Author Topic: TOP 5 WRESTLERS EVER!  (Read 2039 times)


« Reply #45 on: August 15, 2006, 09:53:04 PM »
I'm just saying Eddie Guerrero was a great great wrestler, but he was also a mexican.  It was tied up into his whole persona and one of the reasons he was so great was because he was a mexican.  He had a mexican style of wrestling, he was proud of his heritage, every angle he ever did focused on his race... so of course you as a mexican are going to like the greatest mexican wrestler more than you're going to like the greatest caucasian wrestler.  I for instance like Ric Flair more than I like Eddie Guerrero.  If I was mexican, though, I'd probably like Eddie more than Flair. 

The week (no shit) before Eddie died, I was watching smackdown with my brother and we were sitting there talking about how great Eddie had gotten, and how he had the total package.  He especially was incredible in his promos and things, and his whole interaction with the fans in the middle of matches was on par with the greatest wrestlers of all time.  We were talking about how through hard work he'd finally reached legend status.  Then he dies the next week, horrible thing to see, I was shook up about it for a few weeks because he seemed like such a good guy.  I would say that in terms of wrestling deaths, it's the worst tragedy that's hit the sport, because he still had so far to go and had just reached his prime.  Kurt Hennig upset me pretty bad too but Kurt had already had his time in the spotlight and was in the long kiss goodbye, Eddie was still rising and it's a shame to see momentum stopped by death. 


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« Reply #46 on: August 15, 2006, 09:58:47 PM »
  I would say that in terms of wrestling deaths, it's the worst tragedy that's hit the sport,

I don't think it compares to Owen Hart actually dying in the ring...


« Reply #47 on: August 15, 2006, 10:02:51 PM »
I don't think you know what the fuck you're talking about.  Go blow something.  Weed or dick, I'll let you decide.

Owen died in the ring, horrible tragedy.  Owen hart had nowhere near the talent, and nowhere near the future that Eddie Guerrero did, therefore, losing Eddie Guerrero was at least twice as tragic. 


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« Reply #48 on: August 15, 2006, 10:09:45 PM »
I don't think you know what the fuck you're talking about.  Go blow something.  Weed or dick, I'll let you decide.

Owen died in the ring, horrible tragedy.  Owen hart had nowhere near the talent, and nowhere near the future that Eddie Guerrero did, therefore, losing Eddie Guerrero was at least twice as tragic. 

Wow, that was extremely gay, then again, I'm speaking to the potential homo of WCC...Owen Hart's death was a bigger blow to the federation because of the way it happened, dickhead. :-*

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« Reply #49 on: August 15, 2006, 10:12:24 PM »

I cried for both, well actually I cried for neither, but came close on many moments.

The sad thing with Eddie was he died the night before he was going to win his second World Title. Batista was hurt, and they set a 3 way so Eddie could pin Randy, Batista keeps his heat, and Randy and Eddie start a feud. For wrestling, Eddie's death completely killed Smackdown. It was the show I watched every week just to see Eddie. Then once Eddie died, I stopped, and I simply read the spoilers until something good happened. I tried to get into the Rey title reign, but I wasn't really digging it, I watched whenever Angle wrestled, and I would time it to just watch his matches, and maybe a Rey match. But Smackdown seemed so much better with Eddie, that you watched just to see him, and you didn't read the spoilers because you wanted to be surprised, 'cause he came up with crazy stuff. When Owen died, that was tragic, but the WWF still continued. When Eddie died, Smackdown died with him.


« Reply #50 on: August 15, 2006, 10:31:30 PM »
If Owen died 2 years previous it would of been a much bigger blow to the business. At the time of his death, he was going through that Blue Blazer phase that wasn't even catching on at that time. Eventually, I think Owen woulda became a huge deal before his run was up. He had all the potential too. He coul dbe funny, he could be angry, and it was all believable. I may be pushing it, but he was like a Canadian Eddie Guerrero in a way.

Eddie's death was a much greater loss like alot of peopl ehere are saying. Just based on the fact he was one of the top guys in the sport and he overcame so much to get back on top.
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« Reply #51 on: August 15, 2006, 10:38:33 PM »
Eddie Guerroro also accomplished more by the time of his death...Owen Hart still had years ahead of him, he was about to get a push at the time, and he died IN THE RING. The two deaths are not comparable...PeACe


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« Reply #52 on: August 15, 2006, 11:08:33 PM »
I used to hate the Warrior. I did like his return in the 90's for WWF cause I hoped it would help wrestling, but that didn't work.

