Whats up?
Looks like some coward over on the DPG board has barred me for speaking up about where the CDs and DVDs I ordered a long time ago are.
Why didn’t ya’ll holla at me.. tell me whats up? actually.. why didn’t you holla at me EVER about this shit? and where has the customer service section over at DPG gone.. you think you can sweep it under the carpet?
Like I said on their forum. DPG/GA as an outfit have no respect. On the music side theres respect, but that’s where it stops.
Ask yourself why instead of talking to me they just ban me from the forum. If you lose your money with DPG/GA don’t say I never tried to warn ya’ll.
If you know whats up, got ripped off too, or want to speak freely on this..
>> Holla at me on our forum <<
ps.. quick addition.. more and more victims are coming out of the woodwork! don’t hold back! thanks for the support 🙂