Author Topic: a thought about Jesus  (Read 512 times)


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Re: a thought about Jesus
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2005, 01:20:25 PM »
Okay here is a thought for the christians

what if Mohamad is more then you think He is?
what would you lose if you realized that there might be more to Mohamad then just meets the eye?

Let me give you an example,do you know why Allah made Mohamad ugly,plain,all that?
Because he didn't want him to face vanity.................

Now does that make sense?

Your probably laughing at me right now. Muslims were doing the same thing when they read your lines.


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Re: a thought about Jesus
« Reply #16 on: May 31, 2005, 07:56:05 AM »

what would you lose if you realized that there might be more to Mohamad then just meets the eye?

(this isn't necessarily a response to you, but more a general response to the question)

You wouldn't lose anything, with Muhammed or Jesus. Why do all these religious nuts assume God is stupid?. Why would God send one guy in one part of the world and not the others? Why would God not know that it's stupid to force your religion on other culture that live no less righteous than you do? Why would God not know that the only way these new religions would spread would be through bloodshed and threats? The answer is he would know, and guess what he did, he sent various righteous figures to various parts of the world with the same message. Now why don't all you dummies stop trying to convert each other and just realize that all your messages are the same. Don't do bad things and you'll be alright. Learn to except one another as equal.


Re: a thought about Jesus
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2005, 05:28:13 PM »
i think there is no god,if you believe in god...good 4 you..i dont discriminate,everyone is free to choose what to believe in!...I'll explain my theory ( if i offended someone,sorry,it was not my goal,if i made you think..well great!) Look at the world we live in....full of shit - murder,rape,underage prostitution,pedophile,ppl dying of starvation,aids,genocides,wars,natural disasters...We are destroying ourselve and the earth we live on.Do you really think there is a god? Does your God see us now? Maybe he likes what he is seeing,an extreme reallity show...last one alive get's a free trip to heaven!If he's all good and powerfull,why does he make us stops? Maybe he's saying : poor little fools...keep on killing's a great show from up above....
feel free to respond  ;)


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Re: a thought about Jesus
« Reply #18 on: June 04, 2005, 02:00:14 AM »
^^^^ kinda agree with you, although I do think there is something up there, this didnt come from nothing

         but, I don't believe all that Bible crap and religious following shit, I'm not into that and I think if you
         truly believe there is a God or somethin like it, like me, then that's all you need to do
         I look at church like a cult. Nothin against people who go, my grandparents go everyday
         but, sitting together and reading stuff that u arent sure is true and was supposedly made thousands of years ago
         please, i dunno, forgive me if I am wrong but it's just too hard to believe, I don't like "worshipping" a mystery
         I believe we all have a set path of destiny from the time we are born, if we are to be great it was intended
         If we are fuck ups, its because we didnt do something at one point to change it and it wasnt in the cards for you
         think of all the bad things and ugly people and deformities, everything is the way it is for a reason
         and a good quote is "we learn from our mistakes"
         All the shit you see, the war etc..... everything will eventually come to an end and we'll have learned hopefully anybody has
         But most likely the time everyone learns how dumb they are about doing that kinda shit it's too late
         a big consequence will appear in spite of their actions, probably when man-kind kills the Earth
         just one little example, look at how bad fuckin idiots fuck up the ocean
         Killing shit for sport, out of being mean, or fishing and taking out populations of fish and making the coral area extinct
        Also people kill sharks, millions every year, some just for soup, and the shark is one of the most important in the sea
        When there are no more sharks, too many fish will be around to eat the plantation and coral etc...
        So there will then be no more food for all the fish and they will die and than lots of other animals in the sea won't be able to eat
        it's a chain reaction and that answer to you askin why there is fucked up shit is because it is happening for a reaon

         So pretty much we are born and we are either gonna do good or bad
         our life revolves around karma and everything on Earth and every little detail is around for a reason

Maestro Minded

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Re: a thought about Jesus
« Reply #19 on: June 04, 2005, 07:06:58 AM »
okay lets start with fact,the bible has been around longer then the quran................

doubt me,ya betta ask somebody..........and there is no mention of allah anywhere in the bible

now I would think that that is odd,because it certainly mentions Jesus cousin,next dorr neighbor and everyone else under heaven........including satan

so now how much do you believe in allah?

and how much do you believe in Jesus?

The only reason you think that the Bible doesn't mention Allah is because you are reading the English translation of the Bible. Jesus and his followers obviously did not speak English. Infact, the language they spoke in is no longer in existence. The English word that is used is "God". But just the same, if you go and read the Bible of an Arab Christian, it will say "Allah". "God" is the English word they use for "Allah". So go and tell a Lebanese Christian that Allah is not mentioned in the Bible and he will look at you like you are crazy.

WRONG! WRONG! HAHAHA LMAO!!!! I SWEAR, MY HOMIE HERE, CHARLIE, HE's A LEBONESE CATHOLIC!!!! HAHAHA!! LMAO!! HE's HARDCORE TOO IMO! he's standing right next to me, he's laughing at what your saying, he said they say its "Jehova" or whatnot like jehova witnesses, not Allah!!! LOL!! Dont invent things Infinate......LMAO! it was funny how you said Lebonese and he's right here seein me type all this, he says im making a whole mess of spellin mistakes too, lol....but yea, what a coinsidence.

you really made a fool of yourself

white Boy

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Re: a thought about Jesus
« Reply #20 on: June 04, 2005, 08:34:18 AM »
im not reading all these comments to further proove my theory that infinite is ignorant, and that fat bitch is a complete idiot


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Re: a thought about Jesus
« Reply #21 on: June 04, 2005, 09:46:09 AM »
what if Jesus is a fable?

how is that possible ?