Author Topic: I Used To Love H.E.R.  (Read 599 times)

M Dogg™

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I Used To Love H.E.R.
« on: August 31, 2003, 07:29:15 PM »
That was the name of the song Common made for hip-hop, when he felt hip-hop was dying well the west coast was big. I now know how he feels. I used to have love and respect for a person on this board. He was an older educated person. Now he speaks ignorite, and doesn't think before he talks. I used to ride with this guy, I had respect. I still got love, but the respect leaves everytime he post something to down an opposite side of him.

You see, this guy recruited me to write for his sight about 3 years ago, and I did. When there was a split of this board, I rode with him when Overseer I feel was unfair. I guess he gets mad now though, since both of us are educated people and we live our own lives, and our views do not agree. I think it's still all good, I understand why people in a time of terrior would go a more conservative route, I just like my more liberal route. But this person attacks the liberal side like it was the anti-Christ. I cannot respect a person that does not want to at least understand the other side. I try to, I respect those that believe the way they do. I feel it's all good, no two people think alike. And I thought he understood this, but instead he attacks more.

I hope his just doing this as a joke, or just to get a reaction. I hope he really isn't like this. But then I remember that his older than me, and has seen many things in his life that when i went through, it almost broke me. He lost his dad out of no where, I lost my mom. When that happens, this internet stuff really seems like shit. So I know his not just trying to ruffel feathers. And his too old to be craving that kind of attention. I still got love, but I'm losing respect for Trauma.


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Re:I Used To Love H.E.R.
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2003, 07:38:21 PM »
That was the name of the song Common made for hip-hop, when he felt hip-hop was dying well the west coast was big. I now know how he feels. I used to have love and respect for a person on this board. He was an older educated person. Now he speaks ignorite, and doesn't think before he talks. I used to ride with this guy, I had respect. I still got love, but the respect leaves everytime he post something to down an opposite side of him.

You see, this guy recruited me to write for his sight about 3 years ago, and I did. When there was a split of this board, I rode with him when Overseer I feel was unfair. I guess he gets mad now though, since both of us are educated people and we live our own lives, and our views do not agree. I think it's still all good, I understand why people in a time of terrior would go a more conservative route, I just like my more liberal route. But this person attacks the liberal side like it was the anti-Christ. I cannot respect a person that does not want to at least understand the other side. I try to, I respect those that believe the way they do. I feel it's all good, no two people think alike. And I thought he understood this, but instead he attacks more.

I hope his just doing this as a joke, or just to get a reaction. I hope he really isn't like this. But then I remember that his older than me, and has seen many things in his life that when i went through, it almost broke me. He lost his dad out of no where, I lost my mom. When that happens, this internet stuff really seems like shit. So I know his not just trying to ruffel feathers. And his too old to be craving that kind of attention. I still got love, but I'm losing respect for Trauma.

yeah you know what dad would say... cant trust no republic red neck.......

nah just playing... thats what happens when people grew apart... and ideas and life change.... no one will stay the same.. and one day.. trauma will see for himself...

till then.. i just rag on him somemore...


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Re:I Used To Love H.E.R.
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2003, 10:26:49 PM »
man some of the stuff you said in there, thats how i feel too, we used to be real cool, the guy was one of the coolest guys i knew on the net. and i know he hates brian and disses him all the time, but man, trauma seems like hes a different version of infinite, same guy just different views and situations. but no i wont put you that low, im sure your smarter than that. and trauma as you can see, were not the ones that have changed drastically, its you, so dont come say were not cool cause i changed. we all change, but some of us change a lot.

trauma isnt the only one thats changed, yall remember subz on here, he used be cool as hell and then went nazi on everyone, now no one likes his ass, it aint just me, tom, blade, all of us that talked to him. so its easy to tell who changes in a group of people.


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Re:I Used To Love H.E.R.
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2003, 10:51:41 PM »
man some of the stuff you said in there, thats how i feel too, we used to be real cool, the guy was one of the coolest guys i knew on the net. and i know he hates brian and disses him all the time, but man, trauma seems like hes a different version of infinite, same guy just different views and situations. but no i wont put you that low, im sure your smarter than that. and trauma as you can see, were not the ones that have changed drastically, its you, so dont come say were not cool cause i changed. we all change, but some of us change a lot.

trauma isnt the only one thats changed, yall remember subz on here, he used be cool as hell and then went nazi on everyone, now no one likes his ass, it aint just me, tom, blade, all of us that talked to him. so its easy to tell who changes in a group of people.

i think everyone on the board is guilty of going through changes though. I too have seen change in Marty and Doggy myself. One doggy you have change for the better... i believe so anyways....

but saddly there are some people who have only changed for the worst....

