Those of yall that don’t have a Paypal account but want to order Westcoast Unified Volume 1 using your creditcard or your parents creditcard, can do that now. Because as of today DUBCNN accepts orders from VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DINERS CLUB CARD & more.
All traffic is handled over Secure encrypted SSL Connection and best of all its so easy to use, just follow these simple steps:
First fill in the card owners info and press the Continue button.
After that, enter your creditcard information and press the PURCHASE button.
Last but not least make sure you enter the shipping address so we know where to send the cd.
All transactions will be handled by one of Europe’s biggest banks (EUROLINE) and online creditcard processors in association with!
Click Here to order the most Diverse Westcoast Mixtape to date.
You can order all our future products such as T-Shirts, Mixtapes, Artist albums, Webdesign packages, Production packages and much more using this new Dubcnn function.
All our merchandise will be available in the shop cathegory coming later this month.
I’d like to thank my friend Shawty Slim and Idebs support team for helping me these past few weeks to get this up and running.
Everything will be back to normal regarding interviews and daily audio updates.
Keep it locked on DUBCNN your NR 1 Westcoast News Source, we got so much more for yall.