Fresh off his quick run up and down the coast, coming out of SD and running through Los Angeles and up to Oakland, the west coast Tan Boy Rossi Rock let’s go new heat entitled “19 and 55” produced by FL!P TRILL as he continues to prepare his upcoming tape Agassi for his awaiting fans. Clearly an avid sports fan, the song’s title pays homage to both Padre’s (baseball) great Tony Gwynn and Charger’s (football) linebacker Junior Seau, who are without questions legends on & off the field in his home town, and inspirations for an arising artist such as himself to do the same. Heavy on the base with his new joint, Rossi breathes easy, spacing and delivering his bars with a calm yet confident cadence. Having caught his performance last month in Los Angeles, the Suav City rhyming representative is clearly on the cusp of breaking through boundaries and barriers that separate the minors from the majors in today’s game. Rightfully shouting out San Diego’s most recognized rap vet OG Mitchy Slick, Rossi Rock’s strong sense & love for his city’s history will be same reason why he will become apart of it.