Author Topic: The Minutemen and the Border  (Read 408 times)


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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #30 on: May 29, 2005, 05:32:09 PM »
the drug lords are smart enough not to commit mass murder. Come on now.  If anything they will just be giving out rewards to people to whoever gets a kill off a minuteman.  lol they have much more important stuff than to worry about fucking idiots patrolling the border

Correct, they do have more important stuff to worry about than border patrol, which is why I said nothing would end up happening. Even sending hitmen to do the job woould be too risky. It's one thing for Bush to turn his head on illegal immigrants, but to allow American citizens to get killed because of illegal immigration, that's where'd have have to step in. It's like how all that crime that goes on in latino gang communities with drugs, murder, etc. If one of the Bush daughter was ever in there and had gotten raped, I garauntee that every latino gang in America would be disbanded and put in jail with in the first week. Why? Because rich white people don't care until rich white people get hurt, then it's go time. That's why rich white people still run the world. It may not be a good thing but it's the truth.

OneHittaSpitta; You're on some stupid non-educated shit. Most of Mexico won't give a shit of the few super rich drug lords are getting fucked with, and the blacks and latinos in the US don't have the numbers. I don't know what you think but there are more whites in the US then there are latinos and blacks combined and then doubled. Also, your band together theory doesn't really hold any water. If blkacks can't even band together with blacks as a whole, and there are more latinos in the US that want nothing more than the Latino gangs to be diminished, then what makes you think they would go to war over this. Mexico would not war with the states over some drug lords getting killed. Shit man, did you know that there were blacks fighting for the South in the civil war? No one group of people with in the US could/would stand against the US Military and win.

lol@ u calling me "non-educated"...dont think thats a word though smart guy. If you look at your OWN post, you werent referring to ALL white were referring to down south rednecks. And yes, blacks and latinos would definetely have them outnumbered. Blacks and Latinos stick together far more then white people when it comes to racism, theyve had to in this country. Most white people wouldnt support some dumbass rednect hick racists. But blacks and latinos would stick together if that type of threat was ever brought to them because the threat isnt just white vs black or mexican. Its racists vs black or mexican. See the difference? Also....just so you know, you need to pick one argument and stick to it. Youre kind of jumping back and forth, and not really making your argument clear...youre more or less throwing as many meaningless sentences in your post as u can in an attempt to sound less....."non-educated".

My stand is simple. The drug lords won't do anything to stop the border patrol, they'll just find better ways to get people in the country. All this hick vs non hick thing is pointless, because what it comes down to is Americans being killed by non Americans in America and good ol' Dub Ya would act against that in a very serious matter. As for your stick together claim; when Emmit Till was brutally murdered by two hicks down south then the two hicks get off scott free only to sell their story for money and admit to killing the boy but suffered no penalty, I didn't see too many blacks all over the country banding together and taking down the whites. Look at all those riots from the 60s. How many whites really died? If blacks couldn't defend against an innocent 14 year old black kid by banding together, then what makes you think they would stand up for illegal immigrant mexicans?

lol youre seriously bringin Emmit Till into this? This is a 2005 conversation man. Its like saying Slaves didnt stick together and kill all the white people lol. Youre talkin about decades ago, when the courts and police were FAR more biased then now. Besides, we were talking about regular citizens....not the police force and court system. regular everyday white people dont really back eachother, theyre scared. i havent seen one white neighborhood yet where white people werent physically afraid of minorities. besides, this shit IS off the point.

I didnt say that mexico would come up here and destroy the US lol. Im saying, if our governemt thinks it would be some sorta cakewalk to stroll into mexico and fight against the drug lords...then theyre seriously more stupid then i thought.


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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #31 on: May 29, 2005, 05:59:08 PM »

But it's not the average American white people I'm talkng about. It's the US Military that would swat down any resistance. Plus you really think that black americans would care if Mexicans are getting sent home packing, or if Mexican drug lords were getting messed with? I don't know what makes you think that.

 If you think Emmit Till is too long ago then how about Rodney King? People from across the nation will not band together and go to war with the country because some other minority got screwed with. People have their own problems, they don't have time to deal with other people's shit.

And what's all this whites afraid of minorites crap? I'm white, I've never been scared of a group of people on the street because they're part of a minority.

Real American

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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #32 on: May 29, 2005, 08:06:23 PM »

 I'm white, I've never been scared of a group of people on the street because they're part of a minority.

I have.


Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #33 on: May 29, 2005, 08:19:28 PM »

 I'm white, I've never been scared of a group of people on the street because they're part of a minority.

I have.

