Home News Shade Shiest & N.U.N.E. Head East To Japan For August Shows

Shade Shiest & N.U.N.E. Head East To Japan For August Shows


We have some news from the PutYourself Out camp that is sure to interest our readers over in Japan. Just over two years ago Shade Sheist toured all over Japan with Big-Boy and E-Man, selling out every venue in every major city.

On August 10 & 11, 2007; Shade Sheist will be back on Japanese soil this time alongside N.U.N.E. courtesy of Mauve-Asia. The tour celebrates the recent release of the pairs last solo albums over there, last years “Before The Waiting Before The Hating” from Shade Shiest and the debut from N.U.N.E. entitled “Nunetime.”

The full flyer for the shows can be seen by clicking here. Mauve-Asia is also offering clubs across the country to take up the chance to extend the tour and benefit from reduced costs as well as the chance to raise brand awareness across Asia and Australasia. For more details head over to Mauve-Asia and make sure you check out the official Put Yourself Out website.

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Owner, Founder, CEO of DubCNN.com. A passion for Westcoast Hip-hop as a fan, has led to over two decades of driving the scene under DubCNN, breaking talent, supporting vets and bringing fans and artists together.


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