Author Topic: I can't even read this board anymore... what the hell is wrong with some of ya  (Read 744 times)

Nima -

Seriously sometimes I wonder WHERE are these people who want war, who dont care bout iraqi deathes, who wish death upon them, whod rather have war than peace, who say the 900 US deaths are worse than the 11,000 iraqi deaths, who think all middle eastern people are evil.. man i never wanted to believe this shit actually existed i thought it was just the government.. now when i read some of the replies on here, im just left speechless!

now i dont know if some of yall just do it to provoke others or if you actually BELIEVE in the utter BULLSHIT you write... i think that trauma just wants to provoke.. but what about other dudes? i dontk now the names but ive read some outrageous shit on here lately..

seriously think about what youre saying for 5 seconds before u click that POST button, and remove the post and go read some history books and try to get some humanity.. humanity!



Suga Foot



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yeah there are just some childish idiots who say flat out stupid shit and have no respectable arguments like AG and rampant

then there are others like cwalker engel and them who actually do have an argument so their somewhat respectable


It often comes down to America vs. The World, because of their "We are the shit, we own the world" attitude.
At least that's how many of them act.

Real American

  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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I worry more about the lives of Americans than I do people in the Middle East. And I know damn sure that they don't care about me over there.


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Its not that we want war, but do you honestly think the middle easterns will resort to peace? no way in hell. You think al-queda terrorism will ever stop and make peace? no they will continue to kill.


It often comes down to America vs. The World, because of their "We are the shit, we own the world" attitude.
At least that's how many of them act.

On point again


Seriously sometimes I wonder WHERE are these people who want war, who dont care bout iraqi deathes, who wish death upon them, whod rather have war than peace, who say the 900 US deaths are worse than the 11,000 iraqi deaths, who think all middle eastern people are evil.. man i never wanted to believe this shit actually existed i thought it was just the government.. now when i read some of the replies on here, im just left speechless!

now i dont know if some of yall just do it to provoke others or if you actually BELIEVE in the utter BULLSHIT you write... i think that trauma just wants to provoke.. but what about other dudes? i dontk now the names but ive read some outrageous shit on here lately..

seriously think about what youre saying for 5 seconds before u click that POST button, and remove the post and go read some history books and try to get some humanity.. humanity!

Hmm.  Lets take 'em one by one.  

1.  Want war?  I want to kill others lest I be killed myself.  You don't have people blowing up your buildings, and saying it's in the name of god.  I do.  I want them, and everyone like them, to die horribly slow painful deaths.  I don't think I'm wrong for that; I think i'm satisfying my need for self-preservation.

2.  Who don't care about Iraqi deaths? Why should I?  Who gives a fuck about them.  Humanity? Where were they to denounce what happened in America on sept. 11th?  They're aiming guns at us in this war, so of course I don't care if they die.  The innocent casualties suck, but unfortunately that's what happens in war.  Innocent people die, as well as the troops.

3.  Who would rather have war than peace? Who's saying this?  I'd rather have peace.  Unfortunately, and this is what you don't understand: we have a terrorist faction out there who's stated goal for EXISTANCE is to kill each and everyone of us.  We can't make peace with that.  We must exterminate, and exterminate we will, forever and ever, until we don't have to worry about it again.  

4.   The 900 U.S. deaths are INFINITELY greater than the 11,000 Iraqi deaths.  I'm an american.  All Men are created equal, but all men are raised seperately, to the point we have Iraqis pointing weapons at my brothers and sisters here in the U.S. Military.  1 U.S. Military death is worse than a Million Iraqis dead.  Believe that.  I'm an American.  Fuck the rest, if it must be that way.  

5.   Who think that All Middle easterners are evil.  That's not true at all.  Egyptians are cool.  LOL.

6.  You say you never wanted to believe all this existed, you thought it was government.  Did you think it was 'government' who attacked us Sept. 11th?  Did you think we were going to ignore that?  Did you think we were going to only go after those specifically involved, and ignore the others who have been saying the same things Al Qaeda has, but haven't acted yet? Fuck no.  To do that would be ignorant; we were caught with our pants down Sept. 11th, because we didn't react to threats.  Now, any threat will be annhilated.  That is America today.  

7.   I don't want to provoke necessarily, I'm a realist.  I have my opinions, and in my opinion, your opinion isn't a valid opinion.  I reserve the right to fully express my opinion, and my opinion generally is quite a conservative opinion, and although unnecessarily unrepresented in the opinion polls of the media, my opinion, in my opinion, is a very, very POPULAR opinion.  


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It often comes down to America vs. The World, because of their "We are the shit, we own the world" attitude.
At least that's how many of them act.

you must have a hard time reading....look at the title of the threads in TOT...America gets blamed for everything....that might be where the US vs the world stems rarely see a post saying "america is better....."

oh and by the way....we are the shit and we do own the world now that you mention it


Jome: Grow up.  It's not "America Vs. The World".  Does America bomb Europe? No.  Why? Because yall are civilized, even though your intelligence dissapoints me sometimes (this thread, for instance).  Does America bomb Japan? No.  Why? Because they're not fucking with us.  

