Premiering his official video for “Man Of The Year” via Complex Magazine recently, Chuuwee, the walkin’ & talkin’ Sacramento landmark MC remains dedicated and diligent as ever, picking a properly titled record to define him as both a man and artist. Although the video is simple in its construction, it allows his viewers/listeners to solely focus on his message, and gain a true appreciation for his always honest, authentic and bold artistry. Giving fans access into his everyday life & struggles has made him a uniquely heralded rapper, garnishing a fan base as loyal as Manchester United’s football club, while putting on for all the tried & true individuals aiding his cause. Thus, continuing to build off of the success of his last year’s The South Sac Mack album with European outlet Below Systems Records, and set to follow it up with another solo endeavor entitled Dystopia later this year, expect Chuuwee’s movement and momentum to catapult him to deservingly new heights as the year progresses (not to mention AMB2 with Trizz). As he extends his already lengthy but still very young career, he continues to build up his foundation brick by brick, solidifying his grind, delivering as promised & proving that his truly of man of his word. Watch.