Home News Cali Agents Update

Cali Agents Update


Planet Asia and Rasco aka the Cali Agents have been and are going to be pretty busy. Their new album, which hits stores May 4th, Head Of State is heated. It’s a definite pick up. The cover is to the left. It can be picked up either at Their label, Pockets Linted’s website or at Sandboxautomatic.com.

Pictured to the right is Planet Asia’s new mixtape. It’s the latest mixtape from any Steady Gang members. That can also be copped at Sandboxautomatic.com. Both of these are only 10 bucks.

Also, be on the look out for these events:

Record release parties
Wednesday, April 28, 2004 – San Diego, CA
Thursday, April 29, 2004 – Phoenix/Tempe, AZ
Saturday, May 08, 2004 – San Francisco, CA

Support the Cali Agents ya’ll. Quality West Coast Hip Hop right there.

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Owner, Founder, CEO of DubCNN.com. A passion for Westcoast Hip-hop as a fan, has led to over two decades of driving the scene under DubCNN, breaking talent, supporting vets and bringing fans and artists together.


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