As for Shallow, I remember you liking TNA and we had a huge debate on the linear title of the original NWA title, and we argued if the WCW/World title was it, or the TNA/NWA title was it. I was say WCW/World, you said TNA/NWA. Plus you would say Steve Austin is the biggest star in wrestling history, I'd go with Hulk Hogan. You seem more of a pure wrestler/shooter fan, I like the whole package in terms of skills and entertainment.


- I said that about the title because WCW broke its affiliation with the NWA in the early 90s. It was picked up by ECW and dropped just as fast then it disappeared for a few years and ended up back on TV with TNA which chose to affiliate with the NWA. It's the same belt exactly, even in design.

- I  know I believe (because it's 100% true) that Austin made and generated more money than Hogan (even when you combine his WWF and WCW/NWO years), and that the WWF made more money with Austin on top than with Hogan on top. As for who is bigger current household name, well that's Hogan right now. I say right now because you can never predict the future fully. If you told fans in '94 that Hogan would becaome one of the biggest names in wrestling as a heel named Hollywood Hogan you'd get laughed at. Trauma brags about Hogan still wrestling. Austin could still wrestle if he wanted but he knows he can't have great matches anymore and he didn't want to be like Hogan and have to be carried through the ring. But who knows he may come back for another run.

- My favourite wrestler is Ric Flair and that's the epitome of the total package in my eyes. I love the entertainers, when they're good.

In court, WCW at the time won the rights of the linage, NWA can still claim linage based on name, but WCW won the rights to the legacy.

I know Austin made more money for the WWF, although that was mainly shirt sales. I even own an Austin 3:16 shirt, it was by far the most well known t-shirt in wrestling history. BUT, Hogan did more to wrestling in the mainstream than Austin, including selling out the Silverdome with Andre the Giant. You also have to remember that many of the PPVs back then were not as expensive as they are now, and also PPVs like Wrestlemania III were shown on close circuit TV at a local area or bar, and people could watch for a fee that went to the venter, or for free as long as they buy drinks. So the WWF at the time did not make as much, since they did not know they can charge as much. You but Wrestlemania III in 1999, and you have the highest grossing PPV in history. Andre the Giant set the foundation, Hulk Hogan built the house, and Steve Austin made the house modern. I do think though that Austin not putting over anyone but The Rock before he left truly hurt the WWE. Wrestling is built off building stars, like Andre put over Hogan, and the Hogan put over Warrior, now look how many Warrior fans there are. Warrior put over Undertaker, Taker put over Rock, in WCW Flair put over Sting, Sting and Hogan put each other over, back to WWF, The Rock put over the Hurricane for crying out loud, and put over Goldberg just to top it off on his way out. Austin has yet to put over someone that would carry the company, not even Triple H, in fact he flat out refused to job to him back in 1999, when Triple H was given the ball. And that showed because Triple H's orginial reign was seen as very weak, and they did everything from having him reunite DX, to marrying a McMahon to put his reign over. If Austin put Triple H over, he might have still married Steph, but his reign would have been stronger at first. Austin didn't even put over Jericho when Jericho became Undisputed Champion.

As for favorite wrestler, Eddie Guerrero, not because his Mexican, but because he was the true example of great performer and great entertainer.

I don'recall a court case. When was it?

Here's what I have always read with regards to NWA history;


On January 4th, the Great Muta defeats Masahiro Chono in Tokyo.

On February 21st, Barry Windham defeats the Great Muta in Ashville, North Carolina, USA.

On July 18th, Ric Flair defeats Barry Windham in Biloxi, Mississippi, USA.

In September, WCW withdraws from the NWA over a dispute revolving around an upcoming Pay-Per-View match between Ric Flair and Rick Rude.

The result has the NWA no longer recognizing Ric Flair as its champion and WCW renaming the title the WCW International title.


Despite all the controversy with WCW in 1993, the NWA continues uninterupted as a legal entity, but without national television exposure and holds another tournament for the vacant World Heavyweight title on August 27th. Shane Douglas defeats Too Cold Scorpio in the tournament final in Philadelphia but refuses the belt saying the NWA is a dead organization; Eastern Championship Wrestling immediately announces their withdrawal from the NWA and changes their name to Extreme Championship Wrestling.