like myself... i have just turned into an apathic bitch... i just dont care what anyone thinks of me.. or even says about me... and i have a feelings that bothers thoughs... who try to get under my skin.... like what everone is saying about me now... just making all this assumption and stuff... without even asking me once if they are true... but then again i could careless about what they say.... i hear about what they are saying.. and it just doesnt bother me... i feel bad about it too.. because it bother the other party... but then i am just kinda.. a bitch about it... and all i can say in sorry you feel that way... but i cant do anything about it now... cant change what people think about me.. and i certainly cant change the whole situation... but i wish i could... jsut to make the other party feel more comfrontable....

the people on this board including myself.. can be really mean... and say mean things.. to push an idea.. or way of thinking.... it is like... we are verbal rapest... we have to make that person feel as little as possible.. for his faults and ideas...  his way of living or what not....

then you have people like NIK.. who just do shit for attention.. or to get a reaction... he is just a mean spirited person... he knows.. no god... he has no real ideas or thoughts about anything.. so he has to mock those people who are bright... and i am not refering to myself.. but to the people of this board... as a whole group....

I dont know.. i think we all have our issues... and i am sorry if i offended anyone... but then again it is pointless because we are not truely forgiving people...


Re:I Used To Love H.E.R.
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2003, 11:49:12 PM »
All I'm going to say is, we need to step back and look at this site, and the internet, kind of like you alluded to, in a proper light.

Check this out.

I come on here maybe a half hour every day or two, I sign on the computer in the evenings, and I read about egypt; did yall know that?  I'm a big egyptology buff, I check in and check out all this cool stuff that I think is interesting about egypt, every night I check that out, even though in egypt everything moves in slow motion.  It took them what, 4000 years to find King Tut, for instance.  Anyways.  I have an egyptology board that I go to, I'm friends with people over there, they're all polite and educated, I learn a lot, and feel like a kid watching adults talk.

Then, I'll chat with some friends online, real friends, people I actually know and hang out with.  We'll talk about what so-and-so did last week, or what so and so's mom said last night, or what movie we're going to see this weekend, or what happened at church yesterday.  

Then, maybe I'll download some music, listen to some of the new stuff that's out.  I like jazz, I like blues, I like pop, hip-hop, I love country music; I have a deep respect for older people, especially older musicians.  I might look up a little guitar tablature to find out how Buddy Holly wrote "True Love Ways", or something like that.  Just screw around a little bit.

Then, maybe I'll record a little music, just little demos of me singing and playing guitar, and playing keyboard.  I've got a few songs I've made that I've shared with some friends I know, nothing big, just something I like doing.

Then, maybe I'll cruise over to to see how my buddies are doing over here.  Immediately, I'm greeted with profanity, immorality, people sympathising with terrorists, people impersonating nazi's, people hating almost every song on the radio except for whatever they happen to be liking for the minute, people talking about getting drunk for apparently no reason at all, immaturity, and, on this particular section of the board, a WHOLE lot of people taking themselves WAY too seriously.  

Then it occurs to me; we're all alike.  There's hundreds of us on here, and before that, there were hundreds more, and there will be hundreds more.  I'm person number 800 trillion, 465 billion, 334 million, 227 thousand, 121 to be born into the world, and as far as politics and religion go, I really don't know very much.  I know enough to make my own choices, but I surely don't know enough to make anyone else's choices.  I just find a lot of arrogancy in the people here who portray an intelligent attitude, when in reality, they don't know anybetter than the 800 trillion people before them what the hell is going on.  

So, to answer your question, M Dogg, most of my comments on the board are a direct reflection of what I see on the board, immaturity.  I'm generally nothing like what I portray here in real life, but then again, you would have no way of knowing that, because you don't know me.  We met online years ago, and that's cool and all, but I don't know anything about you, and you don't know anything about me.  

You say you've lost respect for me, but really; what kind of respect did you have for me before?  You had respect for Trauma, you don't even know my last name.  Trauma is a character, did you really think someone that came across as halfway intelligent Talked With Capital Letters At The Beginning Of All Of His Words and cussed like a sailor around his girlfriend?  It's just something I did for a while, and grew out of.  Now the remnants of it show up on the board everyonce in a while when I get the mind to bring Trauma back out and talk trash at somebody.  Who cares?  Nothing I say is going to change your life one bit, I'm just trying to bring up interesting viewpoints.  I just don't take this board very seriously, because there's really nothing serious about it.  Half the time, I don't even recognize people's names, I only know about 6 or 7 people on here, and that's just a passing knowledge, ask around about when the last time I chatted with anybody online was.  You've lost respect for Trauma, but you haven't lost respect for me, you don't even know me.  Don't sweat it, live long and prosper.  


