration". We are (or should) be born equal meaning we should have an equal right to all resources, land and utilities of the planet. If you look at the earth from space do you see lines and borders? No. These are put there by ruling elites to control all the simple minded masses.

f any of you have heard of Cosmic Consciousness Phenomena, it's something a LOT of astronauts feel, as they become more spiritually awakened after seeing the Earth from space, having time to reflect and realising just how shallow minded the human race has become. I thought you virtuoso would have been one who would have eventually awakened, but not yet, but that time will come
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