Home News MURS On The World Famous “Wake Up Show”

MURS On The World Famous “Wake Up Show”


Dubcnn has some new Murs audio to present today. Murs was recently invited to the “Wake Up Show” to promote the upcoming Rock the Bells/Paid Dues tour, and his new album “Murs for President”.

We have a audio segment in which Sway, Tech and Rev preview the new “Dreadlocks” record produced by Rick Rock, and also a freestyle session between Murs and Roscoe Umali.

Murs & Roscoe Umali –

Make sure to check out the Rock the Bells/Paid Dues tour which is being co-sponsored by Dubcnn.com, when it comes around to your city, and look out for Murs’ new album to drop in the fourth quarter.

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Owner, Founder, CEO of DubCNN.com. A passion for Westcoast Hip-hop as a fan, has led to over two decades of driving the scene under DubCNN, breaking talent, supporting vets and bringing fans and artists together.


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