Home News E Reece – Confessions of a Dreamer (Video)

E Reece – Confessions of a Dreamer (Video)


For the second video from E Reece‘s album "Concrete Steppin", the Los Angeles emcee hooks up with singer Dasha for "Confessions of a Dreamer". Produced by Proh Mic, the song tells of how E Reece dreamed of having his dad around as a kid, to dreaming of playing in the NBA, to now dreaming of making music full time and having it take him around the world.

E Reece – Confessions of a Dreamer Feat. Dasha (Video)

Also be sure to watch E Reece’s first video for "Fly Hi" if you missed out.

E Reece – Fly Hi (Video)

Concrete Steppin is available now on iTunes

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