Home News Contest: Snoop Dogg Autographed “TBCT” Mixtapes

Contest: Snoop Dogg Autographed “TBCT” Mixtapes


We recently broke the news that DJ Whoo Kid, DJ Skee and DJ Drama have connected to bring you the “Blue Carpet Treatment Mixtape” to promote Snoop Dogg’s new album “The Blue Carpet Treatment”.

The release has been recieving acclaim and fans are clamouring to get a copy. As a a special treat for dubcnn, Snoop Dogg has TEN SIGNED COPIES of the “Blue Carpet Treatment Mixtape” for an exclusive contest giveaway. Just follow the link below and enter the contest. Entries are due by December 1, 2006.

DUBCNN CONTESTS Presents – “The Blue Carpet Treatment Mixtape” autographed by Snoop Dogg

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Owner, Founder, CEO of DubCNN.com. A passion for Westcoast Hip-hop as a fan, has led to over two decades of driving the scene under DubCNN, breaking talent, supporting vets and bringing fans and artists together.


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