Re:I Used To Love H.E.R.
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2003, 11:54:54 PM »
Oh, and I appreciate you calling me an older educated person, but I've never quite understood where that came from.  I'm no more intelligent or educated than anyone else on the board.  Who are you comparing me to?  Look at Owen, he's far smarter than I am, Tech & Infinite both seem more educated then I do, Rod, Blade, etc.  I'm about middle point at best, I would think.  I just TALK alot.  That's why I seem educated.  Don't ever have any assumptions about people, because when you put them on a pedestal, they come falling down fast.  Anything I've ever learned was by listening, or seeking education, I wasn't taught hardly anything in school.  I learned everything decent that I know by looking for answers, or by asking my dad.  Anybody can do that.  And older? I'm 24, that's not that old.  Overseer's younger than I am, and consistantly strikes me as much more mature.  What's age got to do with anything?  


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Re:I Used To Love H.E.R.
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2003, 01:15:31 AM »
What's age got to do with anything?  

*Jots down line and plans to use it on MILFS*


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Re:I Used To Love H.E.R.
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2003, 01:23:24 AM »
Oh, and I appreciate you calling me an older educated person, but I've never quite understood where that came from.  I'm no more intelligent or educated than anyone else on the board.  Who are you comparing me to?  Look at Owen, he's far smarter than I am, Tech & Infinite both seem more educated then I do, Rod, Blade, etc.  I'm about middle point at best, I would think.  I just TALK alot.  That's why I seem educated.  Don't ever have any assumptions about people, because when you put them on a pedestal, they come falling down fast.  Anything I've ever learned was by listening, or seeking education, I wasn't taught hardly anything in school.  I learned everything decent that I know by looking for answers, or by asking my dad.  Anybody can do that.  And older? I'm 24, that's not that old.  Overseer's younger than I am, and consistantly strikes me as much more mature.  What's age got to do with anything?  

truama i think you seem educated... your just not a liberal... thats all... you are educated on conservatism.. thats all.... and owen and blade are not that smart about things that you and I ... m dogg... seer... and other older members on the board are... we have years on these on these people.. we have seen and been through trials.... at least we all have that in common.... life hasnt been easy... and it takes a real person to step up to the plate and forget the past.. or what ever your problem is ....


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Re:I Used To Love H.E.R.
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2003, 01:25:41 AM »
 Who are you comparing me to?  Look at Owen, he's far smarter than I am, Tech &Infinite both seem more educated then I do, Rod, Blade, etc.  


n lmao @ arnolds post, yea that would be a nice line, lol
« Last Edit: September 01, 2003, 01:28:08 AM by Doggy aka Pitbull »

Don Seer

Re:I Used To Love H.E.R.
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2003, 01:56:19 AM »
weird.... in some ways I feel me and trauma get on better now than we ever did.

that old beef... we never even knew each other back then.. trauma was just stickin up for his buddy b-please.


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Re:I Used To Love H.E.R.
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2003, 05:18:55 AM »
And older? I'm 24, that's not that old.  Overseer's younger than I am, and consistantly strikes me as much more mature.  What's age got to do with anything? offense but ya missed that boo...

...or was that on purpose ;)


Don Seer

Re:I Used To Love H.E.R.
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2003, 06:04:22 AM »
LOL honey thanks for pointing that out :-*

To quote 'The Last Emperor' from the song The Dozen

'A few years shy of 30 / but I don't act like an adult /
smoked my braincells away / follow hiphop like a cult '

... i'm 27 ;)


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Re:I Used To Love H.E.R.
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2003, 09:08:14 AM »
LOL honey thanks for pointing that out :-*

To quote 'The Last Emperor' from the song The Dozen

'A few years shy of 30 / but I don't act like an adult /
smoked my braincells away[/b *bull*/ follow hiphop like a cult '

... i'm 27 ;)

You got the knowledge and sense still...just choose not to use it on the odd occasion   :P
haha naw only joking boo , nice quote tho...should apply to tha scource cos they need new quotable section (well whole mag really  ;) )
<--- im being anti everything today

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Re:I Used To Love H.E.R.
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2003, 11:19:16 AM »
I always saw the Idiot in Trauma. I been sayin it for years.
"One day Alice came to a fork in the road and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree. "Which road do I take?" she asked. "Where do you want to go?" was his response. "I don't know," Alice answered. "Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter."

- Lewis Carroll


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Re:I Used To Love H.E.R.
« Reply #14 on: September 01, 2003, 01:03:13 PM »
 Trauma is a *rational* muthafucka... & I liked the way he reason things out.. i'll bring up my own version in a while tho.. ;)
 here's me  trying  a hand  @ psychiatry.. or whatever...
 Trauma's love or fascination for Egyptian Mummies reflects his tendency to to be remembered and cared for.. like the mummies were.. POOR SOUL...  :-X
 so just give him the attention he needs 8)

  well tell ya'll what.. i'm relatively new to this board.. but having a lot of fun.. so keep pinging...
« Last Edit: September 01, 2003, 01:47:19 PM by Eidolon_Sun »