You have to love an artist like Dubb that wants his music, not his features, to speak for him. This is very rare in the world of Hip Hop these days.
Dubcnn recently hooked up with Dubb and talked about how he goes about setting his goals and re-evaluating them.
Dubb talks about underestimating himself and realizing that pushing himself is a good thing. His just released project, Black Box is the result of his vision and the support of a small circle of folks. He is independent in every way.
Take a few moments and get to know Dubb.
Interview was done in March 2013.
Questions Asked By: Javon Adams
Listen To The Interview Audio Below or
Related Media
Face Of California (Mixtape)
The Departure (Mixtape)
The Layover (Mixtape)
Golden Child (Single)
Black Box EP
Interview Audio
Dubcnn: with a gentleman that you should be checking for; his name is Dubb, representing on the wesctoast. How you doing?
Dubb: I’m doing good man, how you doing?
Dubcnn: I’m doing good man, I’m doing good. I was doing some research on you. Really impressed by your music, and I’m not just saying that because we’re talking. But one of things that really struck me is the fact that you, some of the things you’ve mentioned in previous interviews, is that you’re really independent, in that fact that it’s really just you really pushing. You have a couple of folks that surround you that are really supporting you. I wanted to ask you, what is it like to be able to get people, even if it’s just a few friends, to buy into your vision and to have them support your bourgeoning movement?
Dubb: It starts off, anything starts off as a small circle. My support system started off just by a few friends y’know what I mean, just being around me and seeing how hard I work. And from that, y’know just word of mouth. They have belief in me like I believe in myself. They’ll go around telling people “Hey man, you need to check out my boy” and it just spread like wildfire man, especially if you’re putting out that good material and good visions to go behind that music. It just started off as a small circle and just y’know built just like any big corporation. Like McDonalds started off selling five hamburgers a day, now they billions served!
Dubcnn: Now one of the things that really jumped out to me, and I really respect this for you, I mean you’ve worked with some artists that have names in the industry. So definitely that’s a good thing there. But the fact that you decided to really just focus your project that’s upcoming ‘Black Box‘ [Editors Note: this has now dropped via iTunes] really just on you, and really letting the people get more of you. Talk about resisting the temptation to call in favours or bring some folks that you know, but really just giving your soon-to-be fans what Dubb is all about. Talk about that decision.
Dubb: It wasn’t really a hard decision, because y’know like you said, through my whole career I’ve had features. Basically they got me, but y’know they’d always say it would be a song, and then somebody would hop on the third verse and they would really want another verse from me. It was just basically like a preview of my debut album when I come out because when I come out mainstream and my debut album, I’m not really going to be having features like that either y’know what I mean. So i”m just trying to give the fans a taste of what it’ll be like if my debut album actually came out. I’m not really one of them dudes that really relies on features for you to mess with me y’know what I mean. I really want you to rock with me and my music just based of me and not my resume y’know what I mean?
Dubcnn: I wanted to ask you, how will you measure this project’s success? How do you measure that in terms of taking things up to the next level? How will you know when you’ve accomplished whatever goal that is? Is it number of shows you get? Is it increased social media presence? How do you go about saying ‘goal accomplished now onto the next goal’? How will you do that?
Dubb: I feel like every time I do something, I always make myself go to the next level y’know what I mean. I’m always not trying to stay in the same spot or make the same moves y’know what I mean. Coming into this year I had a six month goal. I had six blogs that I didn’t actually have, I don’t really want to name them, but they’re actually like huge blogs, like y’know what I mean basically they’ve got magazines behind them and all that. You already know which ones I’m talking about pretty much. So I’ve already knocked off like four of those. So I always give myself a goal and a certain timeframe. That way you’re always on the up and up, you’re not staying in the same spot.
As far as this project, man I’m just trying to see where my organic fanbase is, y’know because over the years I’ve been giving out tonnes of free music. I never really put nothing strictly on iTunes. A mixtape would be out for six/seven months and then I would just throw it on iTunes, but this is the only project that I’m going strictly iTunes with to see where I’m at number-wise. I kinda like underestimated myself, because I had my first concert at the Key Club last year, and I was actually afraid that a lot of people wouldn’t show up. And I walked in, y’know and when I came on the stage because I was the headliner – the whole place was packed. Y’know so I can’t really downplay myself. So I basically just want to see where I’m at. Y’know I’m expecting to come out and sell a hundred thousand or whatever just off an EP that I’m putting out. I’m not expecting that. But y’know I just want to see where I’m at with it, and see who wants to take their ten dollars and actually buy music that I’ve been working on.
Dubcnn: OK, I like that man. Now, where can people stay in touch? I was on your website so I’m going to let you plug it. I really think its designed well. A lot of times you have an artist that won’t put the effort into some of the other things that connect people to them. So talk about how people can stay in touch with you, how they can see the videos that you have – I think they’re well done – talk about how people can stay in touch with Dubb. And any last words for
Dubb: OK, to stay in touch with Dubb, my twitter is @itzDubb. Same as my website, my official website its – the same spelling. Plus YouTube and I keep my own website by the way, I mix my own music, everything. We’re basically in-house man. When people say they’re independent, I really mean I’m independent. I don’t even have no distribution. I’m doing this by myself y’know what I mean. Just me and my team, me and my managers, and we doing it like that. But ItzDubb, everything itzDubb.
Dubcnn: Thats whats up.
Get all Dubb’s material right here on Dubcnn with the mixtapes Face Of California, The Departure and The Layover before you listen to the “Golden Child” from the just released “Black Box EP” available via iTunes.