On November 19th, Chris Candido defeats Tracy Smothers in yet another tournament final in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, USA to fill the vacant title.

- We can debate about what Andre and Hogan could have done in another time but I don't see the point (personally I don't think that style of feud would have gone over so well in the Jerry Springer style era of '99). I don't care to wonder who meant more to the WWF. Hogan helped make it huge in the 80s and Austin helped make it huge in the late 90s early 2000s. Austin had more 60,000 plus venues, and higher consistent weekly ratings. We aren't just talking merchandise here. The WWF was a 400 million dollar company on Austin's shoulders. It was a 100 million dollar company on Hogan's best year. Inflation isn't that high. I'm not debating who is more popular. I'm just stating numbers.

And speaking as someone that was at Wrestlemania 6 live I'll tell you that Hogan did not put over the Warrior. He allowed Warrior to get the win. Flair put over Sting and Sting didn't even win in the late 80s. Putting someone over means you make him a bigger star than he was and make it all about that person. All anyone was talking about after Warrior won was whether Hogan really got pinned. Then Warrior was sabotogaed by being the guy that beat the hero and being booked as a baby face, but that wasn't Hogan's fault. Vince Jr should have learned from his dad; you don't go top baby face to top baby face in a title switch because the new baby face will face resentment. Also notice that the WWF is way better right now than it was during Warrior's time when he was putting over Taker as you say. Hogan took the belt right back after Warrior failed and was the focus of thr company until he left after efusing to put Bret over. During those years the WWF almost went under. They didn't strive again until Austin emerged and took them to a billion dollar company (the Hogan money was all but gone before that), and now thanks to cost cutting measures the WWE still makes a decent profit and pulls in greater revenue than they ever did before Austin. Austin not putting anyone over wasn't the problem. Bad writing and booking, HHH being shoved down our throats, screwing up the invasion angle, and Rock leaving is what hurt it. Both Austin and Rock put over Jericho the night he won the belts, but making him Steph's lap dog ad fodder for Hunter is what killed him.

- And you can like Eddie for what ever reason you like. Just because Trauma is racist in nature doesn't mean you are. I prefer prime Flair in ring and on the mic. I took him more seriously because the business was presented more seriously and I prefer a slightly more realistic style in the ring (it was still far fetched but not like today). But I understand why many prefer Eddie. His ring work is more in your face and athletic with the high flying, and his mic work is gold, and I'm sure he could do an 80s style well if he was in the 80s. It's all preference. I know a lot of white guys that prefer Eddie.

As for the deaths issue. Owen was more tragic as far as the event, Eddie was more tragic as far as blow to the company. No one expected Owen to go, or to go like that. Eddie was already lucky to be alive and looking back now with the roids he had to take to get huge and the injuries he'd cover up it's not all that shocking. It's a shame and tragedy but so was Pillman. Not a huge shock looking back. When it happened it was because it's sudden but in hindsight it's different. Eddie would have continued to be a star and while I feel Owen was just as good as Eddie he never would have been pushed because of Vince's vendetta with Bret. And even then he may not have gotten as over. But I'll tell you this that night Owen stormed the ring a few weeks after Montreal '97 and he was in all black with a goatie and he grabbed Vince buy the collar on Raw and lifted him; he was as over with the crowd as anyone in history. If he had gotten pushed after that we would have found it how well he could draw money.


"THE" MoSav

« Reply #53 on: August 19, 2006, 07:37:45 PM »
2. Bret Hart
3. Kurt Angle
4. Chris Benoit
5. Rock

1. The Rock
2. Hulk Hogan
3. Stone Cold
4. HHH
5. HBK

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« Reply #54 on: August 19, 2006, 08:52:18 PM »
Ill put John Cena last as i think hes the future according to vince. will see what he can do.


« Reply #55 on: August 20, 2006, 09:10:43 AM »
top 5 wrestlers of all time imo

ric flair(greatest entertainer and pure all round wrestler imo)
brett hart
kurt angle
shawn michaels
owen hart/benoit

honerable mention to curt henning(mr perfect)

my top 5 favourite wrestlers

ric flair
mr perfect
triple h
chris jericho
brett hart

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« Reply #56 on: August 20, 2006, 10:35:27 AM »
HBK, Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Bret Hart

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