Of course you have been scared. You're a racist that makes assumptions based on stereotypes about people because of their color. You live a life of fear and your only outlet is saying your true feelings on a forum because you would never say these things to a single person yet alone a group of people with a different ethnicity than yours. I'm sure a lot of people on this board have hatred for you, but I honestly feel bad for you because your views are so distorted and concerned with ethnicity instead of character.
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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #34 on: May 30, 2005, 07:52:26 AM »

But it's not the average American white people I'm talkng about. It's the US Military that would swat down any resistance. Plus you really think that black americans would care if Mexicans are getting sent home packing, or if Mexican drug lords were getting messed with? I don't know what makes you think that.

 If you think Emmit Till is too long ago then how about Rodney King? People from across the nation will not band together and go to war with the country because some other minority got screwed with. People have their own problems, they don't have time to deal with other people's shit.

And what's all this whites afraid of minorites crap? I'm white, I've never been scared of a group of people on the street because they're part of a minority.

we're talking about two different things. Youre talking about minority citizens fightin the US Government lol. Thats not what im talking until we get on the same page going back n forth isnt gonna get u to understand.

and yes, u have...


  • Muthafuckin' Don!
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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #35 on: May 30, 2005, 07:57:53 AM »
It's the simple concept that minorities stick together better by nature (because they have to) and that they also have the priviledge to be racist fuckwits. While few white people wouldnt tell a whiteboy to chill on that wetback and nigger shit, there are zero to none minority dudes who'd fuck a "brother" over over some whiteboy calling shit.
Cause I don't care where I belong no more
What we share or not I will ignore
And I won't waste my time fitting in
Cause I don't think contrast is a sin
No, it's not a sin


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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #36 on: May 30, 2005, 08:30:12 AM »

But it's not the average American white people I'm talkng about. It's the US Military that would swat down any resistance. Plus you really think that black americans would care if Mexicans are getting sent home packing, or if Mexican drug lords were getting messed with? I don't know what makes you think that.

 If you think Emmit Till is too long ago then how about Rodney King? People from across the nation will not band together and go to war with the country because some other minority got screwed with. People have their own problems, they don't have time to deal with other people's shit.

And what's all this whites afraid of minorites crap? I'm white, I've never been scared of a group of people on the street because they're part of a minority.

we're talking about two different things. Youre talking about minority citizens fightin the US Government lol. Thats not what im talking until we get on the same page going back n forth isnt gonna get u to understand.

and yes, u have...

I'm talking about the US governement because that's the way it's going to go down. It's not going to be every red stater in the south banding together to fight the latinos from Cali, it's going to be the US governement defending it's citizens against Mexican assasins, and the latinos and blacks from Cali aren't going to do damn thing about it. Talking about a war between the citizens is stupid, because it won't happen.

And no I haven't. I'm a white kid in a black area. I have like 2 or 3 white friends. Everyone else I know is either black, arab, or asian. There has never been a moment in my life where I was walking the streets, day or night, and got scared because the people walking towards me weren't white. I walk around very simple, the only thing on me is a bible, and if some punk wants to rob that from me, I'm more than glad to give to him, on one condition; he reads it. I used to get a in a bit of trouble when I was younger, but now I have more of a religious rep. So the older guys in the area know me and wouldn't do anything because they know, and the younger guys know me for what I am, and see the respect I get from the older guys. I can walk with my head high in any ghetto in this city and not worry about a thing, except a stray bullet, and if I'm outside my area and some gangester wants to start something I got a nice little Jesus icon in my right hand jacket pocket to go with my bible. You'd be surprised what the fear of God can do to little thugs.


Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #37 on: November 04, 2005, 11:43:17 AM »

J Bananas

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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #38 on: November 04, 2005, 12:35:44 PM »
YES: The minutemen are probably racists.
YES: We need someone to actively patrol our borders.

look, its a win win situation, the rednecks get to carry guns and ward off mexicans, the liberals have something to bitch about which they enjoy doing so much. America is a better place.

J Bananas

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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #39 on: November 04, 2005, 12:41:57 PM »
you gotta admit it would be fun tear assing around the desert in a truck with rifles and stuff

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Re: The Minutemen and the Border
« Reply #40 on: November 04, 2005, 12:47:30 PM »
YES: The minutemen are probably racists.
YES: We need someone to actively patrol our borders.

look, its a win win situation, the rednecks get to carry guns and ward off mexicans, the liberals have something to bitch about which they enjoy doing so much. America is a better place.
LOL. Its funny cause it's true.

dexter why'd you reserect this old ass thread with such a simple response?