Who does America bomb.  Who? The Middle East, EXCLUSIVELY.  Why? Because they're fuck ups.  They fight.  They kill.  They send bombers over here to fuck us up.  They blow up children.  Problems, EVERY FUCKING WHERE.  We're tired of it, and we're going to kill every fucking body around that general area of the world until the shit stops.  Point.  Blank.  

Now, explain to me, in your infinite wisdom (pun, FULLY FUCKING intended), how it's "America Vs. The World" in our attitude, when we fight with NO ONE but Afganistan, with the Taliban & Al Qaeda who attacked us Sept. 11th, and Iraq, who were in a material breach of the U.N. Cease-Fire agreement, signed by Saddam Hussein and George Bush Sr.?  HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SPOUT THIS BULLSHIT, when we're in 2 fucking wars, 2 FUCKING WARS, both problems we haven't tied up from our past?  Fuck you and your attempts to finger us for shit we have nothing to do with.  We're involved in 2 wars; meanwhile the world burns, and you say it's "America Vs. the World".  No, my friend, it's liberalism vs. Common Fucking Sense.  


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Jome: Grow up.  It's not "America Vs. The World".  Does America bomb Europe? No.  Why? Because yall are civilized, even though your intelligence dissapoints me sometimes (this thread, for instance).  Does America bomb Japan? No.  Why? Because they're not fucking with us.  

Who does America bomb.  Who? The Middle East, EXCLUSIVELY.  Why? Because they're fuck ups.  They fight.  They kill.  They send bombers over here to fuck us up.  They blow up children.  Problems, EVERY FUCKING WHERE.  We're tired of it, and we're going to kill every fucking body around that general area of the world until the shit stops.  Point.  Blank.  

Now, explain to me, in your infinite wisdom (pun, FULLY FUCKING intended), how it's "America Vs. The World" in our attitude, when we fight with NO ONE but Afganistan, with the Taliban & Al Qaeda who attacked us Sept. 11th, and Iraq, who were in a material breach of the U.N. Cease-Fire agreement, signed by Saddam Hussein and George Bush Sr.?  HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU SPOUT THIS BULLSHIT, when we're in 2 fucking wars, 2 FUCKING WARS, both problems we haven't tied up from our past?  Fuck you and your attempts to finger us for shit we have nothing to do with.  We're involved in 2 wars; meanwhile the world burns, and you say it's "America Vs. the World".  No, my friend, it's liberalism vs. Common Fucking Sense.  

hey...don't talk to my pubic hair like that


you must have a hard time reading....look at the title of the threads in TOT...America gets blamed for everything....that might be where the US vs the world stems rarely see a post saying "america is better....."

oh and by the way....we are the shit and we do own the world now that you mention it

Not reading too many Trauma, Engelwood, CWalker or other American patriot posts are you.. ??  ::)

America gets blamed for everything because your attitude is basically "We are the shit, we are the world, we own the world, we'll invade whatever country we like, and civilians lives isn't as important as American soldiers lives."
THAT'S WHY AMERICA get blamed for whatever shit they fucked up at any given time.

To be honest, you and many of your fellow citizens are ignorant fucks, with as much knowledge on foreign politics as Arnold.

Who does America bomb.  Who? The Middle East, EXCLUSIVELY.  Why? Because they're fuck ups.  They fight.  They kill.  They send bombers over here to fuck us up.  They blow up children.  Problems, EVERY FUCKING WHERE.  We're tired of it, and we're going to kill every fucking body around that general area of the world until the shit stops.  Point.  Blank.  

Good for you that you signed a exclusive deal with Osama & Saddam.
You killed a few thousand terrorists, and you made multiple million new terrorists at the same time.
Congratulations, the world should be grateful.



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You killed a few thousand terrorists, and you made multiple million new terrorists at the same time.

is that an actual fact or are you talking out of your ass still?


He's from Norway.  He has no idea about the world, about America, or about terrorism, because over there, they consider it a tragedy when someone feeds the goats twice and they get sick.  

Jome: when you were in school, and bullies used to steal your lunch money; you just ignored them, right?  And they kept doing it, and doing it, and doing it, and you just lived with it; and became the pacifist that you are today.

Me? I had my lunch money stolen once when I was 5.  I hit the fucker on the back of his head with my lunch tray.  I got in a fight.  I got in trouble.  All the teachers were mad.  The kid was mad.  His parents were mad.  His friends were mad.  I never had 1 other fucking problem out of any of them, ever again.  

I had a kid that used to bully me after school when I was 12.  He was always talking shit.  He kept it up, I punched him in the nose, he never said another fucking word... we even became friends months later.    

You're weak.  I'm strong.  I wouldn't POSSIBLY expect you to understand my country's position.